Political Intelligence Profiling

Political Intelligence Profiling


Introduction: To define profiling, it is a process to provide precise information on the traits, characteristics and vices of a person.?Intelligence and political profiling is a broad method to study political leaders and characters. It is a theoretical framework to build a foundational aspect to identify someone’s personal self and intentions. The political leaders are targets for followers, citizens and researchers and profiling them require accurate details when leading a nation. In this paper, we will detail the vices and virtues of political leaders discussing the traits in all its aspects of strength and weakness. Is profiling a leader from distance, an accurate method to evaluate his/her good and bad sides? Can leaders be studied through a system such as a computerized method to distinguish truth from lies? These questions will be answered in this paper to help distinguish if profiling a leader from distance is resourceful and fruitful. Political leaders these days are more focused on their political party, beliefs and differences with the rest of the world leaving the recognition of their ethical circle empty and unpurified. The circle of ethical traits is a major element in a political leader. Generally speaking, it is possible to spot a good trait from a distance, but is debatable to evaluate it accordingly, and in this paper we discussing the political leader if can his/her personal values and traits be evaluated from distance such as feelings actions and reciprocity to political situations. Political profiling can serve good causes, for example; a nation security, accurate reports on social media, historical archiving, etc. This study will assess the different approaches in political profiling according to variance of demographical and psychological aspects of a leader. The study of political profiling is possible and interesting and systematically achieving only if supported with evidence and valid arguments. The study of profiling political characters gives the privilege of (1) analyzing the character according to their behaviors and habits which comes down to being legally accepted (2) according to their actions and decisions (3) according to their psychodynamics and personality. Analyzing and profiling a personality can be challenging due to the environmental and psychological effects. If a leader grew up in a disturbing home, it does not define his/her future potential in building a nation. However; it might affect the internal intention of the gesture that could come from physiological disturbance of childhood or an early age. Three distinctive aspects have been proposed by Stanley Renshon of political leaders shaped by the ability to produce, connect and express[1]. These three crafts determine the skills of mobilization and orchestration to the public and become implemented, if the character is politically well developed. Leaders’ creational motivations define their paths towards leading a nation, by orienting themselves with values enhancement and manners of the state. Another question preserves as what if the political character is low on one trait and potent on the others, as all are essential? Leaders, who lack power of personality and ethical on behavior and traditional self, won’t be able to influence the nations with positive changes or strong accountable settings. This paper will too explain the traits that a leader must carry prior to occupying a political adherence and how to adapt through associating historical views and combining knots with future leaderships. The political profiling was created to provide policymakers or political characters with comprehensive understating in contextual description including cognition, negotiating rhythms and capabilities styles. Therefore, clinical and psychological assessments were created for more accurate diagnoses from distance.??????

Literature Review: Basic personal values may enable people to organize their political evaluations in a relatively consistent manner; they can provide a general structure to political attitudes (Feldman, 2003)[2]. Profiling political characters require extensive observations and measurements from distance and in person. Many methods of testing can participate in creating a historical research and accurate details psychologically and biographically. Methods such as (1) operational codes in observing and analyzing speeches, behavior, reports (2) social media analysis and feedback (3) past and events of the political character such as interviews and personal social life such as emails and phone texts. It is challenging to profile a political character in person due to the ethical and personal concepts of it, and being exposed to the public could jeopardize his/her career on any levels. So it is possible with high percentage to profile a leader from distance using the available tools any camera person has. The challenges that come with viewing this method from distance is the possible inaccuracy when conducting the research, such as false analysis, misinformation and revealing strength and weakness based on the type of the political decisions taken. Profiling has major purposes in political characters can drawing their traits, personal values and issues, simply showing their cognitive side and its dimensions. Studying a person’s life and posing for good and bad traits is similar to studying genealogy attempting to place a slide of blood sample under a microscope. It is a long process with extensive amount of information and data gathering. And without the right tools, the project might fail or continues to be fruitless and unreliable. However; combining traits and values together could cause an ethical damage to a product or an action by leaders. Meaning; if traits are based on values, no conflicts or international battles occur, which are considered out of either political necessity or simply an international decision. Spotting such actions is part of profiling and might be conducted as traits not values. It can be puzzling profiling someone’s based on their action, that’s why is best to use few mechanisms while profiling: (1) reputation (2) professional affiliations (3) accomplishments. The three visionary attributes are highly technical, remote and easily obtained. Reputation is a major element in defining a status to collect well based intelligence contrasting with achievements which could realistically harder to obtain but not hard to notice since it can defined as personal goals towards higher stratum yet useful to investigate. ?Professional affiliations are essential and positively important for politicians to help understand a leader’s thoughts, political beliefs and perhaps future motivations. Analyzing a personality portrays multi layers of definitions and coats. Personality is ‘multiform’ meaning; it consists of fundamentally different shades and elements, as not all personality share the same variables (Murray, 1959)[3]. Studying political personalities is considered one of the oldest and most eccentric researches in the psychology of politics and was inspired by Sigmund Freud posing psychoanalytic theory, which promotes human beings most behaviors to be driven by uncontrolled motivations and inner forces. Profiling a political character from distance requires multiple levels of attention to speaking, acting, observing that involve body language and public appearance. Many studies show that when drawing the research, main elements must be observed then addressed such as: (1) Expressive behaviors on how political characters appear to the public and maintain certain ethical orders, approaches knowingly and unknowingly (2) Syntactic structure meaning; if the leaders are well organized, strong enough to frame goals and a healthy inner congruity and correspondence (3) Temper/ frame of mind, how the leader displays or shows his/her emotions to the public citizens, the predominance of the individuals and the density of control, characteristically and objectively (4) Self-reflection and image are essential characteristic for a political charisma revealed to the public in sense of mannerism and behavior (5) Self and past experience representation, configure one’s confidence in composing all tenses together in terms of achievements, structural work and attitude towards the past and future (6) Intellectual technique; how a leader maintain focus and mood techniques at all times (7) Self-conduct matters to the researchers and the public as they are reflective, and can be used documentaries, motivational symbols to generations and finally encouraging to be voted for if elected y citizens. We have stated that profiling can be systematic and conducted with methodological aspects to any profiling research from distance in political evaluation to a character. These methods seem to be fruitful and successful to political characters writers, evaluators and researchers. As few theorists posed different definitions on personality such as Gordon Allport who categorized personality into 50 definitions[4], stating that any personality can pose in different disposition, for any given situation. As every personality can react differently to the same problem or issue, which indicates that researching and profiling from distance has expanded to multiple layers. Relating to social media as a main element in obtaining fresh accumulated information can be persuasive to a degree, that evaluation could incorrect. Meaning; the extensive exposure to social media could be threatening to political leaders to prevent them from being themselves leading to researches certain confusions and misguidance.

?Arguments and Findings: It is being written theoretically that political leaders can be measured by power and not achievement (McClelland, 1961; Winter, 1996)[5]. In order to profile a political character, proper diagnoses are required such as: (1) Analytical data research is illustrated as a powerful assessment to focus on gathering information, assimilating then analyzing. Due to the available open sources such as social media sites, television and links that displays live speeches, reports, documentaries and other accessible apps, it has facilitated obtaining these data, whether demographical or political views (2) Words interviewing is a powerful analytical method to analyze personalities, mindset and thoughts (3) Testing questions and theory throughout speeches and international decisions and reactions are helpful findings within power over achievement. Another interesting finding and observation is that a political leader can be challenged through his leadership style on an international level if using power to change a standards policy. How to approach or gain control over policy while maintaining authority is an opportunity of life styling a leader to place judgment, gesture, systematic thoughts and olio shapes of character particularity. During the research investigation while profiling politicians, it is majorly important to illustrate vices and virtues, as solutions are always found because of dilemmas. These vices versus virtues can be directive or reactive. Directive and reactive are potentially two factors to identify a leader’s political persona, meaning; creating their focus and potential through their words, patterns, and accommodative differences while ruling in particular situations. Political research business is potentially almost accurate and meets the constitutional standards and laws.????

Conclusions: The results in this paper generously showed measurements of political profiling explaining tools and tips in exploring the keep study of psychological evaluations to a political character. By borrowing the enhancements of technology, open source and the multi psychological analytical sets and using basic gears of reality in human nature. We achieved stable thoughts and research that contains a full biographical assessment supported by encouraging data and information resources and met the eligibility of judgment of monitoring to “evaluate from distance” method. Political leaders are an attractive topic to think of, evaluate and judge, because they are powerful actors who represent nations and international decisions. Profiling has become necessary to the public and history[6]. We have posed valuable questions and used cognition as ammunition to evaluate the target as a self-attribution towards leader’s test beliefs through operational codes, charts and columns of yes and no, in order to relatively base the instrument of reliability and validity of leaders in the political chair. However; we cannot predict political personalities and base research projects at all times especially situations that encounter. The aim of this paper is clarify and share the different aspects of political psychology of character in the political apparatus, and help improve the analysis of accuracy and identify the weakness and strength of un-strategized stages of profiling research. We also conclude in this paper that true leaders will challenge others to better themselves in terms of bettering the nation, by building unity, equality, security. Through achievements and goals, historians and psycho biographic writers can easy profile such achievements and apply them to historical biography. By providing detailed literature and methods, we have successfully proved that any analytical researcher, is capable of profiling a political character from distance using keys of accomplishments, political awareness, strength to solve problems. Through constructing such a profiling system and using well developed professional accents of technology, help breaking down through speeches, reports, documents and interviews and wording proper diction into forming a successful profiling process. Profiling also develops prediction and methods for voters and citizens through understating the leaders’ intentions and potential. Analyzing personalities does not only require tactics, it also requires attentive interpretation to certain reaction to certain situations. As psychologically known, that human have different thought process to certain situations exclusively politicians. Therefore, creating cultural and cognitive system of analogical connotations and annotations for the characters, create the accurate analytical predictions to identify which issues must be addressed and separate from the rest of the traits or non traits[7].

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[1] Griebie, Anne Marie & Immelman Aubrey, The Personality Profile and Leadership Style of U.S. President Joe Biden, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, Psychology Faculty Publications, 2021, pg. 18, 19.

[2]?Winter, David G, Things I’ve Learned about Personality from Studying Political Leaders at a Distance, Blackwell Publishing, 2005, p. 560-561.?

[3] Winter, David G, Things I’ve Learned about Personality from Studying Political Leaders at a Distance, Blackwell Publishing, 2005, p. 566.

[4] John T.Jost & Jim Sidanius, Political Psychology, Department of Psychology New York and California Universities, ISBN 0-203-50598-0 Master e-book ISBN, 2004, pg. 294, 295. ?

[5]??Winter, David G, Things I’ve Learned about Personality from Studying Political Leaders at a Distance, Blackwell Publishing, 2005, p. 578.

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[7] ?Post Jerrold M, The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders with Profiles of Saddam Hussein and Bill Clinton, Article, the University of Michigan Press, ISBN13 978-0-472-02275-5, 2005, pg. 69-70.


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