Political Implications of a Milkyway-Andromeda Collision
Photo by NASA, Milkyway and Andromeda Colliding.

Political Implications of a Milkyway-Andromeda Collision

The Milkyway is set for a collision course with the Andromeda Galaxy approximately 4.5 billion years from now. Galaxies are quickly moving away from the Milkyway as the Universe expands. The closest neighboring galaxy to the Milkyway, Andromeda is quickly moving closer to us. The Milkyway is headed in the other direction into Andromeda.

The intergalactic collision is not anything to be feared, at least by many of us. Assuming or supposing this collision happens sooner than what the astronomers project, the collision would not harm anybody. Intergalactic collisions are not the same as car collisions. It is not the same as a roller coaster collision. It does not result in an explosion. Rather, the two colliding galaxies would create a new expanded galaxy. It has been confirmed and is for certain this will happen in the near or distant future.

My concerns have more to do with what this will mean for humanity and/or earth. My concerns have more to do with the impact of the Milkyway-Andromeda Collision on Politics & Government. I am interested in the political implications of this intergalactic collision between the Milkyway and the Andromeda Galaxy. The Milkyway-Andromeda Collision will create a new earth for humanity and transform the earth and humanity with higher dimensions and higher energy frequencies.

US Admiral Richard Byrd (1888-1957) shared an experience in his diary he had in Antartica. He flew his plane into a cave in Antartica in 1946. He came across a crystal city where he met advanced beings. They led him to their leader, another advanced being deeper into the cave. There, the being expressed concern to Admiral Byrd of the use of nuclear weapons and treatment of the earth by humanity. US military personnel reported extraterrestrials disarming and deactivating nuclear missiles on US military bases.

The US Government placed a gag order on Admiral Byrd, telling him to not share his discovery with others. His revelations were shared with the public after his death. Recent discoveries show the presence of Extraterrestrials in space and on earth. Women and children are reported to have gone missing. The movie industry made and makes Sci-Fi films of aliens invading earth. It is documented the US Government entered into a contract with alien races to allow the aliens to abduct humans in return for alien technology. Other governments entered into similar contracts with the same alien races. The aliens abduct and experiment upon humanity and aliens in their labs.

The Reptilians are an alien species who believe themselves to be genetically and intellectually superior. They believe they are destined to conquer and rule the Universe. They recruited and allied with the Greys to assist them in conquering systems and galaxies and in enslaving civilizations. The United States, United Nations, and other world powers acquiesced power and control to the Reptilians and ceded the earth to these alien species.

The Andromedan star race is a civilization of advanced, enlightened beings. The Andromedans exist in the Third to Twelfth Dimensions. The Andromedan star race is freedom-loving. The Andromedans are puzzled by taxes and the fact we need to "pay to live" on earth, or "pay to play," so to speak. It is estimated 800,000 Andromedans exist on earth. They enjoy nature and the water. Animals are drawn to them. The Andromedans who live on earth value their freedom, independence, and autonomy with a tendency and a desire to live off of the grid. They like to live independent, self-sustaining lives. They could be found owning and running their own businesses and growing their own food. The Andromedans are here on earth to aid humanity in ascending from the Third Dimension through the Fourth Dimension into the Fifth Dimension.

This information is important because Ascended Masters who teach Multidimensionality tell us the earth will ascend from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension. They tell us a Fourth-Dimensional Bridge would bridge the earth and humanity from three-dimensional to five-dimensional. This is where the Andromedan star race comes in. The Andromedans on earth and in the Andromedan Galaxy aid humanity in transcending the Third Dimension and ascend into the Fifth Dimension in preparation for the Five-Dimensional earth.

This Milkyway-Andromeda Collision course is really a portal, acting as a gateway for humanity and earth into the higher dimensions. This collision would change earth and the Milkyway as we know it. Any damage done to the earth, if any at all, would not be catastrophic. The Reptilian dominance over earth and the Milkyway will end with the Milkyway-Andromeda Collision. The experimentation on and genetic manipulation of humanity and animals by the Greys and Insectoids will end with the collision. Abductions will cease.

The Milkyway-Andromeda Collision will end slavery, poverty, destitution, extortion, exploitation. It will end tyranny, despotism, and political corruption. Wars, violence, and human conflict will cease as a result of the Milkyway-Andromeda integration. Nuclear weapons, armaments, and nuclear arsenals will cease to exist. Human-induced disease and illness will be eradicated.

Translated into English, Andromeda means "Rulers of Men." But, the Andromedans are not rulers in the sense of tyranny. They are neither task masters nor despots. Interpreted another way, Andromedans are masters or mentors. Humanity is apprentice and pupil to these Ascended Masters, the Andromedan star race. The Andromedans teach, lead, and guide humanity and will continue teaching, leading, and guiding humanity even as the Milkyway and Andromeda collide.


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