Political Forgiveness Monthly: June Edition
Dr. Eileen Borris
Global Consultant in Political Forgiveness, Multi-Track Diplomacy, Leadership, Conflict resolution, Author, Dynamic Key-Note Speaker
A Message to You
With the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol hearings underway, we need to ask ourselves who we really want representing us and are we willing to do the necessary work to get those people in positions of leadership? Do you want a leader who will agree with everything you say and do or do you want a leader who will do the most good and whom you sometimes may not be in lock-step agreement with but that you are willing to accept? We need to ask ourselves where America's Zelensky is, where are our heroic leaders?? It is important for all of us to be engaged in society and have an understanding of the issues that matter to us. The more engaged people are in society, the better it functions in holding leaders accountable.
For this month’s call to action, spend some time thinking about what you would like in a leader and what is most important to you. You may also want to journal about it, talk to your friends about it or really get clear in your mind about what is important in a leader. You will also see a reference to David Gergen’s book below which can be a good starting point to help you think about what makes a good leader. We can all play a part in how we move forward as a nation and we all have a responsibility to be informed and fight for what we care about.
The Importance of Moral Leadership
What is moral leadership and how do we find moral leaders? I agree with David Gergen, writing in his book Hearts Touched with Fire: How Great Leaders are Made’, when he speaks of leadership as a journey that has to start from within. That thought struck a chord with me and it sheds some light on why leaders behave the way they do when they assume these leadership roles. The way people lead reflects who they are. They need to understand themselves, control their emotions, and master their inner self before they can exercise leadership and be of service to others. These are the elements that develop character, help us grow, and develop a sense of purpose. For a leader, knowing their own values and having the ability to follow their true north in a complicated world is important. This is essential for developing moral courage and moral leadership. The journey starts within.??
When you think of leaders, what or who comes to mind? Some will think of leaders of the past and some will think of the leaders of today, many as possibly not quite fitting the bill. If you think of what you would want a leader to be on the other hand, what comes to mind? Many would say a role model and pillar of the community who has courage and acts, not in one's own self-interest, but in the interest of the community they serve. Moral leadership is important and it is about people making choices for the benefit of others while trying to bring others along with them on different issues. Unfortunately, in today’s world, many leaders are more concerned with their own status and solidifying their own power base than they are with morality, doing what is right for the highest good of all people. We need leaders of moral courage, compassion, and character now more than ever before. The world has no shortage of challenges it is facing and now is the time for strong moral leadership. How do these leaders we need emerge? How do we develop leaders who will stand up, and who will be courageous? There is no simple answer to these questions but there is hope.
From My Desk:
Gergen writes a very inspiring book on leadership speaking directly to those becoming our new leaders. Gergen understands leadership and his book is an invaluable guide to leadership based on wisdom and knowledge. It is an important read for those who can have a positive impact in the US and beyond.
This is a fascinating and powerful read from Mónica Guzmán with a unique perspective on the polarization of our country with encouragement for the reader to actually talk to people, not just about them.
“This beautifully crafted narrative takes you inside the most vexing political divisions and makes them not only seem understandable, but leaves you with even more empathy for the other side. Readers will appreciate the depth of connections Guzmán created with her subjects, and even more so the book’s many excellent recommendations about how to begin to repair our national divide.”
—Dr. Christopher Bail, Head of the Polarization Lab at Duke, and the author of Breaking the Social Media Prism
“This book will inspire you and warm your heart. It’s our best book on this topic. With great wisdom, Monica teaches us the skills to become better people and more patriotic Americans.”
—David Blankenhorn, Co Founder and President of Braver Angels
"People think, love your enemies? That’s for saints—not for the hard-edge reality I live in. But nothing about love your enemies says you shouldn't fight for justice, you shouldn't fight for equity, and you shouldn't work for peace. It does say you will not get there with hatred and contempt. You will not win the battles that this generation must win for our country with hatred and contempt for your fellow countrymen and women. Love your enemies is no longer the strategy for saints: it is the new requirement for citizenship."
Those words of advice are from UNITE co-founder Dr. Timothy Shriver as he delivered the commencement address to Georgetown University's College of Arts and Sciences on May 21, 2022. He also received an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters, recognizing his leadership of the Special Olympics organization, his pioneering work in the field of social and emotional learning, and his most recent launch of UNITE - a movement to promote national unity and solidarity across differences.
In this Vox Conversations podcast, philosopher Lucy Allais reflects on human nature, concepts of power, and the limits of forgiveness. From her perspective as a South African living in the US, she discusses the contours of forgiveness as a political tool to move forward as a polarized democracy.
Check out Civic Season which aims to mobilize us to connect with the past, take action in the present, and shape the future, through activities and events in our neighborhoods, cities, towns and social spaces. We can have a positive impact on the future and Civic Season is about doing just that.