Political Essays on India, Pakistan and Bangladesh




  1. Bengal: 1526-1857
  2. Was Jinnah a bargainer or a politician?
  3. Better late than never    
  4. India: In the Heart of Darkness
  5. Pakistan: Somewhere in the midst of Nowhere
  6. The Reducing Grey
  7. The Firm House Conspiracy: 1885-1971
  8. On the freedom and its aftermath
  9. Being a nation
  10. 1971
  11. Bad Story
  12. BNP : Its Prodigy Over Time
  13. Part 1 : BNP: Its birth History
  14. Part 2 : Bangladeshi Nationalism
  15. Part 3 : Ascending to the power
  16. Part 4 : From cantonment to highway
  17. Gandhi: The man who created religious conflict in the name of religion
  18. Nationality in Hindu eyes and Muslims dilemma
  19. Islam and Politics
  20. If memory does not betray
  21. Who is afraid of Freedom Fighting and its fighters?
  22. Distribution of wealth for the next 25 years: perspective Bangladesh

Bengal: 1526-1857


On, 21st April 1526, the great Mughal Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the battle of Panipath. It was the first battle of the series. Another two battles were also taken place of this historical place of Panipath. Panipath is a small village near Delhi and present day it is an industrial town in Hariana. So far we know through the first battle of Panipath, the rules of Mughal emperor were established in the subcontinent.


The great Mughal Babur reigned from 1526-1530. Babur was a man of blue blood. He was the direct decendent of great Genghis Khan and Timur Lang. Babur’s mission was not completed through the battle of Panipath. But he has completed it through the battle of khanuwa (1527), a place near Agra. In this battle Babur with his great son Humayan who have become a great Mughal emperor after the death of his father defeated Rajputs and remaining Lodi warriors. After the battle of Khanuwa Mughal dynasty got its shape. But it experienced a great shock, after pre-mature death of the father of Mughal emperor Babur in 1530.


Humayan, the son of Babur started his reign in 1530 and continued till 1540. His reign severely interrupted by Suri dynasty. And finally in 1540 he was deposed by Sher Shah Suri. Sher Shah Suri continued till 1545. And Islam Shah Suri came to the power. He continued till 1554. After his death two of his sons Sikander and Adil Shah came to the throne, but were eliminated by Humayan’s restoration. Humayan backed to the power and became able of unify the empire. But he died in 1556 after one year of restoration, and left a unified state to his immature son Akbar. He was only twelve at the time of his inauguration as an emperor. But he got a regent named Barium Khan. He and Barium Khan defeated Himu at the second battle of Panipath on November 5, 1556.


Akbar’s victories during the siege of Ranthombor made his power unparallel and helped him to establish the splendid Mughal emperor. During his reign Akbar established many institutions and promulgated “Din-I-ilahi” a sin created creed derived from Islam. Akbar died on 27th October 1605 and Jahangir came to the power.


During the reign of Jahangir British East India Company established their relationship with the emperor. Actually Jahangir was a reluctant emperor and his wife Empress Nurjahan became the centre of power. At the end of his reign his sons became rebels and competed for power against their emperor father. Jahangir died in 1627. And his competent son Shahjahan, the builder, came to the power.


Shahjahan established many architectural buildings like Taj Mahal, Delhi Jama Mosque, Red Fort, Shalimar Garden etc. Shahjahan finally deposed by his son Awrongojeb, in 1658 and died later in 1666 while living in captivation. Awrongojeb was a deeply practiced Muslim and a firm ruler. In the last 27 years of his ruling, he was engaged to subduing Marathas. Awrongojeb presented “Fatwa-E-Alamgir” and introduced Jijia, a non-muslim tax according to Islamic rule. Awrongojeb died in 1707. Actually this is the literal end of great Mughal emperor.


From Bahadur Shah 1, 1707 to Bahadur Shah II, 1857, an era of one hundred fifty years was ruled by 14 Mughal emperors. But their period was so volatile and highly affected by the rebel and challengers like Marathas, English and many of the local competitors. Ultimately they came to the verge of ruin by repeated wars, and finally removed by the British East India Company in 1857.


Since the time of establishment of great Mughal Empire to their failure in Sepoy Mutiny, Bengal was ruled by many rulers. The first one was Hossain Shahi dynasty. The second ruler of Shahi Dynasty, Nasiruddin Nasrat Shah, was in power of Bengal. He ruled Bengal from 1518 to 1533. Then Bengal came under Suri Empire. Sher Shah Suri (1532–1538) is most famous ruler who defeated Mughals and became the ruler of Delhi in 1540. Then Khidr Khan (1538–1541), Qazi Fazilat (1541–1545), Muhammad Khan Sur (1545–1554), and finally, Shahbaz Khan (1555) ruled Bengal for a short while. After him, Muhammad Shah dynasty (1554-1564) started. Muhammad Khan Sur (1554–1555) declared independence and styled himself as Shamsuddin Muhammad Shah. Then Khizr Khan Suri (1555–1561), Ghiyasuddin Jalal Shah (1561–1564), Ghiyasuddin Shah III ruled. After them, Karrani dynasty (1564-1576) started. Taj Khan Karrani         (1564–1566.), Sulaiman Khan Karrani (1566–1572), Bayazid Khan Karrani (1572) and Daud Khan Karrani (1572–1576) ruled lost the control to Mughal Subahdars (1565–1717). At this stage, during the reign of Akbar, Munim Khan          (1574–1575) (known as Khan-i-Khanan), Hussain Quli Khan (1575–1578), Muzaffar Khan Turbati (1579–1580), Mirza Aziz Koka (1582–1583), Wazir Khan Tajik (1583-1583), Shahbaz Khan Kamboh           (1583–1585), Sadiq Khan (1585–1586), Wazir Khan Tajik (1586–1587), Sa'id Khan (1587–1594) Raja Man Singh I (1597 – 1606) ruled this area. During the reign of Jahangir. Qutubuddin Koka (Sep 2, 1606 – 1607) was killed in a battle against Sher Afghan. (Local history of Burdwan, West Bengal, India says that Qutub-ud-din Kokah died in a battle against Ali Quli Istajlu alias Sher Afgan in 1610 AD. The tomb where both of them were burried is presently under the surveillance of Archeological Survey of India.). Jahangir Quli Beg            (1607–1608) (In early life, a slave of Akbar's brother, Mirza Muhammad Hakim), Islam Khan Chishti (1608–1613) (first governor to transfer the Bengal capital to Dhaka on April 1612), Qasim Khan Chishti (1613–1617) (younger brother of Islam Khan Chishti), Ibrahim Khan Fath-i-Jang (1617–1624) (died in an attack by Prince Shahjahan). Mahabat Khan (1625–1626), Mukarram Khan (1626–1627), Fidai Khan (1627–1628). During the reign of Shah Jahan, Qasim Khan Juvayni (1628–1632), Mir Muhammad Baqir   (1632–1635), (Known as Azam Khan), Mir Abdus Salam (1635–1639 (Known as Islam Khan Mashadi), Prince Shah Shuja (1639–1647) again (1652–1660). During the reign of Aurangzeb, Azim-us-Shan (r. 1697–1712) (receiving the investiture of Khizr). Mir Jumla II (1660–1663), Shaista Khan (1664–1678), Azam Khan Koka (1678-1678) (Known as Fidai Khan II), Prince Muhammad Azam (20 July 1678 – 6 October 1679), Shaista Khan (1680–1688), Ibrahim Khan II (1689–1697). Prince Azim-us-Shan (1697–1712).   


Post Aurangzeb Subahdars includes Khan-i-Alam (1712–1713), Farrukh Siyar (1713–1717), Murshid Quli Khan 1717–1727. Then came the The Nawabs of Bengal from Nasiri dynasty. Murshid Quli Jafar Khan ( 1717– 1727), Mirza Asadullah. Sarfaraz Khan Bahadur (1727-1727), Shuja-ud-Din Muhammad Khan (July 1727 – 26 August), Sarfaraz Khan Bahadur (13 March 1739 – April 1740). Then came Afshar Dynasty. Muhammad Alivardi Khan Bahadur (29 April 1740 – 16 April 1756), M?rza Muhammad Siraj-ud-Daulah (April 1756 – 2 June 1757). Then came Najafi Dynasty. Mir Muhammed Jafar Ali Khan (1 June 1757 – October 1760), Mir Kasim Ali Khan Bahadur (1760–1763), Mir Muhammed Jafar Ali Khan (25 July 1763 – 17 January 1765), Najimuddin Ali Khan (5 February 1765 – 8 May 1766), Najabut Ali Khan (22 May 1766 – 10 March 1770), Ashraf Ali Khan (21 March 1770 – 6 September 1793), Babar Ali Khan Bahadur (1739-28 April 1810), Zain-ud-Din Ali Khan (5 June 1810 – 6 August 1821), Ahmad Ali Khan (1810 – 30 October 1824), Mubarak Ali Khan (1824 – 3 October 1838), Mansur Ali Khan (29 October 1838 –1881 (abdicated).


Then came Nawabs of Murshidabad. They were from Najafi Dynasty. Hassan Ali Mirza Khan Bahadur (17 February 1882 – 25 December 1906), Wasif Ali Mirza Khan Bahadur (December 1906–23 October 1959), Waris Ali Mirza Khan Bahadur (1959 – 20 November 1969) Ashe had no clear successor; title was in dispute and got an end.

Was Jinnah a bargainer or a politician?


In 1909 Jinnah elected in Imperial Lagislative Council. In the First World War Indians sacrifices a lot for the cause of participation in ruling India along with the British. Hoping toward this issue the prime Indian political figures including Jinnah and Sarojini Naidu started Home rule League in 1913. By 1917, the Home Rule Leagues had more than 60,000 members. Then in 1916, the Muslim League and Congress made the Lucknow Pact by which it was agreed that Muslims would have a fixed proportion of seats in an Indian parliament and additional ones where they were in a minority. Both the Muslims and Congress aimed to create a new India which would have Dominion status within the British Empire.


Jinnah’s first big political success was Lucknow Pact of 1916. Historian like David Page claims in his article “M. A. Jinnah and the System of Imperial Control” it was nothing but to strengthen his bargaining power as an all-India Level politics.

Main Features of Lucknow Pact:

  1. There shall be self-government in India.
  2. The same method should be adopted for the Executive Councils of Governors.
  3. The India Council must be abolished.
  4. The salaries of the Secretary of State for Indian Affairs should be paid by the British government and not from Indian funds.
  5. The executive should be separated from the judiciary.
  6. The number of Muslims in the provincial legislatures should be laid down province by province.
  7. Muslims should be given 1/3 representation in Central Govt.
  8. There should be separate electorates for all communities until they ask for joint electorate.
  9. System of weight-age should be adopted.
  10. Term of Legislative Council should be 5 years.
  11. Half of the members of Imperial Legislative Council must be Indians.

But his hopes were nipped in the bud when British Raj has adopted the policy of increasing the political power in the provincial Level. Especially, Muslim majority Bengal and Punjab were highly affected. Actually, the British were not in a state of tolerating interruption in administrating provinces.


For this, in the following year, Edwin Montagu issued what became known as the Montagu Declaration which stated:


‘… The policy of His Majesty’s Government is that of increasing association of Indians in every branch of the administration and the gradual development of self-governing institutions with a view to the progressive realization of responsible government in India as part of the British Empire.’


Following the Declaration, reforms were announced in August 1918 and were eventually put into practice by the Government of India Act in December 1919.


In 1928 Nehru report were published. But Jinnah differed with the report and presented 14 points in 1929 in response of the report.

The Fourteen Points:

  1. The form of the future constitution should be federal, with the residuary powers vested in the provinces.
  2. The uniform measure of autonomy shall be guaranteed to all provinces.
  3. All legislatures in the country and other elected bodies shall be constituted on the definite principle of adequate and effective representation of minorities in every province without reducing the majority in any province to a minority or even equality.
  4. In the Central Legislature, Muslim representation shall not be less than one third.
  5. Representation of communal groups shall continue to be by means of separate electorate as at present, provided it shall be open to any community at any time to abandon its separate electorate in favor of a joint electorate.
  6. Any territorial distribution that might at any time be necessary shall not in any way affect the Muslim majority.
  7. Full religious liberty, i.e. liberty of belief, worship and observance, propaganda, association and education, shall be guaranteed to all communities.
  8. No bill or resolution or any part thereof shall be passed in any legislature or any other elected body if three fourths of the members of any community in that particular body oppose it as being injurious to the interests of that community or in the alternative, such other method is devised as may be found feasible and practicable to deal with such cases.
  9. Sindh should be separated from the Bombay Presidency.
  10. Reforms should be introduced in the North West Frontier Province and Balochistan on the same footing as in the other provinces.
  11. Provision should be made in the constitution giving Muslims an adequate share, along with the other Indians, in all the services of the state and in local self-governing bodies having due regard to the requirements of efficiency.
  12. The constitution should embody adequate safeguards for the protection of Muslim culture and for the protection and promotion of Muslim education, language, religion, personal laws and Muslim charitable institutions and for their due share in the grants-in-aid given by the state and by local self-governing bodies.
  13. No cabinet, either central or provincial, should be formed without there being a proportion of at least one-third Muslim ministers.
  14. No change shall be made in the constitution by the Central Legislature except with the concurrence of the State's contribution of the Indian Federation.

Though the essence of Lucknow pact did not last and Jinnah’s bargaining counter was failed but his quality of leadership made him irresistible. But it is widely accepted that bargaining was one of his political strategies. In favor of the issue, from A. G Noorani’s “Jinnah and Partition”, we can quote that “The evidence is irrefutable that it was a bargaining counter he had to devise because in 1939 the Viceroy kept asking him for a concrete "alternative":

(1) A Working Committee draft of October 22, 1939, spoke of a "confederation of free states".

(2) On January 19, 1940, Jinnah wrote of two nations "who both must share the governance of their common motherland".

(3) Only 24 hours earlier, the draft provided for "a central Agency... the Grand Council of the United Dominions of India". Jinnah dropped it to raise the price.

(4) The Lahore Resolution itself envisaged a centre for the interim period ("finally"), a typical Jinnah tactic for bargaining.

(5) An English friend of Penderel Moon "who knew Jinnah" was told, "in reply to his expressions of surprise at such a dramatic revolution... that it was a tactical move".

(6) There is overwhelming testimony by several of Jinnah's confidants. I. I. Chundrigar, a Leaguer close to him, told H.V. Hodson, the Reforms Commissioner, in April 1940 that the object of the Lahore Resolution was not to create "Ulsters" but to achieve "two nations... welded into united India on the basis of equality".

It was, he added, an alternative to majority rule, not a bid to destroy India's unity.

Jinnah himself told Nawab Mohammed Ismail Khan, one of the few who thought for himself, in November 1941, that he could not come out with these truths "because it is likely to be misunderstood especially at present". But "I think Mr. Hodson finally understands as to what our demand is." (Hodson regarded it as a bid for a set-up on "equal terms" motivated by the fear that Muslims might be reduced to being "a Cinderella with trade union rights and a radio in the kitchen but still below-stairs".)

(7) Professor R.J. Moore's Escape from Empire refers to a file in the Jinnah papers in Pakistan's archives containing his correspondence with Cripps in 1942 on "the creation of a new Indian Union". Significantly, it is still embargoed.

(8) On April 25, 1946, he was offered two alternatives - the Pakistan as it came to be established in 1947 or an Indian Union superimposed on groups of Muslim provinces. Jinnah rejected the first and said he would consider the second if Congress did the same. His own proposals of May 12 envisaged not Pakistan but a confederation.

(9) Mumtaz Daultana, a prominent Leaguer of Punjab, told Ayesha Jalal: "Jinnah never wanted a Pakistan which involved the partition of India and was all in favour of accepting the Cabinet Mission's proposals" of May 16, 1946; which he did.

(10) Documents in Volume VI of The Transfer of Power 1942-47 record top League leaders like Nazimuddin and Ispahani of Bengal, Saadullah of Assam, Aurangzeb Khan of the North West Frontier Province and Khaliquzzaman expressing their skepticism to Governors early in 1946.

(11) Liaquat Ali Khan suggested federation, not confederation, to Stafford Cripps in 1942.”

All the above-mentioned evidences prove that Jinnah’s Pakistan claim was nothing but a bargaining counter. But these are not all about it. If we consider one of Jinnah's fellow barristers’ comments, we see that he is remembered as "Jinnah's faith in himself was incredible.”

Lastly, I want to present a note from the notebook of British Cabinet minister Edwin Montagu, he recalled Jinnah in his memoirs, "young, perfectly mannered, impressive-looking, armed to the teeth with dialectics, and insistent on the whole of his scheme".

No more discussion. It is clear that Jinnah is such a politician who was successful in using his entire political weapon whatever it may be bargaining or others what made him one of the greatest leaders of all time who succeeded to create world’s first nation state “Pakistan” which is first of its kind.


Better late than never


The process of democratization is getting great shock in Bangladesh every year. The opposition creates turmoil and the person on the driving seat tries his or her level best to hold the steering. There is always also a rumor in the market that the army is going to capture the power. The rumor has also so many wings like that the Awami League is selling the country to the neighbor India and the BNP is calling Pakistan and Middle East to tackle the situation, the Jaamat e Islami is going to take the control of the country with their militants like Taliban style and what not. All the gossips create storm in the cup of tea. But nothing happened in the last forty two years. We only lost many of our valuable lives and create loss of our costly assets.


Time passes. But there is no sign of changes till now. Democracy is still an infant in our country. We have learnt some bad manners from our colonial rulers and still nourishing those bad habits. No hope for changes if it goes in such a way. Please think twice. The British spoiled 190 years. The Pakistani spoiled 23 years. We spoiled 42 years. Crimes repeated. What about the country. No hope.


We have still chances in our hand. Think again. Better late than never.      





India: In the Heart of Darkness



India, the most democracy in the world, the second most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, the third largest GDP by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), the third largest standing army with 1.325 million members which is the ninth by the expenditure, the tenth largest economy by nominal GDP is a regional power as well as world’s sixth de facto atomic power.


Having all the records it is lagging behind large number of perennial problems. Since long it is suffering from many of its heretical problems most of which are created by the society. The social hierarchy is still a matter of great concern. Though the burning of a living wife with her deceased husband is no more in vogue and the untouchability was removed by the law in 1947, the dowry system is still like a plague. Every hour women are sacrificed due to dowry most of them succumb death through burning. The land with its distinct geographical location and diversified natural characteristics holds a lot of chronic issues. Many a people with many more views act as per their philosophy, religious belief and cultural heritage. So, the country has got a unique character of a continent. So, it is the only land which is called a sub-continent.


At the age of 2000-500 BCE the nomads from middle Asia and its adjacent regions traveled towards the north and north-west and further to the middle and south of India. This situation deteriorated the then social discipline and created caste system which humiliates the local people and made them “impure”. The oldest scripture of Hindus “Vedas” was written at that time. Actually, that time may be considered as the prime time of social reformation of which the residuals are still borne by the Indians.


Time passed. Some cities got some development. So, High performing companies notice the attraction of the world. Some rich industrialists with some media and sports personalities become the icons. But what is the real picture of the country. I had a 24-day physical visit in 2007. The experience is peculiar. Kolkata is still the city of joy. Nothing changes from the roots there. The whole India is still the largest slum of the world. India is still a country of great mocking.


In 1947, India got freedom which was awarded by the great British as a token of their long suppression. Then the only of their major party Congress came to the power. Since then rulers from various parties ruled this land. But no one tried to change their people from their heart. Only one man tried. He was “Bapuji”. But he was shot dead by the so called “Indians”. India lost its great opportunity to be fertile by “Bapuji”. After his death no one, even his great pupil, Nehru never followed him. Bapuji remained only as a symbol of their freedom as it is maple leaf for Canada. If “Bapuji” alive he must be shocked to see the Indians now a days.


Congress, so called elite political party with the opinion of secularism and a great platform of the rightists in nature, lost its tempo in some last decades. They are engaged in an asymmetric fight with antagonist Hindu dominated BJP, a hard liner aggressive party who wants to establish medieval Hindu cultures in modern India. In their ridiculous fight with their rivals they have been faded day by day. That happened due to their lacking of political fore-sightedness. Now they have salt on their skin. They are not now the so called Congress. They are an ordinary political party standing on a political platform with their other comrade parties. They have created alliance in order to survive. “Bapuji” is not enough for them. What a lot!


The Indian policymakers both from BJP and Congress are always pro active to pass the election hurdle. That is why their policies during the last some decades expressed their inner feelings. I do not want to mention any of the authorities. When they changed the names of their famous cities, they used to satisfy their ill motif by naming them as their ancient status. It seemed to me that India is going back through exhibiting their old cultural paradigm. It is a matter of great regret. Every country should go forward. But things are different. They are showing their nausiia against Hindu aggressive parties but they are patronizing communal violence in order to get the favour of the majority as well as to prove that they are Hindu dominating in mind. What a paradox. It is nothing but a matter of shame. It was the backlash of a nation, a society as well as a country.


It should not be overlooked that some of their cities become solvent in the field of industrialization as well as technology. But this is not all about a large country like “Bharat”. Oh! I forgot. The name of the country is still upon the name of an old lord whoo is also considered as one of their deity in their traditional religion.


I have no need of presenting any data in above to establish their real social picture. They are available everywhere. Women are sacrificing their life against their incapability of providing dowry. They are being burnt alive in fire. The list of communal violence is a matter of great discussion. The poverty lies everywhere in India makes the life of 1.2 billion people vulnerable. Inadequate health care is still a great concern. Terrorism, molestation of lower cast people, malnutrition as well as lack of proper clothing and education hampered this recently a lot. Actually, the amount of GDP is not always all. A country of 1.2 billion people will generate a good amount of GDP but it does not show the real picture of the society. Some people are enjoying the large portion of the total asset. Most of the people of the society are living a miserable life. The reality lies in the silence of thousands of years. The dark side of India really touches of ones heart if he feels it from the very core of his heart. I think I hear the sound of many a crying women who are getting burn into the flaming fire. The off voice of small baby girl who were killed in their embryo. So, What? India, we hope, fights back. India will overcome.




Pakistan: Somewhere in the midst of Nowhere


The only Muslim nuclear power with its declared nuclear weapons is the world’s 36th largest country by area with its sixth largest population in the world. The country is the 26th largest economy as per GDP by purchasing power parity and 45th in terms of nominal GDP. It has the seventh largest standing Armed forces which are considered as a regional and middle power. Irrespective of its Statistics Pakistan is considered as one of the world’s most sensitive country which posses importance due to various geo-political reasons. A tested friend of the world’s super power the USA, Pakistan has always deserved a special attraction of the world’s politicians.

Though the name Pakistan was taken by the Pamphlet published by Chowdhury Rahmat Ali’s “Now or never” where he proposed the name taken from the acronym of five then British provinces, Punjab, North West Frontier Province, kashmir, Sindh and Baluchistan. Actually it was Pakstan and i was introduced for the easements of pronunciation. Chowdhury Rahmat Ali wrote “Thirty million Muslim Brethern who live in Pakstan. This is the myth as well as fact about the “Land of the pure”.

Pakistan achieved freedom on 14th August 1947 i.e., one day before India. Though the country is officially named as Islamic Republic of Pakistan it is widely known as Islami Jumhuriayah yi Pakistan. Mohammad Ali Jinnah, widely known as Quaid-e-azam is the father of the nation and the first Governor of the country. It must be mentioned here that Pakistan is the world’s first nation state. The country was created on the basic of religion. It was the first of it’s kind.

Pakistan’s bad luck started very early after its birth i,e., is after the death of Jinnah on 11th September 1948 i.e., after only one year one month of it’s birth. Jinnah’s Lieutenant Liquate Ali Khan the then Prime Minister, became the centre of the power though Khawaja Nazimuddin Ahmed became the Governor. Liquate Ali Khan was not as efficient as Jinnah and he has no command over the people like Jinnah. So the country was fallen in a deep trouble. The Military power rose day by day. Liquate Ali Khan died on 16th October 1951.

Khawaja Nazimuddin became the Prime Minister of Pakistan and Malik Ghulam Mohammad became the Governor General. Khawaja Nazimuddin died on 17th April 1953. Mohammad Ali of Bogra came to the power but remained only to the 11th August 1955. Chowdhury Mohammad Ali came to the power and remained 12th September of 1956. Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy came to the power and stayed till 17th October 1957. He handed over the power to the first President Iskandar Mirza who assumed this post on March 23, 1956 and remained til October 27, 1958. He became President at the time of Premier Chowdhury Mohammad Ali in 1956 when constitution of Pakistan was adopted and lost the power to the Military General Ayub Khan.

The twist of politics started. The Civil rule was sent to the exile. Ayub Khan ruled Pakistan with an iron hand till his surrender on 25th March 1969 i.e., about a decade he ruled the country. During his period the opposition leaders suffered a lot. Actually, question of creating Bangladesh got a shape during this powered. He was ousted by a mass movement of 1969.

Gen. Yahya came to the power and stayed till 20th December 1971. Then Zulfikar Ali Bhutto widely knows as “Zulfi” came to the power. During the period of Yahya the bloody birth of Bangladesh occurred through a severe freedom fighting. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto stayed till 13th August, 1973 as President and 5th July 1977 as Premier. Actually, Bhutto was the key person and centre of the power since 1970 general election i.e., before the freedom fighting started.

After Bhutto, Mohammad Khan junejo came to the power. During this period Gen. Zia-ul-Hauqe became president and stayed till 19th August 1988. Ghulam Ishaq became the President and stayed till 14th November 1993 and stayed till 2nd December 1997. Wasim Sayed became President and stayed only one month i.e., 1st January 1998. Then Rafiq Tarar came to the power and he stayed till 20 June 2001 when Parvez Musarraf came to the power. He stayed till 18th August 2008 and ousted by people uprising. Miah Mohammad Sumroo came to the power only for 21 days i.e., 9th September 2008. Then Asif Ali Zardari of PPP came to the power. Zardari became president on 9th September 2008.

The Reducing Grey


So far I know, the history of Bengal, later East Pakistan and ultimately Bangladesh is nothing but the collection of some conflicts, contradictions and confiscations. If we look back to the period of 1757-1947, we found so many crucial events such as Battle of Plassey of 1757, Great Bengal Famine1770, Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, Partition of Bengal 1905, Annulment of partition of Bengal 1911, election for Partition of 1947 and so on. If we also look back to the period of 1947-1971, we found another so many crucial events such as language movement of ‘52, United Front election of ’54, fall of the United Front govt. within a very short period, Ayub Khan Regime, Mass Upheaval of ’69 and others. After getting freedom in 1971, for different periods, we did a lot of political deeds which only decry our position in the world map. What a peculiar nation we are? We got drunk from time to time and the whole world look at us with a great surprise and mocking. But we are shameless. We are going on.


On the date of 15th August 1975, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was brutally killed by the outcome of the history. On 3rd August, the historical Jail killing was committed, on the 7th November JSD lead Coup took place and produced Ziaur Rahman, in 1981, Ziaur Rahman died at Chittagong leaving unsolved clues, then Ershad reigned about 9 years and ousted by political uprising, the rising of various terrorist groups during the period of 2001-2005 and the attack of 63 districts by the so called Islamic militants at the same time, grenade attack of Bangabandhu Avenue and so on. We did a lot. We are nothing but brave Bengali nation. We can do anything when anyone can do nothing. It reminds me the so called wise words, “Fools rush where angels fear to trade in”.


The discussion may be long. But it must be the waste of time. Now a day, some people are thinking that they are missing the lion’s share of the national treasures. As they do politics, they should get it. So, it is not the concern for the country. It is the concern for their own interest. They proved it in the past. So, there is no doubt that they will repeat it again.


The issue of Islamization is very negligible here. Some people are thinking that Islam will be established by a so called political party showing inclination to the Islam. Actually, Islamization of a country completely a different thing. Most of the people talk about changing the world but they do not agree to change themselves. The people who are talking about it, themselves are not Islamic minded people. Due to many historical reasons, the Jamaa’t e Islami is not in such a good position to command people whether BNP will never travel on this way. The civilian, actually those who seem very eager about Islamization, will never tread that way. They know very well that for Islamization at first they have to change themselves. But it is not so easy in practical life as to speak only in voice. The society should be a practiced one for the Islamization of the whole nation. The question is simple. Are we ready?

The Firm House Conspiracy: 1885-1971



“Cabinet mission to India - Today’s debate in the commons”

“In the house of commons to-day members of all parties will join in expressing their good wishes to the cabinet mission to India which will shortly leave this country to assist the viceroy in the task, which the government were pledged to undertake in the king’s speech, of promoting in conjunction with the leaders of Indian opinion the early realization of full self-government in India.”

  • Article in The Times (London) March 15, 1946


On the nice day of 23rd March 1946, the Cabinet Mission reached in India. They reached in Delhi on 2nd April, 1946. Actually they came to succeed the stalled talks of Simla conference on June 14, 1945 lead by viceroy Archibald Wevell on where the talks stalled on the issue of selection of Muslim representatives. Till then Congress not only thought that but also tried to prove that they were the representative of Muslims of India though Muslim League denied it vehemently.


On the day of 16th may 1946, the Cabinet Mission declared their plan in order to establish a united dominion India with three groups. One group of Sind, Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, one group from Bengal and Assam. Both the groups were from Muslim majority provinces. The other group would be from Hindu majority provinces in from central and southern India. But the plan was dismissed by the congress due to the question of parity. In order to balance the power in the central.


Congress reaction on the plan on 24th may 1946:

The Working Committee considers that the connected problems involved in the establishment of a Provisional Government and a Constituent Assembly should be viewed together... In absence of a full picture, the Committee is unable to give a final opinion at this stage.


On the 16th June they offered their second plan. The plan concluded a divided India with on part from Hindu majority provinces and another part from Muslim majority India which would be renamed as Pakistan. Congress denied the latter also.


Congress reaction on the second plan on 25th June 1946:


In the formation of a Provisional or other governance, Congressmen can never give up the national character of Congress, or accept an artificial and unjust parity, or agree to a veto of a communal group. The Committee is unable to accept the proposals for formation of an Interim Government as contained in the statement of June 16. The Committee has, however, decided that the Congress should join the proposed Constituent Assembly with a view to framing the Constitution of a free, united and democratic India.


On 15th June 1946, on the eve of declaring the second plan Viceroy invited 14 men to join the interim government.


Congress further reaction on the second offer on 10th July 1946:


"Regards itself free to change or modify the Cabinet Mission Plan as it thought best."


On 29th July 1946, Jinnah denied to participate in the process to form constituent assembly on 12th August 1946. Viceroy offered Nehru to form the provisional government with 12 members. On 16th August 1946, Jinnah declared “Direct Action Day”.


On 12th February 1947 Lord Mount batten assumed the post of viceroy. Actually, he came to India to transfer the power. At least he did it and became the first Governor General of India on 15th August 1947 whereas Jinnah became the first Governor General of Pakistan from 14th August 1947. From the 15th August of 1947 Jinnah held the position till his death on 11th September 1948.


All India Muslim League which was established on 30th November 1906 became All Pakistan Muslim league from 14th August 1947. It was renamed as Pakistan Muslim League on 14th February 1949.



On the freedom and its aftermath


Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returned to the country on 10th January 1972. He found a war torn country of which infrastructure was highly affected by the war. The country was out of production. The Indian army was still here. The prisoner of war was a sensitive issue. The Bangladeshis who were in Pakistan at the time of war was also a factor. The ego problem among different types of freedom fighters created disorder. The socialists tried to direct the country to an alien direction.


Mujib was in a great dilemma. The economy of the country was almost ruined. The gossip of Indian attack was a fuel to the fire. Bangladesh was in need of food, house, cloths and medicines. All the roads were almost damaged. About six millions houses were destroyed. The ports were out of order. The country needs international support and recognition. The war time diplomacy which was led by the USA including Middle East was active. The internal as well as international anti-freedom factors worsen the situation. Natural Pro-Indian political status-quo of the country aggravated Pakistan-minded people to produce unrest in order to ensure their safety. The monotony of relationship among the high ambitious army officials especially Zia, Ershad, the moderate Shafiullah and Mujib-minded Khaled Mosharrof bang the situation.


Only Mujib was their centre. But it was very hard for him to control the whole situation. The great expectations in return of our sacrifice embarrassed him a lot. The conditions seemed to him that he is the guilty for achieving freedom. So, he should provide them all. He will remove all the evils. Actually, freedom of boundary and freedom of mind differs thousands of yards. In case of us, it was the reality. Our colonial cousins put some ghosts into our heart and we still being driven by them.


Actually, we could not believe that we are free. It became very hard for us to hold the situation. Our heart was not ready to hold what we a get through a nine month long war. If we fought like Vietnamese we might be entitled enough to enjoy this achievement. Our mental immaturity killed us from various angles. We surrendered to the plotters. The RAW, The CIA and others took the complete opportunity. Kissinger’s personal defeat turned into political victory. He proved his comment – a bottomless basket. The non-cooperation and greediness from every sects made the country inactive. All the urges and plans from Mujib failed. His 36-points directions did not work. When the country needs to be sympathized, we raped it repeatedly. The country was at the door of being collapsed. At the beginning of 1974 the sign of famine was noticed. The flood deteriorated it. The man made famine left a ravaged land. What a strange country, Selukas!


Mujib loved this land from the very core of his heart. That is why he has no calculation regarding his personal gain and loss. But we had because we loved ourselves. We had expectation that is why we counted what we gained through freedom.






Being a nation



Bangladesh, the name starts from the time of freedom, was always a mysterious land. Its role from the age of yore always attracts attention. It was never completely subdued by any of the kings approached to the sub-continent. The fragile characteristics and sense of freedom of its inhabitants was its both advantages and disadvantages. So, it was very hard to conquer this land and if conquered it was harder to rule this country over. So, the country often remained free from foreign interferes.


But their waving polity got a great shake at the time of entering of the British. They were not like the other rulers like Hindu, Muslims, Afghan or Persian. All the previous rulers were seasonal and actually came to invade, plunder or at best to capture in order to prove their pride and pomp. Besides these, the extension of their territory as well as to follow the norms of Islam regarding Islamization of the nonbelievers. But the British came for a real cause. And that was their business. So, they settled and ruled. They demitted as well as massacred. The event was not an experience of fun. They laughed and killed. They made joke and hit. They hired and fired. They taught how to rule and to be ruled. They were the white British. The grand, the merciless.


We were awkward. We were foolish. We died. We lost. We were raped as well as torn. The country experienced some of all time great famines especially one of that was in 1770 called great Bengal famine. One third of the total population was disappeared. The situation worsen when they lost their control over America in 1776. They became harsher and ran bulldoggers over us. They managed their loss incurred from the losing of their other territories. We were stumbled but nothing to do. The British applied the greatest policy of the millennium “Divide and Rule”. We lost the game completely. In 1947, they awarded us freedom. But it was the greatest mocking of the time. A divided sub- continent.


We had no other way. They created such a salty situation that we had no other way to be divided. There was a deep peril to stay together and the peril became deeper after partition. It was a two sided sword. We drowned. We grabbed. We got our address through a great holocaust. We were ravaged by ourselves. The great British alms. Finally, they planted the tree of perennial crisis. We are still bearing this heritage. The British were over. But the clash is going on.


There is none to tell the truth. There is none to stop us from this horrific debugging. There is none to tell us that we should stop here. A group of people is blaming the other as Indian! The later is blaming the former as Pakistani! We still live in one country. Yes our ancestors also lived here. We, both of us, should think again. What are we doing? In our Parliament it is our common debate. We are used of hearing these topics. We are such a type of guys. We are as usual.


It is still forty two years we have got our freedom. But we are still many unsolved issues. We are always hammering our heads. We never think that years have been passed but where are our changes. Where are our achievements? How funny. We think of ourselves, our survival. We are making our society vulnerable. We are trying to change our history but do not know history can not be changed.























Some well-known figures recently wrote some books. They, sometimes and some how, can be considered as the part of the history. But, unfortunately, they are creating controversies. When outsiders and opponents, like Maj. Gen. Khadim Raja (Retd.) of Pakistan and the then Chief of West Pakistan Army confess in his book “A stranger in my own country” that it was a landslide victory of Bangladesh under supreme command of Mujib, What is the necessity of going to supreme court for the verdict regarding declaration of our freedom fighting. But we had to go. Shame on us for what we are breeding. The history will never forgive us.


Undoubtedly, 71 is considered as one of the greatest freedom fights in human history. So, an event took places over a span of nine months, warrants great attraction to be well described. Started from the 7th of March, after a great speech delivered by the father of the nation, it lasted till the victory of 16th December. It was completely a fight of Mujib himself but his great ability helped him to involve the whole nation. No doubt, among all the knights in shining armor, Mujib is like a moon in the history of the world. His great heart, wide experience, tested sacrifice and unbelievable patience made him fit for discharging supreme commands. The story is a unqualified great tale where Mujib is the unparallel hero. We should portrait the truth.



Bad Story



On the date of 8th November 1998 honorable court declares the verdict of assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The event was not the sweet one for everybody. Some of us took it as a signal against their existence. So, they tried to declare their discomfort by blasted a suicide bomb on 6th March 1999 at the festival of Udichi at Jessore where at least 10 innocent people were killed on the spot. We were used to call it as a symbol of our Islamic revolution but the truth lied another places. After 16th December 1971 that is from the very beginning of our getting freedom we never saw any suicide attack for the sake of establishing Islam. But it happened after a few months of the declaration of the verdict. The matter attracts attention.


If we look back to 15th August 1975 we saw that the culprits unleashed themselves step by step. Khondoker Moshtaq Ahmed lost his undue achievement within a very short while. On the date of 6th November 1975 he was ousted by Khaled Mosharraf and A. S. M Sayem became the president. Things went well when the very date of 7th November 1975 Khaled Mosharraf was killed in the name of a revolution and Zia became free by Colonel Abu Taher. But situation became harder when Zia thought that He had no other way to survive and decided to be harsh to his rescuer. So, he was determined to remove Col. Abu Taher in order to remove the spirit of communism as well as socialism and also his to-be rival in the coming days. History proved that though the soul of Taher killed the veteran General but it is also true that the backbone of the communists were broken at that time.


Zia, a cool brain competent General as well as a politician, took time to be appeared in the scene. He became the Chief of Army Staff on 24th December 1975 that is after some days of assassination of Bongobondhu. Actually he was awarded in such a way. After tackling the shock of 3rd to 7th November he contemplated to finish his existing and to-be rivals. Keeping Mr. Sayem in his position he monitored the situation and completed his job tactfully. Actually, he was the real power powerhouse of the then Government. He became the CMLA on 19th November 1976. And finally the moment came and he assumed the presidency by retiring Mr. Sayem on 21st April 1977. An absolute era of a General started.


He continued as Chief of Army Staff till February 1979 when his obedient General Ershad took the responsibility. Actually Zia did not in need of holding this post no more. He became the elected president by an election held on 3rd June 1978. So, he had secured his position in the mean time. The situation became more favorable after establishing his political party BNP on 1st September 1978. So, all the deeds were done duly. There was no problem to handover the post of Chief of Army Staff to General Ershad in February 1979 when all the problems were fixed and there were none to challenge his power.


But situation changed. Zia died on 30th May 1981. General Ershad, the then power house, did not come to the scene directly. He set up Abdus Sattar as his representative. Mr. Abdus Sattar continued till 24th March 1982 when Ershad became the CMLA and A. F. M. Ahsanuddin Chowdhury became the president. He continued till 10th December 1983 when Ershad took the presidency. A new and absolute era of another General started. He continued till his fall by the upheaval of people on 6th December 1990.


Nothing exceptional till that time. No Islamic movement. Khaleda Zia of BNP came to the power and continued till 1996. But the problems occurred when the verdict declared on 8th November 1998. The attacks started in the name of Islam. So, what about the last 28 years! Where did they engage! What did they do during this long time! Question remained unanswered. They actually lay into the soul of Pakistan where they thought the lay in the past days. Second attack was taken place at Ahmadiya Mosque, Khulna, on October 8, 1999 where Eight people were killed. Diversification in style. A matter then could not be guessed but clear later. Third attack took the life of seven at the CPB rally at Paltan in Dhaka on January 20, 2001. First direct hit in a political rally. The motif is going to be cleared. Islamists wanted to pave their own way and their sponsors wanted to make their way.


The eyesight of the people was catch by the upcoming Islamic movement. So, they were become somehow pleased in their thoughts. But the reality was so far. They were not right at all. There was a deep dark plan. The plan was to save the life of the killers of Bongobondhu, war criminals, the killers of Jail Killing and others as well as finally to kill the rest members of the family of the father of the nation. The plan was going well. More attacks followed. At least 20 desperate and deadly attacks were launched till the date of 21st August 2004 in front of Awami league party office at Bongobondhu Avenue where 23 people were killed mercilessly. The then leader of opposition in the parliament and the president of Bangladesh Awami League Sheikh Hasina had a hair-breadth escape but Ivy Rahman, the wife of Zillur Rahman, later the president of Bangladesh died on the spot. Now if we go through the list of those attacks then it will be very clear to us that they were working to achive a long desired goal.


  1. Ten killed at Udichi function, Jessore, on March 6, 1999.
    2. Eight killed in Ahmadiya Mosque, Khulna, on October 8, 1999.
    3. Seven killed at the CPB rally at Paltan in Dhaka on January 20, 2001.
    4. Ten killed at the Pohela Boishakh function at Ramna in Dhaka on April 14, 2001.
    5. Ten killed in June 3, 2001 at a church in Gopalganj.
    6. Twenty-two killed at the AL office in Narayanganj on June 15, 2001.
    7. Eight killed at an AL rally in Bagerhat on September 23, 2001.
    8. Four killed at an AL rally in Sunamganj on September 26, 2001.
    9. Three killed in Satkhira Cinema hall blast on September 28, 2002.
    10. 21 killed at a cinema hall in Mymensingh on December 06, 2002.
    11. Seven left dead at Falai Peer Shrine, Tangail, on January 17, 2003.
    12. AL Leader Manjurul Imam killed in Khulna on August 25, 2003.
    13. Five killed at Hazrat Shahjalal Shrine, Sylhet, on January 12, 2004.
    14. Journalist Manik Saha killed in Khulna on January 15, 2004.
    15. Fatally injured in a bomb attack in Khulna on February 5, journalist
    Shaikh Belaluddin succumed to injuries on February 11, 2004.
    16. Three killed at Hazrat Shahjalal Shrine, Sylhet, on May 21, 2004.
    17. Journalist Humayun Kabir Balu killed in Khulna on June 27, 2004.
    18. One killed in a cinema hall in Sylhet on August 05, 2004.
    19. One killed at the mayor's meeting in Sylhet on August 07, 2004.
    20. Twenty-three killed at an AL rally in Dhaka on August 21, 2004.



What do we see? The list is crawling. It is crawing towards a old target in disguise. They tried to engage our thoughts in a different corner. But the truth is the truth. It reveals itself. Finally they attacked their target. Please think twice. In our sub-continent no movement were happened for Islamization. Islam was established here by the dedicated saints. They did it through a peaceful way. No bloodshed. No blast.









BNP : Its Prodigy Over Time


Part 1 : BNP: Its birth History



Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) was born in among great turbulent situations of 1976-1977 which a new country like Bangladesh had never faced. On the eve of the 16th December 1977 in his presidential address to the people for the victory day Zia announced that he is going to form a new political front and invited political leaders to join in this front. Meanwhile he was meeting leaders from different political parties separately and sought their opinion regarding the process of democratization. On the very day of 23rd February 1978 he declared his pew party “Jatiyotabadi Ganotantrik Dal (JAGODAL). Zia’s popular 19 points programme which he justified by a referendum on May 30, 1977 helped a lot. Zia declared presidential election on 3rd June 1978. After the victory Zia set his mind to form a wider political alliance with all the democratic nationalist forces. Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) was formed on this notion on 1st September 1978. The previous JAGODAL merged into BNP.


BNP actually rose against the concept of Bangalee Nationalism in order to establish Bangladeshi Nationalism. It rose to establish communalism against secularism. It rose against the myth of Indian domination. Many people believed that it was nothing but the activities of the shadow of the Pakistan and the support of Islamic world. Whatever might be the myth and reality it was true that BNP was born. It was born to fill a vacuum of time and necessity. It was the child of the time. It was the demand of the situation. It was the result of a good number of mistakes and misleads by their political predecessors. The then people might be right or wrong. It may be justified in the context of the time. But now its activities should be accordingly.


But what happened. They failed. They failed to establish a solid political ground - a sacred and sacrificed political altar where their political faiths and formalities may be stood up. In the current of the time their slogan became fade. It was turned to be a party of the beneficiaries. The main goal of the party failed and the people rejected them as they rejected others. We should keep it in our mind that not the name but the works last. They forgot this truth. The opportunity they got was lost. Who was guilty? The leaders, who were within the party or the people, who supported them blindly but never said the truth that the strategy was wrong. Yes, it was that legend that time is the best healer.





Part 2 : Bangladeshi Nationalism



In Bangladesh, the concept of Bangladeshi Nationalism was established against the concept of Bangalee nationalism. But this was not all about our nationalism. In the subcontinent the Bengal was the vital place where the root of nationalism engraved by the revolutionary activists during the period of 1905 to 1910. Though the concept of nationalism was arisen both in the minds of moderate politicians and revolutionary activists during the same period it was true that the revolutionary activists were successful to show it as a matter of fact. Revolutionary activists, especially Aurobindoo Ghosh, considered it as a religion. But his religion did not mean so called religion. Actually, it was nothing but a principal for him which acts like a religion in human life.


In Bangladesh, the concept of nationalism, Bangalee or Bangladeshi, whatever it is, highly interacted with the concept of religion. For Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founder of Bangladesh, secularism is the key factor of his Bangalee nationalism and according to his view; secularism is not the state of absence of religion. It means no one will use religion as a political weapon. It is quite different from the basic western idea of secularism where secularism means the separation of politics from the church and that is why the term secular was derived from the term “saeculum”.


But for Zia’s Bangladeshi nationalism, it was the complex composition of secularism and religious concept. Zia did not declare Bangladesh as an Islamic country but Islam as a religion got a priority over all the religions and he introduced Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim at the beginning of the constitution.






Part 3 : Ascending to the power


After the tragic assassination of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the late night of 15th August 1975 the then chief of Army Maj. Gen. Shafiullah was relieved and the then Deputy Chief Maj. Gen. Ziaur Rahman well known as “Zia” was promoted to the Chief of Army Staff. Actually that was the rise of the real power of the Bangaladeshi nationalists. After a 90-day puppet government of Moshtaque, Khaled Musharraf couped on 3rd November 1975 and made Justice A. Sayem the President on 6th November 1975. Khaled Musharraf then was murdered by sepoys in a counter coup led by Col. Taher on 7th November 1975.


Justice A. Sayem, the choice of Khaled Mosarraf, remained unchanged and also deposed as the president as well as Chief Martial Law Administrator (CMLA). Zia became one of the Deputy Chief Martial Law Administrators. Soon after Zia took over the CMLA on 19th November 1976 and Justice A. Sayem continued as an ornamental President. Zia became the president on 21st April 1977 retiring Justice A. Sayem. Zia then declared to form a party on 16th December 1977 and formed his party JAGODAL on 23rd February 1978. The presidential election held on 3rd June 1978 helped Zia to become the eleceted president of the country by defeating General M. A. G. Osmani and thus rose to the zenith of the power. After ascending to the power Zia formed the BNP on 1st September 1978.


Part 4 : From cantonment to highway


            In 19th November 1976 Zia became the CMLA and 21st April 1977 Zia became the President of Bangladesh. He then formed his political party JAGODAL on 23rd February 1978. He was also elected President in the first election of 3rd June 1978. He then changed his political strategy and formed BNP on 1st September 1978. All the events were the consequences of time and history. They also may be considered as the paradigm of our cultural heritage. But the situation changed when Ershad resigned and the election of 1991 took place.



The picturesque of the election got a surprising turn and BNP came to the power with a majority. That was real enjoyment of power which started on 20th march 1991 and lasted till 30th March 1996. Actually, it was also the time of mistakes and misleads. That is why they failed in the election of 1996 and sent them to the out of court for five years. That was the first time they came to the highway in order to be restored in the power. They were successful in their first fight and again came to the power on 10th October 2001 and remained in the power till 29th October 2006. But they lost the tempo and grossly mismatch the economy of the country which helped the country to be happened 1/11. After two years of uncertainty they were jolted out in the election of 2008.            





Gandhi: The man who created religious conflict in the name of religion


Gandhi, the most pronounced name in Indian politics, was not in India till 1915. At that time he left South Africa permanently in order to be setteled in India. Though he made a mess in South Africa but he was an alien in India due to his twenty-one year long staying in South Africa. During his absence, two important events were happened. One was the rise of congress and the other was the birth of Muslim League. Gandhi, after returning India, was seeking a space for him. But there was a little opportunity. Hindus and Muslims were in amity and the Lucknow pact made it stronger. Jinnah, the secular and constitutional in belief and the sun of then Indian politics, was shining at the middle of the sky. A religious orthodox like Gandhi had no opportunity to show him. So, that clever man tried to find his way in an alternative method. The method was nothing but the old Hinduism in a new packet dubbed as “Gandhibad”. But his try was fallen in vain. The aristocratic congress leaders did not eat his religious bait and he remained unsung. The he had a little success in the peasants of Champaran and Kheda and the mill laborers of Allahbad but it did not make any all Indian image rather than a regional success. But opportunity came to him. In the year of 1920 he had got the chance in the field of Khilafat movement. He tried to attract his congress Hindu brothers through the successful movement by Muslim fanaticism in the name of Khilafat.


A totally alien and irrelivent issue for Indian Muslims. Khilafat was a matter of Turkey and it was turn down by a Turkey military man Kemal Ataturk in 1923. Actually Khilafat movement in India and its worthless authoritative nature disgusted Kemal Pasa and he did not make late to vanish it. Whatever happened to the Caliph of Turkey Sultanate and what be the fate of Khilafat movement in India, Gandhi was benefitted in full length. He was successful in attracting his Hindu brothers to his non violence non cooperation method and raised at the zenith of the congress. He gained retail popularity among the illiterate Indians. He also occupied the top position of Home Rule League and made Jinnah out of this organization. Its founder Anne Besant already left this organization due to same controversy on religion. The darkest chapter of Indian politics started in such a way. That was the actual parting of the way of Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi, the so called saint, eaten up his own political personality. He had become a reckless driver without any well defined political thoughts and ways. According to him, he was directed by the light of the heart. India, the world’s most sophisticated multi religio-political area, was driven by such a man who had no such a political philosophy which might be suited for all. He had no political guideline where one can find the way of swept out the British and then the people of all walks of life can live in amity, peace and prosperity. Actually, it required such a man who was able to find his way in the dark jungle of Indian politics. Jinnah was such a type of man. But he was sent to the exile. The constitutional man and the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity were rejected. What a great comedy of errors of history.  



























Nationality in Hindu eyes and Muslims dilemma



The Muslims who worked for rising and establishing a Hindu India was the real nationalist in the eye of every Indian. But what should be the reality. For a Muslim it is his or her duty to respect and love his or her country. It does not mean to nourish the growth of any specific religion. But due to their majority they thought that Hinduism is the synonym of nationality.


Though many people thought that in ancient India Muslims were alien and nothing but an invader. But the Muslims never thought that. They were conscious about their status in the sub-continent. They always kept it in their mind that they ruled the soil of this sub-continent over seven hundred and fifty years. They thought it as their native land. This feeling was also the root cause of the sepoy mutiny of 1857. The Muslims hailed their hands and hoisted their flag and raised the sleeping people of the sub-continent. Though unsuccessful but it proved the feelings of Muslims living every nook and corner of India. So, it was proved that for Muslims the nationality was the liberty of India but for Hindus it was nothing but Hinduism.






Islam and Politics


People frequently argue on the issue of Islam and Politics. It is really meaningless to separate politics from Islam. Islam, which is not only a bundle of so called formal religious ritals, came to this soil as a complete code of life. Politics is nothing outside its coverage.


Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) had the first Islamic state in Medina. From then the Islamic world was enlarged by the winner Ummaid and creative Abbasid. About one thousand years the world enjoyed its glorious expansion and tasted the fruits provided by them in all spheres of life.


So, what does one want to mean by mentioning politics in Islam. Nothing is different. Only Islam is the political philosophy of any Muslim.


So, there is no other way than Islam for a Muslim. The Worldly View of a Muslim is not ignored in Islam. Rather than Islam is the final way of maintaining earthen life for any Muslim.








If memory does not betray


Since we lost the battle of Plassey, we were in the grip of the white British and it remained for one hundred and ninety years. Though Bengal always had an individual image it is said that the whole nation of sub-continent became united under British rule for the first time and the concept of Indian nationalism was also arisen then. Many of the British elites believe that there was no India before the British rule. So, we were as the other nations were in that time.


But when the question of change came in 1905 in the name of divide of Bengal our west Bengal counterpart cried a lot and shed crocodile tears in the name of love and affection. history and heritage, feelings and bondage etc. We did not mind. It might be happened. We felt them. Still feel them. It does not matter. But in 1947, when the question of divide came for the second time they voted against our unity. They remained with greater India rather to be a part of Bengal. Thus the Bengal lost its virginity for the first time in a real sense. So, we can say that in a gross sense if the Bangalee nationalism means the unity of the brethren of the two parts then we can claim that it died in the summer of 1947. So, why do we cry for it?


Then a question may arise there – Is the question of Bangalee nationalism dead? or, Is it a vague and obsolete concept? No. Never. Remember, Bangalee is a nation remained and still remains, before or after, Bangladesh. The geographical boundary may change and also changed in the past. The concept of nation-state may change and get any new dimension in the course of time. But the Bangalee nation will remain till the last days of this world. So, it will not be a wise job to ignore this legacy. In the context of modern world which is highly affected by religio-politico concept the boundary concept often fails to maintain its limit and fulfill its necessity. Above all, the concept of globalization put the last nail to the coffin of so called boundary based nation-state concept. Though we are in modern age we are highly directed by the religio-politico concept which is looked like ancient or rather than the scenario of medieval age. But it is the reality of the time. The world is going on in such a paranormal way. We are the result of this psycho-religio theory of the west. The land of Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Nigeria, North Korea, Iran and many more countries which are the guinea pig of this theory know it very well. Even they do not what are their faults. Innocent peoples are dying in order to prove ones superiority over others. Is it the physique of nationalism? So, there may arise a question then – What is nationalism? We do not know. It may be the heat of the passion regarding religion, state, economy, military power or any other thing which is still undefined. May be the time will clear all the obscurity regarding this. We believe that our nationalism is the interaction between the concept of Bangalee nationalism and Bangladeshi Nationalism. Whatever we think we do not deny it. We should not deny it. This is the reality.



Gandhi Vs. Revolutionary Activists


Gandhi’s return from South Africa and Gandhi’s emergence in Indian politics in 1914 had changed the course of history. His non-violent non-cooperation movement (1920), civil disobedience movement 1930 and Quit India movement 1942. set forth three pillars of all time Indian history and finally made him the father of the nation. But was this all about the Indian politics? Is this the only proof of achieving the freedom of India? Is this the only platform where we could gather ourselves for paying respect to the martyrs of the long way of freedom fighting? If that is all then where we keep places for Syed Ahmad Shaheed, Titu Mir, Hazi Shariat Allah, Sepoy’s of mutiny of 1857, Vaghat Shing, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Master Da Surja Sen, Khudiram and others.


No matter. We just leave them for a while. But when we want to start our discussion regarding the freedom fighting and the historical role of Gandhi then our mind went to the year of 1920 and then also went to the year of 1905 when the Bangla was first divided and first real opposition to the English was exhibited and the revolutionary activists under the guideline of the nationalist leader Aurobindoo Ghosh. Actually Kolkata was the Capital of India till 1911 when due to Swadeshi movement the British transfer its capital to Delhi and deprived Kolkata in order to made them less influential in Indian politics. Kolkata was the center of all administrative power. The Swadeshi movement gave them united Bangla but experienced them losing the capital city that made more harm to the India and its future. In Delhi the heart of India fell in the hands of Brahmans and they avoided the interest of the rural Indian people. That is why India remains same, as it was hundreds years ago. It is still a nation in making. It is always searching its way of being out of this horrible.

























Who is afraid of Freedom Fighting and its fighters?



There are many people still alive and exist in this bloodshed land of martyrs who feel nausea to the talk of freedom fighting and its fighters. It seems to them that be a freedom fighter was a curse for anybody. To not to attend in the freedom fighting is one kind of fault and to show negligence and abhorrence is another kind of offense. Both of the issue should be punishable.


May be there was a lot of misunderstanding after liberation war but it does not mean that it undermined our great freedom fighting. A war of nine month which took millions of lives and gave us freedom since 1757 when we lost our freedom to the British at plashi for the last time can never be faded as easily as some people think. How they became so aggressive at the talk of freedom fighting. Who gave them such type of idiotic permission? So far we know no one gave it to them. It is their idealistic view which is not only against freedom but also effective against every step of national progress. It is the right time to stop them. They should feel that living in this country is to humiliate the achievement of our martyrs.


Please don’t do this. Time may not remain always same. Then it will be dangerous for you. Learn from the history. Be corrected form mistakes and misleads and try to be a citizen of this country by heart. Then it will be better for both of you and your next generation. Otherwise nation will send you in exile.



























Distribution of wealth for the next 25 years: perspective Bangladesh



The economy of the country is expanding day by day. It is a good sign of course. The growth of the GDP is 6% to 7% varies from time to time. We have the aim to raise it 10% within 2021. I believe it is possible. We are in a good position now from various sides. Our economy is much more stable then it was in any near past. Our garments sector is doing well. Our wage earners are performing better in the foreign countries. So, foreign currency reserve is satisfactory. Our other domestic sectors are also doing well. Export & import are in a vibrant condition. Besides, there are huge demands in our local markets. Opportunity is being created day by day. In power sector, we have done some revolutionary activities. In transportation, we are now in a comfortable position. Our small and medium enterprises are being run satisfactorily. Due to taking proper measures for controlling fraud and forgeries harmful organizations like Destiny and Jubok or Hallmark are being controlled . It makes better flow of our money. The surplus unit of our economy is coming to the proper channel.


Yes, till now, there are still some hassles and will always remain but it is not the all we always want to consider. In every economy of the world there are some draw backs. It is natural. But it is mention worthy whether we are in a positive side or not. I think we are in good condition. The situation will be changed in the coming days with a more positive manner. How cum? I hope when our Padma Bridge will come into visibility, our Rooppur Atomic Power Plant will be into effect, our Rampal mine coal power plant will start generation of power, our Mongla Port will be connected through train, our deep seaport will be in function it will be a very good and comfortable position for our economy. The per capita income of our country will be raised to a significant amount and the people of the country will get a better life than they imagine.


We all know that the basic needs of our economy have already been ensured. We are self dependent in agriculture. We are enjoying a very good road communication system all over the country. Our education system is being run properly. We have no power failure now a day. we are leaving a better life than any other decades. The purchasing power of our consumers is being as high as we cannot imagine. People are enjoying their life. They are traveling every nook and corner of the world. The life is now in a street car named desire. Desire for being a member of developed countries like Europe and America. It is not impossible for Bangladesh to be there. The possibility is nearer to China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore or latest emerging Vietnam. We hope one day we will touch our zenith. The time is not so far.


Now, above all, some questions have always come to my mind. What will be the distribution of wealth in the next 25 years as the distribution of wealth is one of the most serious issues. We should think of it because we are concerned of our wealth. Now a day, we are investing a lot in purchasing land and flats. The price hike in this sector is significant. Some areas of our mega city are enjoying this price hike. But if it happens (surely it will happen) then there would be a bypass which will direct us another new areas which will be important in the coming days. Then what will happen to this investment. They might fall in the risk. It might not be happened because of scarcity of our land in comparison with our purchasers. We have large population with a good number of financially sound and solvent corporations and individuals. So there will always be a crisis in this area. The small area like Banani, Gulshan, DOHS (old and new), Baridhara, Niketon and Dhanmondi is not enough to fulfill the demands of the land for our aristocrats. So there might not be any disasters in this regard.


But we should enough space of thinking about our middle class standard housing program. They are growing very rapidly with both price and demand. What will be the situation when it will reach its zenith? The ultimate fall. What will be the future of an investment in a flat with a cost of Tk.3.50 crore. Our economy is being doubled in every six years. So, where will it reach in the coming days? We should think it now.


We should control the indicator of our growth. The method of growth of our economy should be made precise to get proper result. For many corporations, it seems natural that their growth has been shown as 100% or above. Is it possible? It creates undue competition and create trembling situation. Such a situation brought disasters to our capital market. It was a great shock to our economy. The economy should be handled in a good manner. It should be treated with perfection. This should be done to save our national interest.


We should think again and again before any disclosure. We should keep our eyes in every factor. Any fabrication on behalf of any of our corporation or individual should not be tolerated. Proper taxation, realization of VAT and excise duties should be ensured. Think twice before doing any job. We are in a bullet train now. So any fault can make a great mess.


Finally, I want to say that I only tried to present some facts and figures. I only wanted to present some opinion and assumptions which is only of my own. These are not all. There are thousands of factors working in an economy and in such a growing economy like Bangladesh it is affected by many more factors unlike many other stable, poor and slow economies. So as we are on the hot sit, we should be more cautious. We should think of our economy not on the context of the present but also it should be considered with an intuition of next 25 years in order to make it risk free. To anchor in a safe harbor. we have no alternative to handled it with care.






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