Political Correctness - I've had it up to . . .

Political Correctness - I've had it up to . . .

One of the issues that many people are concerned with today when it comes to integrity-based communication is political correctness.

Political correctness (PC) Defined - relating to or supporting the use of language or conduct that deliberately avoids giving offense, e.g. on the basis of ethnic origin or sexual orientation.  

“I would add that we could include dozens more examples to this definition given current political, social and various trends that are having a tremendous influence on what we can say, who we can say it to and trying to avoid offending literally every human on the planet.”

Think about it for a minute – even comedians can no longer pick on gays, obese people, Catholics, Jews, African Americans, illegal immigrants, the elderly, Democrats, Republicans etc. etc. etc. without putting their career in jeopardy.

As a writer (80 books and counting) I have a choice – say what I feel and believe (doesn’t mean it is right or wrong, good or bad or relevant or not – it’s just me expressing myself without degrading others) or editing every word or paragraph to ensure I don’t upset you or anyone or everyone.

One of my heroes had very little PC – He once said, “If there is no malice in your heart then there can’t be any malice in your words.” I miss you, Mark!

I will guarantee that whatever you read or hear that sooner or later you can if you choose to, take whatever another person says – personally. It happens trillions of times every day – someone offends someone – their spouse, kids, employees, customers or a total stranger.

Yes, there are many nasty, prejudiced, opinionated and judgmental people in the world but the question remains – If I can’t say what I feel or believe without offending others or everyone or even a select few – the answer is simply - sooner or later I will just stop talking.

I don’t mean to imply that we should not be sensitive to the lives and circumstances of others but come on – if someone has to think about everything they say before they say it – well – you are only getting words and feelings that are artificial and not in any way accurate or related to their feelings, experience, education or beliefs and values.

You have a right to your opinions etc. – the problem is – I don’t have to like them or agree with them but that doesn’t mean you now have to keep them to yourself.

We have been told we need to stop calling people “illegal immigrants” so we don’t offend them – but that’s what they are - people who have come to the US illegally. So, what do we call them – unwanted guests? People who want a better life? International wanderers? Worldwide visitors.

I will all bet guarantee I have offended at least one person so far as they are reading this article. Their opinion – “how dare you, Tim. You are just a racist.” You don’t know me and have no right to judge me just because I may express myself in a way that you disagree with. It’s simple – stop reading, spread rumors about me – whatever – but in the end if we lose the ability to share our opinions or values simply because others can’t handle them – trust me – we are in serious trouble as a society or even a race (that’s the entire human race – just so you don’t get confused).

What about obese people (no disrespect to them as many of them may have medical conditions that contribute to their condition). Do we call them – unfortunate overeaters? Sugar lovers? Nice big people?

Or what about old people. Friendly codgers? People who have been here a long time? Older young people?

I could go on with these silly examples, but I have either - offended you, you are laughing, or you could care less and have skipped this section or even the rest of the article.

Sooner or later we will all be offended by the words of others – get over it and just choose not to take these comments or words personally. It’s called maturity and growing up folks.

Having been in front of over a million people during my career as a speaker I am confident there have been hundreds who didn’t like what I said or how I said it – again – get over it. There was no evil intent – just me being me – yes playful sometimes, mischievous sometimes, stupid sometimes - whatever.

I was a greeter at the early service in my church for over 20 years. The average person who attended this service is over 65. Each morning my goal was to make everyone feel welcome and yes, laugh. I’ll bet there have been a few newcomers who came for the first time and couldn’t believe what they heard come out of my mouth. Let me default back to my mentor Mr. Twain, there is no malice in my heart – ever.

You can agree or disagree with this whole issue of political correctness, but I have to tell you – if we keep increasingly worrying about offending anyone or everyone with what we say - sooner or later we will start offending dolphins, cats, ants, and birds. Sound ridiculous? Well, just listen or observe how the media, government and various organizations are trying to force us to only speak in certain ways when it comes to other groups, individuals, situations or life in general.

Enough is enough folks – grow up.

Now that I have that off my chest I’m sure some of you will now respond, vent, express yourself, share – whatever.       


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