Be Polite, Even When Others Aren't
Treat others with politeness, even when they’re rude. Not because they’re nice; but because you are. Kindness and politeness should be taught to everyone, from your early years by your parents, family and friends. Even by your teachers and pastors. I wish Miss Manners, could be taught in the classroom. Having good manners and being polite, is one of the most important factors of contributing to society and survival. If you learn manners, you can be taken anywhere! It's one of the the most important things you can learn to get ahead in this world. It's one of the most valuable assets that you may possess in the world. Be kind, show politeness, even when it is not warranted. That's what true class is all about. Pick up a Miss Manner's book. Read it, and teach your children. It helps in everything you attempt!
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