Polish Political Landscape - The Country in Turmoil
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Believe, or not, under the shadow of many contemporary global issues, such as the war in Ukraine, post-Covid and Brexit dilemmas, or the more recent full-scale conflict in Gaza by Izrael, a lot is going on in one of the biggest countries in Europe and very important economy to the European Union project. Just as the title of this article indicates, it's Poland, and especially current shifts in the government.?
Recent elections overthrew the Law And Justice Party (PiS) which was in power for the last eight years. With highly conservative and pro-Christian values became a nightmare for the liberal European Union, but also for many people in the country. Law And the Justis Party stood strongly for Polish interests and development, and did not necessarily bend on every desire of UE politics and overall business policies, especially those which signed treaties did not include.
Three major disputes were strong?no?for EURO as a currency in Poland - till the point Poland would not catch up with the life and earning standards of Germany, or France - for which PiS sood;?No?to illegal migration and enforced resettlements of migrants from Africa and Arabia in European countries during the migration crisis years (this includes also recent and ongoing hybrid war tactics run by Russia and Belarus on the border with Poland, and other EU countries with the use of created migration crisis); And the more recent, was?no, to the closing of mining and power plant in south-west Poland, even with 1 million Euro penalty daily set by a single judge in CJUE (Court of Justice of the European Union).
The migration crisis became one of the key features of their popularity, but also something which finally could shift the voters of the PiS party. For contradiction, this was for their lack of 'correct' immigration policies related to millions of Ukrainians taken for protection and under the full social system of Poland during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, up till today. Large numbers of Poles complained that Ukrainians have more rights and privilages in Poland at this moment than an ordinary Polish citizens. Another contradiction was that the European Union did not provide a single 1 Euro for the support of the Ukrainian war refugees (counted in several millions) to the Polish government, but at the same time threatening with penalties of 20.000 Euros for a single refugee/migrant from Afro-Arabia regions in refusing of?distribution?of this modern day slave trade campaign.
The issue of mining and power plant in Turów was very controversial. Responsible for nearly 8% of the country's energy sectors plant is located in a very competitive mining region, and neighbouring other coal mining firms run by Czech and German companies - operating at a very close distance at the same time. Turów mining plant became a strong point for the Law And Justice Party (PiS) government to secure the country's energy needs. All this was happening at the time of the upcoming (profitable to some) energy crisis, created by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the global sanctions on natural resources from Russia on which EU countries were building their economy over the last decades.?
Those would be just several major conflicts on the line between the EU and the Polish Law And Justis Party (PiS) government. It would be easy to mention few other topics that have warmed up the media and minds in recent years, but this is not the priority for this article. The priority is to pinpoint very strong challenges and changes in geopolitics/ideological shifts that are taking place in the country located - apparently unfairly by might will - between two biggest, and historically most aggressive powers in the European continent, Russia, and Germany. Modern politics and memberships in the EU, or NATO, made Germany a close ally of Poland and a strategic partner in many aspects. On the other hand, and against all political desires and business plans, Russia it's a threat. A country to which Poland is not attached by any international treaties, and a country that became a clear potential military aggressor. Something which took a defined reshape with the Polish military and financial support for Ukraine during the brutal Russian invasion of Kyiv and massacre of civilians and civil infrastructure.
Law And Justis Party (PiS) were known for their?Russophobia, described by many in the country, as well across Russia and Belarus state media and political commentators. A large part of this 'phobia' came mostly from the tragic accident (an act of sabotage described by the national commission in Poland) where the top government officials, including President Lech Kaczyński, and all major military generals, lost their lives during the plane crash in Russia.
Nearly a decade after this national tragic incident, polish national property - the presidential plane - is still under Russian control and has not been given back for a full inspection to Polish authorities. The Donald Tusk government (early-stage prime minister at the time) took a very naive and bullying position with Russians. Many suggest this was done in favour of the Russia and EU natural resources deal, and against the Polish national interest, for which he was supposed to stand as a prime minister. This act became a long-term battle between the Law And Justice Party (PiS) run by the twin brother of President Lech Kaczyński, Jaros?aw Kaczyński, and Donald Tusk PO Party (Platforma Obywatelska) known as a pro-EU party and in favour of general federalisation of European Union. Several individual politicians in the Tusk government (PO Party) were dipped into big corruption scandals, as well generaly failed to secure huge VAT carousel cases run by criminal syndicates in Poland during the years of governance, which robbed the national budget of billions of PLN (Polish Z?oty currency).?
To clarify, the Law And Justice Party (PiS) is also a pro-EU party, against all odds and media gossip, but with a priority for national sovereignty and national interest with state-owned strategic infrastructure/business projects in mind. Their main campaign was that Poland should not be a cheap labour district of the EU, and at the same time a 40 million consumer market, but rather an equal competitor in European economies. They also were not been in favour of a full, and additional - not included in previously signed treaties - jurisdiction wave to Brussels governance, and the European Parlament. A process which would work mostly in favour of the interest of Paris and Berlin, and the overall deeper federalisation of the European Union. A procedure for which many previous opposition MPs (a current Donald Tusk government) give open approval.
The Law and Justis Party (PiS) ruling years were in 3/4 very unfortunate and with obstacles previously never seen in modern-day history on a global scale. Nevertheless, they have managed to achieve success in raising the minimum wage nearly 4 times - compared to the previous government - rebuilding and expanding armed forces and state-owned brands, which previously were for sale in the open market idea excel in Tusk run government business ideology. The lowest unemployment rate could also be assign to their achievements. All these facts were reasonable and clearly communicated to the Polish public because in recent elections they still have managed to win the political race, but without sufficient numbers to run the parliament on their own - as they did for the last eight years.? ?
Their dethronisation came only with the combined force of a coalition government constructed by several different and distanced by priorities and agendas parties, and even smaller fractions. Eight Star collation ***** *** (Jeba? PiS 'Fuck PiS') to whom the biggest priority was to take PiS out of power in the country by all means necessary. The challenges they face are many political issues which divide them in the political run.?
Many of us would say, it's a simple democratic way, and you can't argue with this. Those who gather the biggest public approval are the ones who are selected to run the country. Unfortunately, in this case, it's not as easy as it seems to be, mainly due to the fact, that Donald Tusk has once again become the Prime Minister of Poland. A large number of voters went to polls only to make a difference and finalise the conflict between the Law And Justice Party (PiS) and PO (Platforma Obywatelska) that brought so much toxic conflict into the society, but again received a Donald Tusk as a Prime Minister - among whom the coalition was constructed, probably due to his popularity and deep connection to the European Parliament politics.
In the following paragraphs, I will copy and paste the recent posts I've made on my Facebook page commenting all developments. Something what become a building ground for this longer article. Paragraphs are in chronological order.
29 November 2023??
Polish political landscape.?
Some time ago government of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) introduced an investigation committee to search for possible Russian influence in Polish territory and government - read, corruption - which could work in favour of Russian Federation business in Poland and EU territory. Within all early experiences Donald Tusk, as well as former International Relations Minister Rados?aw Sikorski (currently an EU Parliament member with questionable direct business with the government of Emirates) were put into scope among many other government representatives. The committee's role was to investigate all possible influences in Polish politics, as well in the intelligence agencies.
Now, the present government with the majority in the Polish Parlament, run by Donald Tusk - where Rados?aw Sikorski will be once again International Relations Minister - has decided to dismiss this comity due to ... Yes. No one knows why exactly. Turmoil and business of politics.
30 November 2023
Polish political landscape.?
During the years 2007-14, and the rule of the PO/PLS party coalition (the current winner coalition in the government election), 629 military units in Poland were disabled. Most of them were not on the western part of Polish border with Germany - as you could expect - with whom we are partners in the EU and NATO, and with whom our history and presence are a little bit more civilised than in the past decades, but on the east part of the country where EU and NATO meeting Russia. All of this apparently created on the desire of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, due to the safety of gas and oil business flow to the EU for the years to come.
Law and Justice Party (PiS) - which was in power in Poland for the last 8 years - changed drastically the approach to military power and country safety. They reestablished new military units and drastically upgraded the country's power and military capabilities with all possible modern equipment. This included a large investment into local arms industry. In contrast to PO/PLS (Donald Tusk government coalition) PiS (Law and Justice Party) was building the Polish army's potential to be the largest military power in Europe and in the eastern part of NATO. All due to the Russian Federation invasion of Ukraine and possible threat.?
Now, with Donald Tusk elected government coalitions again, most of the military contracts with the US, and Korea, are in the possibility of being suspended. Just to remind you, PO/PSL who demolished the Polish military capacity were also under Donald Tusk's coalition rule, and were definitively in favour of the Russian Federation interest, rather than the safety of Poland and the NATO structure. Donald Tusk's government was also against building an Iron Dome by US/NATO on the Polish territory for the wish of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin. All this in business favour for Gazprom venture.
Here you have a short script of modern history in eastern Europe, and Poland in precise, but also the business in politics which includes a large number of European and UK energy conglomerates.
1 December 2023
Polish political landscape.?
Previous opposition to the Law And Justice Party (PiS), and the current ruling coalition government, with one speculative statement dropped the value of publicly owned energy conglomerate ORLEN by 8%, at the same time putting the brand on 1 billion Euro loose in one day. To the previous coalition ORLEN - the publicly owned brand in large percentage - was the Law And Justice Party (PiS) business development hub, and received a lot of bad commentaries and odds.
Even with large and profitable expansion of this company in the energy sector with new development, such as Baltic Pipe, and other strategic and more independent infrastructure plants, the brand become publicly clarify by previous coalition, as a PiS owned company. Through the years of Law And Justice Party (PiS) ORLEN became one of the largest petroleum and energy conglomerates in Europe, and a decent competitor to the largest brands in the industry.
2 December 2023
Polish political landscape.
Through recent years in conflict of ideas and interests on the line between the EU Parliament, or institutions like CJUE, and the Law and Justice Party (PiS), financial grants and loans which supposed to help recover from the COVID 19 pandemic crisis in the EU, ware continuous suspended on various changing reasons and milestones.
One of the main slogans of Donald Tusk campaign was that, as soon as he will take back the power, the money would appear in Polish budget. The key point in his view was to put PiS out of power. Milestones set by the EU were not mentioned, like they were not an issue needed to be solved. Recently, the EU Parliament decided to grant a large part of the suspended budget from?NextGenerationEU?found to Poland, but dedicated only to the green energy sector development.
At the beginning of the new parliament debates the current mijority (previously anti-PiS coalition) introduced a new regulatory bill for renewable energy, and mainly, new measures for placement of wind turbines closer to the properties. Cutting the distance more than a half, from 700 meters to 300.
The controversy put in the public domain was, who actually wrote the proposal? Many asked coalition (ruling majority) parliamentarians MPs couldn't answer the question, suggesting, it was written in a collaborative form of advisers and professionals. The document without any direct names which cant be directly traced to the indicator and probable beneficiaries, but under which many of the ruling majority individuals left their 'signature', due to the political responsibility of collision rule.
The Law and Justice Party (PiS) MPs suggest that this was done on a strategic business plan to protect German SIMENS, which is under bankruptcy possibility. The green energy funds, which were suddenly given to Poland, as well as a quick introduction of the new amount of wind turbines which could be installed in Poland, suggest, that the money which Poland received will be spent on purchasing wind turbines from the German SIMENS brand, and become a potential lobbying case.
The dream of the Law And Justice Party (PiS) and ongoing development is to invest in small nuclear power plans SMR (Small Modular Reactors). Technologically more advanced with the prospects of powerful and safe energy sources. Wind turbines are just a small percentage of the diversity from which the energy sector should be built, according to general statements.
7 December 2023
Polish political landscape.?
The Polish government, still run by PiS at this point, working on the price lock for energy sectors to avoid unpredictable price arising, due to possible external influences. Energy companies made trillions throughout the energy crisis in Europe. At some point energy bills scarred even the richest individuals when they were provided a bill for electricity several times higher than they used to pay. Last year many countries introduced substitutes for energy consumption bills, as well freeze the prices on the market to avoid?demand and need?speculation on the energy markets. Polish government is trying currently to make this functional throughout the whole of 2024, but the current ruling coalition (Donald Tusk government coalition) through the proposed legislation smuggled into a bill another measures. A regulation proposal which according to many analyses and voices supposed to work mostly in favour of German brands, such as SIMENS, and other foreign energy providers companies which are given priority.
The legislation suggests direct lobbying business. Apparently written by the top layer working directly for energy companies, not even a parliamentarian. Proposed legislation suggests that on Polish territory wind turbines can be placed 300 meters from the house (in most EU countries it's around 1 km), and also be used as a junkyard space market for secondhand windmill turbines (which are difficult and costly to utilise). Turbines which could be sold to Poland and paid back with the EU funds back to German brands. Another aspect is that differences in price lock (read financial penalty which has to be paid by profits of energy companies) should be set only on ORLEN (Polish state ownership brand) and other brands (mostly foreignly owned in this case) are not included.
Legislation has to be approved by President Andrzej Duda who at this point will most probably refuse, due to lobbying possibly which works not in favour of Polish citizens and Polish state ownership brands, such as ORLEN. This means a turmoil, because the frozen prices for energy in upcoming 2024 are on the thin line of possible suspension.
8 December 2023
Polish political landscape.
It looks like Donald Tusk once again will become the Prime Minister of Poland in the upcoming days. At this stage it's already known, and communicated by Tusk and his majority coalition, that a lot of changes will be made into current and ongoing developments in Poland. Just to mention several of them; Most probably new government (Tusk coalition government) will abound the development of the SMR (Small Modular Reactors) nuclear fusion energy project, as well CPK (Central Communication Port) which was in early development and planning over the recent years. Project which is described by Tusk coalition, as a memorial monument for Lech Kaczyński, rather than a country development business venture.
CPK has been a crucial infrastructure development plan for Poland with new high-speed railways, as well as one of the largest cargo and passenger airport in Europe. Planed to be constructed between Warszawa and ?ód?. A clear competitor to other commercial projects of such potential in central Europe. Project planning was developing gradually due to complexity, as well as all other influences, such as the COVID 19 pandemic crisis, or the large investments into military safety, thanks to the Russian aggression of Ukraine (nearly 4 % GDP, compared to 2,5 required by the NATO treaty).
Another change will most probably be taken to the position of governor of the Polish Central Bank (NBP), who is openly against the introduction of the EURO in Poland and who is a member of PiS (Law And Justice Party) - clearly on the way of Tusk and ideas behind his political persona.
Upcoming changes will also be made to national media channels, such as TVP and Polish Radio, which over the years were clearly disliked by previous opposition and working in favour of the ruling government; rather than being neutral and objective weight scale between politicians and their ideas in the country as many would criticses.
Just to mention, Donald Tusk - as a major coalition leader - for years was refusing to take part in all political debates on the national media channels in TVP, which is a vivid example of differences between political debates in Poland and other countries in Europe.
Toxicity in Polish politics was very much reflected in society in recent years, and was very easy to observe among people who become more divided than in any previous decades of modern history. Hate towards the previously ruling Law And Justice Party (PiS) was at a cumulative peak, where individual politicians were attacked or even killed, as well TV presenters insulated on numerous occasions, not to mention the huge eight-star slogan on protests ***** *** with meaning, Fuck PiS (Jeba? PiS). Booth sides were accusing themselves of introducing to the social structure clear and toxic manipulation bait. Turmoil in Polish politics developing and observations of upcoming months will be most probably 'entertaining'.
8 December 2023
Polish political landscape.?
During the COVID pandemic period, Poland, according to the constitutional rule, had a scheduled date for the new presidential election. Within all seriousness of the pandemic and overall global restrictions (apart from Sweden obviously) government of the Law And Justice Party (PiS) decided to arrange votes correspondingly via post, spending on this idea in collaboration with Poczta Polska (Polish Post) nearly 18 million Euro. This process was deliberately blocked by the opposition leaders (current coalition government) and finally postal elections did not take place. The money was lost and without results. One of the first things, which the new government run by Tusk as a major leadership (previously opposition) introduced, became a bill investigating the waste of money on the postal votes. All - more than 400 parliamentarians - voted in favour of this review, including the Law And Justice Party (PiS) MPs.
12 December 2023
Polish political landscape.?
Polish politics and the government become in turmoil right now and for upcoming months and years to come. That's more than obvious. Donald Tusk, who once again became a prime minister, already mentioned a large amount of changes which will be introduced into polish politics and social structures. One of them, and very important in cultural/political understanding in European countries, and not understandable for US citizens, it's the issue of national media channels.
According to Donald Tusk's recent statement, national media are very important tools for looking closely into decisions made by the government - something with which his current ruling coalition government would not have a problem, especially with TVP and Polish Radio, at the moment if he would take this for granted. Unfortunately, at the same time, the Donald Tusk government took priority to reschedule the current shape of national media channels and their authorities, which - accordingly to the ruling coalition - works in favour of the previously ruling Law And Justice Party (PiS) and needs to be changed in the 'free media' universe. This aspect has become one of the main priorities for the Tusk government and something which will take shape in upcoming days, weeks, and months.
For the role of new Culture and Media Minister, Donald Tusk chose his previous minister of Intelligence and Internal Affairs (Ministerstwo S?u?b Specjalnych pod MSWiA) known for his drastic measures against journalistic investigations and freedom of speech. At this point, national media channels are definitely not in favour of Tusk and his government, and are very critical to everything that is reshaped in the political spheres through the decision making process.
16 December 2023
Polish political landscape.
Newley elected prime minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, made recently his firts official international trip to the EU summit in Brussels. During all similar top government events on the board of the airplane are invited numerous journalists from several news channels in the country. This time journalistic invitations/accreditation's were also made, apart from the Polish national TV (TVP) and Polish Radio - state owned media - which are very critical to the newly elected government and Donald Tusk. This is one of the reasons why the new Polish government is not in favour of national media channels state, and which are seen by Tusk and the previous opposition (current ruling coalition) as a threat to their general political approach and agenda.
National media in Poland are described to be a pro-Law And Justice Party (PiS) media. During the Law And Justice Party (PiS) ruling years, there were a lot of shifts in national/state media channels, especially in?Trójka - Program 3 Polskiego Radia radio station. Under a new director a lot of popular, and attached to the radio station for decades presenters, suddenly lost their jobs. This was like a flood and caused a lot of damage to the public opinion, especially among those who grew up on radio Trójka and for whom attachment to the radio presenters (mainly in the music sector and not as much in the political publicity) was more than a habit. It was one of the processes which spread the definition among the public, that PiS is trying to take the national/state media channels under their full control.
During the first residency of Tusk in the ministerial office, a large part of previously state-owned media - which are local and dedicated to certain provinces, cities, and areas of Poland - were partially privatised, and sold mainly to the foreign media group investors. Through the 8 years of Law And Justice Party (PiS) rule a lot of them once again become a part of public/state-owned media - something which is clear and obvious in ordinary European standards. Unfortunately, this process of taking control of the ownership of state media channels/brands was seen by previous opposition (current ruling coalition) as a threat to democracy, and in favour of the Law And Justice Party (PiS).
The battle on the line between national/state-owned media and the Tusk government is constantly developing. What is questionable at this time, is the fact, that newly elected Minister for Media and Culture, Bart?omiej Sienkiewicz, is a former lieutenant colonel for Polish intelligence and a previous Minister of Internal Affairs (MSWiA) under Tusk PO Party rule. A person who also brought a lot of controversy with journalists freedom investigation scandal. Controversial voice tap recordings in one of the Warsaw restaurants of private governmental meetings, included his persona, cause huge damage to numerous politicians and their decision making process. Many critics say this tapping scandal was the reason the PO Party (Tusk run party) lost the previous election, due to a lack of credibility.
19 December 2023
Polish political landscape.?
What happened today in Poland has never taken place in the modern day democratic times, and it’s just the beginning, by the look of it, and Donald Tusk's propaganda promises. Just like I have mentioned before through the recent posts, times become ‘entertaining' in Polish politics. Unfortunately, far from rational in my opinion, and setting new government standards way below the African general banana republic.?
Today was a day for several ministerial departments to take over by new deputies from the recent elections. For those circumstances several official press conferences were scheduled. One of them was an official Prime Minister speech. Unfortunately, among dozens of media journalists, including many foreign media brands, Polish national TV and Radio did not get accreditation. To remind you, Polish national media are state owned, but for current government of Donald Tusk, are pro Law And Justice Party (PiS) and strongly against him.
20 December 2023
Polish political landscape.
Today was another day of developing drama in the country. Drama in this case would be a very naive word selection. What happened under a right of rule became a more like a mob storyline, rather than politics in a democratic society. Something which could be predicted with the new Donald Tusk government and his earlier promises.
During the Law And Justice Party (PiS) there were several different official establishments made. One of them was RMN (Rada Mediów Narodowych) National Media Board, which worked under - on side - KRRiT, KRRiTV (Krajowa Rada Radiofoni i Telewizji) National Media Broadcasting Council. The national body of state-owned media management for selection of journalists and editors in media channels. Established in 1992 after the fall of communism in modern democracy to govern public media channels. The RMN was established during the Law And Justice Party in 2016 as a new upgrade and was controversially understood as unnecessary.
In contrast to the anti-PiS (Law And Justice Party) movement statements, the board was constructed by the country's different party members to give a fair weight and were selected separately by parliament (Sejm) and additionally by the president - governing for a 6-year term. To terminate the board's a new legal acts established by the government bills have to be set by the parliament and approved by Polish Senate (Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej), and other forms of dismissal are law breaking acts.
What happened today was the finalisation of the revenge promise by Donald Tusk and his supporting coalition. All of national media editors and governance individauls were enforced to be dismissed and signals for all news channels, such as TVP.INFO and TVP.WORLD, as well all regional TV's, was suspended. Their editorial office was taken over by force - including Polish Press Agency (PAP) - by unknown/unclear governmental representatives with the support of private lawyers assigned by the newly elected Minister for Media And Culture, Bart?omiej Sienkiewicz - a former lieutenant colonel for Polish intelligence and a Minister of Internal Affairs (MSWiA) in previous Tusk government.
TVP.INFO was/is a news channel established by national media on the base of CNN and BBC News, but focused more on local and European issues, rather than global ones - due to cultural interest, most probably. Through the years TVP.INFO has gathered a huge interest among the public and become one of the most popular news and publicity channels in the country, but at the same time received a lot of hate and dislike for its 'propaganda approach' where often Donald Tusk and other politicians were given a very critical stand.
What Donald Tusk's newly elected government created was an unlawful act of sabotage for the public media and freedom of speech. Those media editors, and programs, were often strongly critical of his persona as well to Rados?aw Sikorski. If he felt to be untruly accused, where his name was placed under the wrong spot, he could make a simple legal appeal and demand a fair judgment. What is now happening it has become more of a gangster mob world, covered with political power directly from Russian territory, rather than a democratic and civilised country.
21 December 2023
Polish political landscape.
Why newly elected coalition government in Poland broke the law with the forced overtake of the national media bodies and suspending the news channel's signals, as well as substituting all editors across public media platforms? The answer is very clear.
The current coalition was constructed by various parliamentary groups which most probably would never cooperate with each other, if not for the one main slogan which temporarily connects their concept. This was eight-star campaign ***** *** (Jeba? PiS 'Fuck PiS). Chaotic and to some point anarchic campaign which is always interesting to watch but does not necessarily function in reality and final solutions. Chaos is entertaining and sometimes - to some - very profitable. Ok. This was too far into a diagnosis of the sociological functioning and business tactics.
The main reason why the current government broke the law with overtook the national media is the fact that this was done only with a resolution voted in favour in the Polish parliament, and this was a stronghold to support this decision.
Unfortunately, resolutions are only early stages of any official law acts which have to go through several other democratic government procedures, through senat, as well signed by the president. This procedure is very simple and usually takes time to finalise.
The social temperatures are set way above normal and this is the reason why such decisions are taken and go through. Business of politics. Euro Tusk's campaign is obvious and very clear, just like other newly introduced regulation treaties in EU Parlament which are rescheduled continuously without approval of institutional bodies which are necessary to proceed with new ideas and regulatory concepts.
22 December 2023
Polish political landscape.
Why is it so important for politicians to weigh their word selection correctly during public speeches? The answer is very simple. Because for sure, and with more than 100 % accuracy, someone will try to use them against you in your run for your short term office seat, sooner or later.
Here is a great example. Donald Tusk during his recent election campaign announced to a large audience at his rally that, "... there will be no need for any special laws or regulation to be followed to remove the current governor of Polish Central Bank (NBP) from his offices. What would be needed, would be simply some few strong men to remove his figure from the office. And I promise, I will do it." The crowd reacted to his world with obvious applause.
Now, with the new development of overtake by force of all national media channels and agencies in the country, and suspension of the news signals with bypassing all regulations of the democratic country (setting also a reminder of communism in many minds of older generations) his words are circulating with a frequency of grate poem quotes.
I don't like what I see is happening in Poland right now, I have to say once again. This is far away from what could be expected in a modern civilised country.
One of the main campaign slogans and the 'news content' which the European Parliament and public was faded with by the Tusk coalition, was the lack of the rule of law in Poland with the current PiS (Law And Justice Party) government. One of the first things the new, combined from all fractions, coalition run by Tusk did, was the unlawful and drastic - physical at some points - overtake of the national media channels. A process to which unfortunately the large public also applause.
On the list of things to be done, apparently, the next step is the suspension of CBA (Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne) Central Anticorruption Bureau. National agency which for years of function, successfully on many occasions, secured a lot of frauds and VAT carousel scams in the country, fighting the sharks of crime. It was also one of the guarantees that the EU funds (for example) were well spent and not defrauded in the world of big business - something to want I still doubt, especially looking at certain investments, like unfunctional outdoor gyms for example. Structures which cost a lot but actually are hardly usable.
With the recent corruption scandal at the top of the EU Parliament seats, such as Eva Kaili or Mark Tarabella cases, charged with organise crime organisation and returned once agin to the EU Parliaments straight from the prison cells, it's seams just a business as usual in the ruling body organisation which direct the politics across Europe, and at some stage in Poland at this point. EU polices with setting new treaties which bypass previous agreements and regulations, such as the VETO procedures, or unanimity in decisions making process, provide most probably the grounds for the approach to current coalition in Poland in their assign strategies.
This political turmoil development in Poland will continue through weeks and months to come. How this will reflect on the issues of national security with a full scale war on the borderline in the neighbouring Ukraine, and overall global situation, it's hard to predict.
Marcin Babul
MA Visual Culture, Lund University
BA Documentary Photography, Newport University
BTEC Photography & Digital Imaging, Glan Hafren, Cardiff