Policy Update 7th November 2023
Welcome to this week’s policy update. As ever please do get in touch with me, [email protected], if you would like to discuss the following, or other, business issues, put forward your views and/or provide real life examples that we can use in advocacy activity. ?
Cumbrian stakeholders are continuing to work together to implement the county’s Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP). As part of this a wide range of stakeholders came together at Lakes College on 27th October, to share plans and progress with Mel Collins, Head of Local Skills Improvement Plans and Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) at the Department for Education (DfE), and colleagues. This was a great opportunity to bring our LSIP to life, showcase some of the developments supported by DfE through the Strategic Development Fund and highlight plans for the LSIF. See our post on LinkedIn about the event. ?
LSIP partner Cumbria Tourism, along with Westmorland & Lonsdale MP, Tim Farron, met with the Secretary of State for Education, Gillian Keegan MP, recently, following lobbying by Cumbria Tourism on the proposed plans to abandon/postpone T Level qualifications in catering and hospitality. Cumbria Tourism’s Head of Partnerships received reassurance from the Secretary of State that there will be a Hospitality and Catering T Level by 2025 and also secured a further meeting with the Director of Qualifications to discuss Tourism and Hospitality qualifications in more detail in the coming months.
Last week, as the LSIP, we responded to Defra’s call for evidence on land-based careers, education and training. Our response drew on the LSIP and supporting work and further engagement with a number of key stakeholders and covered a wide range of issues for the sector. It also highlighted the need for a Land & Nature Skills Service, which Cumbrian partners are currently working together to establish. Cumbria Chamber of Commerce will be accountable body for this service, which is due to be launched soon.
Fieldwork for the Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) Q4 starts this week. This flagship national survey gives unparalleled insight into the state of UK business and the health of the UK economy. It provides a wealth of data on UK business conditions and is split into three publications:
As the largest and most representative independent business survey of its kind in the UK, the QES is closely watched by policymakers such as the Treasury, the Bank of England and the Office of Budget Responsibility, while also attracting significant media attention. So please do take the opportunity to complete this survey and make sure the Cumbria experience is well represented! You can complete it here. ?
The team at British Chambers of Commerce continue to be out and about working on your behalf. This week BCC will be hosting an International Trade Reception to mark International Trade Week 2023 in the House of Lords. Guests will include the Minister of State for International Trade Nigel Huddleston MP and the Shadow Minister for Exports Afzal Khan MP.
Last week:
The BCC has raised concerns from several Chambers and member businesses on the compliance burdens involved with the EU sanctions on Russian sourced or processed steel and iron products. They are seeking an urgent meeting with all key UK government officials on this to examine solutions. If you’re affected by this and would like to feed in your issues please let me know, [email protected]. ?
As the county’s government-accredited Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP), Cumbria Tourism is tasked with leading the development of the new county-wide plan Destination Management Plan (DMP). It is doing so working closely with a wide range of stakeholders including: businesses, local government, Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership, communities, transport providers, public sector organisations and more. Following months of consultation and evidence gathering CT is sharing the draft Plan at a range of events and workshops throughout November, seeking feedback to further refine it ahead of its official launch in early 2024. Please do try to find a little time to read the Draft Summary Document ?DMP_Draft_Summary_Document_Nov_23.pdf (cumbriatourism.org)?and provide your feedback by completing a short pro-forma here: Proforma to help develop Cumbria's Destination Management Plan (google.com).
The UK government has scrapped plans to close hundreds of rail ticket offices in England. The decision follows objections from thousands of individuals and organisations across Cumbria and England, including ourselves and a range of other Cumbrian stakeholders.
The Defra External Affairs team is conducting a stakeholder survey. This is your opportunity to help them understand your experience of working with Defra. The results will be used to help them improve their stakeholder engagement and communications in the future. This survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. All answers are completely anonymous, and results will not include any information that could identify you. You can complete the survey, which is open until 14th November, here: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management.
Cumberland Councillors have agreed new and ambitious plans to improve diets and the local food system. Agreement of the Food Cumberland Strategic Framework represents a major milestone in the council’s commitment to improve access to nutritious, tasty, and affordable food, tackle food poverty and waste, as well as improve the local environment. The framework also sets out the actions to support a vibrant and prosperous local food growing economy.?You can read more here: Food strategy agreed | Cumberland Council.
Over the next few months, DfE and the Strategic Development Network (SDN) are hosting a series of practical webinars looking at how T Level industry placements can support your workforce development and what these placements look like in particular roles. The sessions are free to attend and will provide an opportunity to hear from employers who are already hosting placements. The webinars include:?
You can find out more and book here: Webinars – T Levels and industry placement support for employers.
The government has launched a call for evidence on an upgraded trade agreement with Turkiye. You can get involved here: Trade with Turkey: call for input - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).
I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels somewhat disconcerted by the “age friendly” initiative considering “older age” to start at 50! However the intention is certainly a good one which we’re keen to support. As part of this we have signed up to the age friendly employer pledge, which you can find out more about here: Age-friendly Employer Pledge | Centre for Ageing Better (ageing-better.org.uk). Related to this, Cumberland Council, Age UK and the UK Centre for Ageing Better are working together to make Carlisle more age friendly. The first to come on board and get involved in doing this is The Lanes, and the Council would love to encourage other high street retailers to do the same. You can read more about age friendly retailing here: Healthy Retail – Who’s missing a trick? - ILCUK.?
On a related note, don’t forget BCC’s Workplace Equity Commission, which has a call for evidence open until 16th February. This invites views and insights on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (ED&I) best practice in business, as well as any challenges businesses are facing, and where support is needed. The Commission aims to produce practical recommendations for employers and Chambers. There will also be policy recommendations for government. You can find out more about the Commission and get involved in the call for evidence here: Workplace Equity Commission - British Chambers of Commerce – I’m sure you’ll agree that BCC has brought together an impressive group of commissioners.?
The Ruskin Museum, Coniston are asking local businesses and members of the public to help bring Donald Campbell’s record-breaking boat, Bluebird K7, back home to Coniston. Known by many, the Bluebird K7’s historic world water speed record attempt has become synonymous with Coniston Water and the Coniston area. Its legend brings thousands of visitors to The Ruskin Museum where people are eager to find out more but, sadly, the Bluebird K7 is nowhere to be seen.?Following its discovery in 2000, Bluebird was removed from the lake by Mr Bill Smith of Newcastle who then promised to restore the boat on behalf of the Ruskin Museum which was gifted the boat by The Campbell Family Trust. However, following its restoration the boat remains absent from the museum and an?ongoing legal fight to Bring Bluebird Home has ensued for many years, but there is no resolution in sight. Legal costs have mounted to the point that the museum has been left with no choice but to rely on the kindness of the public and local businesses to help them win this battle. If you’d like to support the work to bring Bluebird home to Cumbria you can do so here: Fundraiser by Tracy Hodgson : Bring Bluebird K7 Home to Coniston (gofundme.com).