Policy Update 5th September 2023

Policy Update 5th September 2023

Welcome to this week’s policy update. As ever please do get in touch with me, [email protected], if you would like to discuss the following, or other, business issues, put forward your views and/or provide real life examples that we can use in lobbying activity. ?

Field work for the Quarter 3 Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) started on Monday 21st August. Please do take a little time to contribute to this important national survey, which is used by Government, the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee and others. You can access the survey here. ?

The team at British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) continue to be out and about working on your behalf. ?This week:

  • The BCC policy team will meet with Rachel Maclean MP, Minister of State at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
  • The BCC Public Affairs team will meet with advisors to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Shadow Business Secretary.?
  • And as the MPs return from summer recess, beginning to engage with them on Chambers’ new report, The Power of British Business: A Framework for the Future.?

The Power of British Business: A Framework for the Future outlines the Chamber Network’s key policy asks on economic growth, skills & employment, trade and net zero. You can read the report here: The Power of British Business (britishchambers.org.uk). It sets out the key policy asks we will be feeding into politicians across the Party Conference season in late September/early October. This has already had some great coverage,?including on Radio 5 Live, Times Radio, and in City AM.?BCC also published an?op-ed?in Monday’s Times which laid the groundwork for the launch of the document which was well received by stakeholders.?? ?

We are looking forward to the first meeting of the Chambers’ national Business Council on 14th September at the House of Lords,?and are pleased to confirm that the meeting will be joined by Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, and Rachel Reeves MP, Shadow Chancellor.? ?

Beyond the Business Council, work is well under way to prepare for the party conference season, including BCC’s fringe events at the Conservative (The Power of British Business) and Labour (People and Work) Conferences. ?

In preparation for the above and the range of meetings already booked in or being booked for September and beyond, the team at BCC always welcome insights and case studies from the Chamber network so please do send any thoughts, issues and examples to me, [email protected] and I’ll pass them on. Meetings already in the diary include, for example, Kemi Badenoch B4 Roundtable, Kirsten McLeod (Engagement Adviser to the Chancellor), Rachel Maclean MP (Housing & Planning Minister), Special Advisers to Jonny Reynolds (Shadow Business Secretary), B4 with Labour, Gareth Davies (Permanent Secretary, Department for Business & Trade), Lucy Frazer (Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport), Michael Gove MP, Department for Science Innovation & Technology Ministerial Reception, Beth Russell (Permanent Secretary, HM Treasury), ? ?

Last week, the Cabinet Office announced changes to the?inbound border processes for good entering Britain from the EU. You can read more here: Final_Border_Target_Operating_Model_gov.uk_version.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)

The UK Single Trade Window remains on target for its initial phase roll out in late 2024. The BCC was quoted in the Cabinet Office?press release providing further detail on the introduction of e-safety/security certificates accompanying products entering GB from the EU from 31 October 2024. You can read it here: New border controls to protect the UK against security and biosecurity threats and ensure smooth flow of goods - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). Changes have been made to the definition of Qualifying NI Goods for the purposes of unrestricted access to the UK Internal Market and new requirements for registration of companies in NI to qualify for unfettered access for certain food and animal feed products. You can read BCC’s expanded comments here: BCC Respond To Border Target Operating Model Plans (britishchambers.org.uk).

If applicable, make sure you aware of, and can comply with, the reporting requirements on exports of affected products containing steel, iron, or embedded carbon or hydrogen to the EU from 1st October 2023. You can read the guidance from the European Commission ?here: CBAM Guidance_non-EU installations.pdf (europa.eu).

The next meeting of BCC’s Trade Policy Committee will be on 26th September. Please let me know beforehand if you have any issues or questions you would like raised, [email protected].

Cumberland Council has commissioned thinkingplace to work with them to develop a long-term, shared story for Cumberland. This will help market the area to attract inward investment and visitors, create jobs, and support existing businesses. They want to hear what makes you proud about Cumberland, how you feel about the area and how you might like it to develop in the future. There is the option to join one of four online workshops to provide your insight, thoughts and knowledge to help shape this powerful story. You can register for one of these workshops here: https://bit.ly/3ODviLy

Cumberland Council seeks public input on Keswick Traffic Restrictions. They have launched a Council and the surrounding area. The statutory consultation period is from 25th August to 15th September. It follows an earlier informal consultation, where people were able to send feedback and share their thoughts with the council about the Keswick Traffic Restrictions. If you want your opinions to be considered, then it’s crucial that you respond to this statutory consultation. You can get involved here: Cumberland Council seeks public input on Keswick Traffic Restrictions | Cumberland Council.

The National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) has recently published ‘Think Before You Link’ advice for employers and employees.?Foreign spies and criminals will use social and professional networking sites to target people and organisations in the UK who have access to valuable and sensitive information. NPSA's Think Before You Link app and advice can help protect organisations by helping them to better identify the hallmarks of these malicious profiles. You can find out more here, and get information to share with your team, here: Think Before You Link (TBYL) | NPSA.

Retailers have been tested in an operation to clamp down on underage vape sales over the summer holidays. Cumberland Council’s Trading Standards Service has been running a test purchasing operation over the last 10 days – resulting in around 83 per cent of businesses refusing to sell to underage teens. Results varied by city or town, with retailers in Whitehaven refusing sales in 100 per cent of cases and retailers in Maryport refusing only 34 per cent of the test sales. There are strict laws on nicotine vaping products, and it is a criminal offence to sell them to persons under the age of 18 years or purchase them on their behalf. Traders found to be breaking these rules risk being prosecuted and fined up to £2,500. You can read more here: Summer clamp down on underage e-cigarette sales | Cumberland Council.

DBT have announced an intention to pursue negotiations with Turkey for an upgraded free trade agreement focused on additional market access provisions on services, and digital trade. Please let me have any views on priorities for the negotiations so I can share them with BCC, [email protected].

The Government has issued 2 consultations on employers’ use of occupational health to help get more people back into work – and help them stay in work when they experience a health condition. The first Occupational Health: Working Better seeks views on how to increase employer use of Occupational Health (OH) Services. The second,?“Tax Incentives for Occupational Health”, explores the role of tax incentives in boosting occupational health provision by employers. Please let me have any views by 27th September so that I can feed into BCC.

The Department for Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) is consulting on reforms to the local plans and minerals and waste plans system.? You can find out more here: Plan-making reforms: consultation on implementation - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). BCC’s Planning Expert Panel will inform a combined Chambers’ response, but we’d like to include views from across the network too. So please let me have any input by 4th October.

DBT have a launched a consultation on the long term approach to product safety, aiming to ensure that the framework is fit for the future. This is open until 24th October. You can get involved here: Smarter regulation: UK product safety review - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). And please do also let us have any views.

They have also launched a consultation on the proposed new approach to the fire safety of domestic furniture and furnishings. This is also open until 24th October and you can get involved here: Smarter Regulation: Fire safety of domestic upholstered furniture - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). Again, please do also let us have any views.

Call for Evidence: Non-statutory Flexible Working: ?DBT is seeking views from businesses and individuals on their experiences of non-statutory flexible working and how it operates in practice:

  • Ad hoc arrangements: Why employers provide this type of flexibility, how it is used by individuals and any barriers to take-up.
  • Regular arrangements:? what arrangements employers offer and how and on what basis they are agreed.
  • Organisational approaches to non-statutory flexible working (which may be set out in a contract or be less formal), policies, supporting managers and monitoring and evaluation

Please feed in any views or examples to me by 24th October.


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