Cross-posted on redstate.com https://www.redstate.com/delawarewindjammer/2013/08/08/the-police-state-of-delaware-is-no-longer-theory/  

Michael Rogers and DSP Officer Mathew Morgan had a meeting on August 1st that did not bode well for Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers a 53 year-old man was at his home at 22507 Deep Branch Rd. just five miles east of Georgetown on a quiet country road in Sussex county, when a knock came at the door that would change his life. Mathew Morgan, a young Delaware State Police veteran of three years came to the house that Rogers was sharing with his elderly mother, to investigate an alleged hit-and-run incident on a parked car in Millsboro. The events that occurred during that home investigation defy explanation. Apparently the officer questioned Mr. Rogers about a hit and run incident on the parked car, and Mr. Roger denied the allegations and asked the officer to leave his residence. Mr. Rogers was reported to be intoxicated at the time of Officer Morgan’s arrival at the residence, but being intoxicated within your own residence is not a violation of any crime. Although Mr. Rogers judgement was probably impaired, he was perfectly within his rights to ask the officer to leave the residence. In an altercation between the officer and Rogers, a scuffle ensued with officer Morgan attempting to use a taser on Rogers. When that didn’t work the officer discharged nine rounds from his weapon, five of them striking Rogers, two of the the rounds striking him in the groin area. The perpetrator here is DSP Officer Mathew Morgan because he used lethal force in a situation that did not call for that type of action. The victim although belligerent, did not offer lethal force but instead was the victim of an abusive use of power by the Delaware State Police. The officer had no warrant to enter the domicile and should have treated its occupants with respect. Instead he drew his weapon and shot the victim Michael Rogers five times. This can only be termed as attempted murder. If Michael Rogers had shot the trooper five times, he would be tried for the felony of attempted murder. They are holding Mr. Rogers incommunicado at Bebee Hospital in critical but stable condition, and are lying to family and friends as to his whereabouts. This is the first indication of a “Police State.” To be held incommunicado with no communication with the press or an attorney, is not only a violation of Mr. Rogers civil rights but it sets a dangerous precedence for all citizens to be aware of. Whether or not Michael Rogers is guilty of hitting a parked car or not, he didn’t deserve the summary judgement of being shot five times in front of his elderly mother and being held in a hospital incommunicado like a convicted felon. He committed no crime and whether or not he had a prior record of anything is not a consideration, Officer Matthew Morgan had no right to use lethal force in this situation. It is my suggestion that the family of Michael Rogers get a damn good lawyer and find out which of their civil rights were violated and demand that the state pay for the medical expenses and ask for millions in compensatory damages. The state should also criminally charge Officer Mathew Morgan for attempted murder. Without an elected Inspector General to keep state agencies like the Delaware State Police in line, we will have the continued process of the foxes guarding the hen-house. Where is a Constitutional Sheriff like Sheriff Christopher when Delaware’s citizens need him. Oh, that’s right, “Pistol Pete” Schwartzkopf, has unconstitutionally attempted to remove his powers of conservator of the peace, along with Sussex County Councilman Vance Phillips and State Representative and turncoat Danny Short.


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