Announces a promotional Examination for
Police Sergeant
Exam Number 72-844
EXAM DATE: June 5, 2021
LAST FILING DATE: Applications must be received by or postmarked by the close of business on April 21, 2021.
LOCATION OF EXAM: To be announced.
APPLICATION FEE: A nonrefundable application fee of $50.00 must accompany each application.
The required fee(s) must accompany your application(s). Please make your check or money order payable to Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission. Please write your name and examination number(s) on the check or money order. Applicants who do not submit the required fee will be denied admission to the test. Applicants whose personal check is returned for whatever reason will be assessed an additional administrative charge of $25.00. Applicants whose personal checks are returned are to pay the required fee and administrative charge before being admitted to the exam, or they will be denied admission to the exam. If an application is disapproved, your fee will not be refunded. You should carefully review the announced minimum qualifications and any residency requirements. Applications received after the above posted last filing date will not be accepted.
LOCATION OF POSITION/VACANCY: The eligible list resulting from this examination will be used to fill any vacancy that occurs at the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police.
Please note that Civil Service Examinations may be held to establish eligible lists in titles for which there are no currently vacant positions.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS & SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must have forty-eight (48) months of continuous permanent employment as a City of Utica Police Officer immediately preceding the date of the written exam.
DUTIES: This is a very important law enforcement position involving the responsibility for the police work of subordinates or for specialized duties which he/she personally performs. Supervision is exercised over Police Officers through inspections and the assignment of duties, in accordance with instructions received from officers of a higher rank. Supervises the activities of a group of police officers on an assigned shift. Does related work as required.
STUDY GUIDES: A Guide for the Written Test for Police Supervisors/Investigators is available at the New York State website: https://www.cs.ny.gov/testing/testguides.cfm. Candidates not having access to a
computer or the internet may request a copy of the test guide from the municipal civil service office conducting this examination using the contact information found elsewhere on this announcement.
SUBJECT OF EXAMINATION: A written test designed to evaluate knowledge, skills and/or abilities in the following areas:
1. Law enforcement methods and practices
These questions test for knowledge of accepted police methods and practices and/or their application to situations in the police field. The questions are a sampling of the various knowledge that police personnel may be required to possess in the course of their day-to-day, work related activities.
2. New York State Laws
These questions test for knowledge of the laws in effect on January 1, 2021 that law enforcement personnel may encounter in the course of their day-to-day work-related activities. The questions are
a sampling of job-related sections of the Penal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Vehicle and Traffic Law, Family Court Act, and other laws relevant to law enforcement in New York State.
3. Supervision
These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices employed in planning, organizing, and controlling the activities of a work unit toward predetermined objectives. The concepts covered, usually in a situational question format, include such topics as assigning and reviewing work; evaluating performance; maintaining work standards; motivating and developing subordinates; implementing procedural change; increasing efficiency; and dealing with problems of absenteeism, morale, and discipline.
4. Understanding and interpreting written material
These questions test how well you comprehend written material. You will be provided with brief reading selections and will be asked questions about the selections. All the information required to answer the questions will be presented in the selections; you will not be required to have any special knowledge relating to the subject areas of the selections.
5. Preparing written material in a police setting
These questions test for the ability to prepare the types of reports that police personnel write. Some questions test for the ability to present information clearly and accurately. They consist of restatements of information given in note form. You must choose the best version from each set of four choices. Other questions test for the ability to organize paragraphs. They consist of paragraphs with their sentences out of order. For each of the paragraphs you must choose, from four suggestions, the best order of the sentences.
P.E.R.C. Statement
The final rating key for this examination will be established by the State Civil Service Commission prior to the testing date, upon recommendation of a committee of police experts who will review all the questions for appropriateness and accuracy. There will be no review of the questions by candidates. The Committee was selected with the assistance and endorsement of the Police Conference of New York, Inc., the New York State Association of PBA’s, Inc., and the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc.
The use of solar or battery operated calculators is PROHIBITED.
MULTIPLE EXAMINATIONS SCHEDULED FOR THE SAME DAY: If you have applied for any other civil service examinations to be given on the same test date for employment with New York State or any other local government jurisdiction excluding New York City, you must make arrangements to take all the examinations at one test site.
If you have applied for both State and local government examinations, you must notify Utica Civil Service of your intent to take both a State and a local government examination. When taking both a State and a local government examination you will be required to take all your examinations at a State examination center. You will be advised by letter when and where to report for your examinations. You must bring both the State and the local government admission card to the State test center.
If you have applied for another local government examination with another local civil service agency, call or write to each civil service agency to make arrangements. You must make your request for these arrangements no later than two weeks before the date of the examinations. You must notify all local government civil service agencies with whom you have filed an application of the test site at which you wish to take your examination.
RELIGIOUS ACCOMMODATION/DISABLED CANDIDATES/MILITARY MEMBERS: Applicants whose religious observances, religious practices or military service prevent their taking examinations on the scheduled date and disabled candidates who require special accommodations to take the test should indicate the need for special arrangements by checking the “Special Arrangement” box on the front of the applications. The New York State Department of Civil Service Commission will approve any reasonable request for accommodations by disabled candidates. Candidates who are called to military service after filing an application should send a request for an alternate test date to the City of Glen Cove Municipal Civil Service Commission as soon as possible before the test date.
MILITARY SERVICE MEMBERS: If you apply for an examination during the filing period but are on active military duty on the date the examination is scheduled, you may request a military makeup examination. You must contact The City of Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission for more information. If you are on active duty or discharged after the filing period has begun, you may apply for the examination up to ten days before the date of the test.
This examination will be prepared and rated in accordance with Section 23(2) of the Civil Service Law. The provisions of New York State Civil Service Law and the City of Utica Civil Service Rules and Regulations dealing with the preparation and rating of examinations will apply to this examination.
VETERAN’S CREDIT: Veterans or disabled veterans who are eligible for additional credit must submit an application for Veteran’s credit with their application for examination or at any time between the date of the application for examination and the date of the establishment of the resulting eligible list. Applications for Veteran’s credits are available from this office. Effective January 1, 1998, the State Constitution was amended to permit a candidate currently in the armed forces to apply for and be conditionally granted Veteran’s Credits in examinations. Any candidate who applies for such credit must provide proof of military status to receive additional credit. No credit may be granted after the establishment of the list. It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide appropriate documentary proof indicating that the service was in time of war as defined in Section 85 of the Civil Service Law and that the candidate either received an honorable discharge or was released under honorable conditions in order to be certified at a score including the Veteran’s credit.
APPLICATIONS / GENERAL INFORMATION / INSTRUCTIONS: Application forms may be obtained from the City of Utica Website: www.cityofutica.com
OR: From the office of: The Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission
City of Utica, City Hall
1 Kennedy Plaza
Utica, NY 13502
During: Any weekday from the posting date through the last filing deadline (except holidays).
Between the hours of: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday OR: by sending a stamped self-addressed legal sized envelope with the applicants name and address on it, requesting an application for the position. Applications received/postmarked after the filing deadline will not be accepted.
The applicant should make certain every question on the application is answered, and that the application is complete in all respects. All statements made by the candidates in their application are subject to verification. Candidates will be notified of the disposition of their applications. The Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission does not acknowledge receipt of applications and does not accept responsibility for non-delivery or postal delay.
ALTERNATE TEST DATES: Alternate test dates may be arranged upon review of the circumstances according to the Alternate Test Date Policy established by this department. Under specific circumstances, an alternate test date may be arranged. Your request with written documentation must be received in the Civil Service Office no later than (10) ten business days preceding the examination date. If an emergency prevents you from appearing for the examination, please notify this office no later than noon on the Monday following the test date providing verifiable documentation of the reason. A determination will be made if you will be allowed an alternate test date.
ADMISSION NOTICES: You will be notified of the time and place of the examination. If you have not received your notice to appear for the written test five (5) days before the date of the examination, call the Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission at (315) 792-0225. Do not interpret a notice to appear for the examination to mean that you have been found to meet fully the announced requirements. Applicants are admitted to the examination on the basis of statements made on their application. These statements may not be reviewed and/or verified until after the examination has been given. At that time, those candidates who are disqualified after taking the test will not receive a score.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: It is the responsibility of the candidate to notify the Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission of any change in name or address. No attempt will be made to locate any candidate who has moved.
It is the policy of the City of Utica to provide for and promote equal opportunity in employment, compensation and other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination because of age, race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, military status, genetic predisposition, carrier status, political affiliation or belief.
Issued: March 26, 2021