Police Reform Program

Police Reform Program


Police Reform Program is directed at improving the capability and effectiveness with the Bangladesh Police simply by supporting major elements of access to the law including crime prevention, investigations, police businesses and prosecutions human resource management in addition to training and future directions, strategic volume and omission. The program suits other initiatives for reform in the broader justice sector and is intended to assist Bangladesh Police to further improve performance and professionalism in step with broader Government objectives. Support to a functioning, accessible in addition to transparent criminal the law system, institutions and services means that poor people along with disadvantaged groups get protection.

Definition of Police

Police is a body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and authorized to maintain the peace, safety and order of the community.

“Police” in this sense is much broader and is used to mean a whole system of Governing a society by economic, social, political and cultural policy. The police in our contemporary sense are seen as a small part of the whole of domestic government and an important agency of criminal justice system.

Laws Governing the Bangladesh Police

The Bangladesh Police is mainly Governed by the Police Act (1861), the Code of Criminal Procedure (1898), the Police Regulation, Bengal (1943), the Armed Police Battalions Ordinance (1979) and relevant Metropolitan Police Acts.

?Police Act, 1861:

This Act describes the constitution of the police force, superintendence of the force, appointment, dismissal, and other conditions of service of inferior officers, power of inspector-general to make rules, special police and their powers and duties of police officers.

?Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898:

This basic criminal procedural law contains provisions on the constitution of criminal courts and offences, power of courts, aid and information to the magistrates, police, and persons making arrests, escape, and retaking. prevention of offences such as security for keeping the peace and for good behavior, unlawful assemblies, public nuisances, temporary orders in urgent cases of nuisance, and preventive action of the police, information to the police and their powers to investigate and proceedings and prosecutions.

Police Regulation of Bengal, 1943:

It is regarded as the bible of all levels of police staff, with 1290 regulations. It incorporated changes in the rules necessitated by the Government of India Act, 1935 and describes the police organization, relations with other departments, direction and control mechanisms of the police, privileges and general instructions, duties lf all ranks of police officers, detailed description of police stations, court police, railway police, criminal investigation department, and special armed force, appointment recruitment, and promotions, compensation and allowances, training and examination, uniform and clothing, punishment and appeals and housing facilities.

?Metropolitan Police Acts:

There are six Ordinances for administering the Metropolitan Police of Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Sylhet and Barisal. These Ordinances were promulgated in 1976, 1978, 1984 1995 and 2006 respectively. All the Ordinances describe the organizational structure, responsibilities, rank structures, appointment transfer, power to formulate regulations, administration of the force, power and duties of the officers, and action taken for security and maintaining law and order in the respective metropolitan cities.

?Armed Police Battalions Ordinance, 1979:

In accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, a force called Armed Police Battalions was formed to perform internal security duties, recover unauthorized arms, ammunitions and explosives, apprehend armed gangs of criminals and assist other law enforcing agencies.

Police Reform Program

Police Reform Program (PRP) goals at improving the efficiency and usefulness of the Bangladesh Police by supporting key areas of access to justice, including crime prevention, investigations, police operations and prosecutions, human resource management, and training and future directions, strategic capacity and oversight. The program harmonizes other initiatives for reform in the broader justice sector and is designed to assist Bangladesh Police to improve performance and professionalism consistent with broader government objectives. Support to a functioning, accessible and transparent criminal justice system, institutions and services means that poor people and other disadvantaged groups have protection, representation and recourse to hold the resource-rich accountable for commitments services included in the MDGs and their targets.

Key Components of PRP

There are six key components to support the program goal and longer-term outcome. The components provide a conceptual and strategic framework for the duration of the program-

  • Crime Prevention
  • Investigations, Operations and Prosecutions
  • Human Resource Management and Training
  • Strategy and Oversight
  • Program Management
  • Communication
  • Trafficking in Human Beings.

Need for Police Reform

The challenges of crime and anti- social behavior are huge. Levels of crime, although falling, remain too high and detection rates too low. The police want to diminish public fear of crime and do more to build public confidence. This is being done through the police reform program and reforms to the criminal justice system. Further measures now seek to push the program forward. Underpinning this is the civil renewal agenda - the belief in strong, empowered and active communities.

The Government wants to create a police service which is more receptive to local needs and to clarify confusing police accountability arrangements, as well as creating a service better able to deal with higher level crime which goes across force boundaries.

Agenda of Police Reform

Police Reform must help meet the following challenges-

? Providing a citizen-focused service to the public, especially victims and witnesses, which responds to the needs of individuals and communities and inspires confidence in the police.

? Tackling anti-social behavior and disorder.

? Continuing to reduce burglary, vehicle crime, robbery and drug related crime.

? Combating serious and organized crime, both across and within force boundaries.

? Narrowing the justice gap by increasing the number of offences brought to justice.

? Better leadership and training.

? Optimizing police use of science and technology.

? A better deal on occupational health.

? Modernizing police regulations and all terms and conditions.

? Ensuring all staff has high quality terms and conditions.

? Performance management.

Problems to be Addressed

The Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) identifies the importance of an efficient and effective police force as an integral part of the broader justice sector and as a key contributor to a safer and more secure environment based on respect for human rights, equitable access to justice and observance of the rule of law. In partnership with UNDP and other development agencies, the GoB has supported reform and renewal of the Bangladesh Police to improve the administration of justice and the maintenance of law and order including international norms for human rights.

There are many problems to be addressed in the reform and renewal of the Bangladesh Police through the PRP. These include-

? Shortfalls in supervisory and managerial competence

? Police are under-resourced and under-trained

? Lack of specialized technical capacity to deal with emerging crimes

? Lack of confidence in the police expressed by many members of the community, civil society and business

? Lack of sensitivity by the police on the plight of victims of crime, particularly women, young people, minorities, the landless poor, street people and other vulnerable groups

? The management and effective operations of the police are adversely impacted by external influences with great regularity

? The low number of women police and their low representation in decision making positions

? The police having a propensity to focus on protocol, ceremonial and static security tasks at the expense of core duties

? The machinery of policing has not evolved over time and does not meet the needs of present-day Bangladesh

? Inefficiency use of police resources and lack of competency by officers performing many critical functions without adequate training

? The existence of opportunistic and institutional corruption in a range of shapes and forms

? Generally low motivation and morale linked to low pay, poor working conditions and limited promotion prospects, especially at the lower levels

? Inadequate overall strategic planning, including human resource and career development, transparency and accountability of function and sustainability of operations and

? Widespread abuse of authority, whilst accountability and transparency are lacking.


Police are part and parcel of the criminal justice system. Bangladesh Police needed with a particular focus on police reform is necessary, practicable and realistic. Responsibility for preventing and detecting crime and anti-social behavior, and combating the fear of crime is not the preserve of the police alone. Local authorities, schools, health services, the private security industry, business, voluntary organizations, faith communities and individual citizens and the police all have a role to play establishing a civil society and strengthening social cohesion.



