Police Officers Yet To Be Arrested?
How Is It Possible Days Later No Arrests Of Any Police Officers Have Taken Place?
George Floyd was arrested moments after what was an alleged forgery. Did that take place? Perhaps yes, perhaps no. However there was no investigation, no presumed innocence in fact based on what we all witnessed live George was in essence sentenced to death at the scene.
So days later, with video of a murder in hand Minnesota authorities said today in a press conference any police arrest must involve an investigation first. I am shocked to even imagine the local or state authorities don't see as we all do compelling evidence to move forward to an arrest of each of these four police officers.
While my articles are typically centered on retail food I find this unbelievable and I am outraged. Any time any of us question prejudice or presume equal standing of all races we must refer to this tragedy and worse what it took to reach an arrest of these police officers.
These events must move all of us to demand change!