Police need alarms v false alarm costs / still room for meetings in Las Vegas March 22, 2024



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Police need alarms v false alarm costs / still room for meetings in Las Vegas

March 22, 2024


Police need alarms v false alarm costs


California town Vallejo [Vallejo is the second largest city in the North Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area] has decided to limit police response to verified alarms in the hopes of reducing false alarms and preserving police resources.

This is in sharp contrast to an article I read a few weeks ago [and did an article on which I lost – some of you noticed the article heading Police Finally Appreciate the Alarm Industry which had wrong article attached] that a police department requested residents to install and use alarm systems in help the police deal with a rash of burglaries; the police were waiving fines for false alarms to encourage use of the alarms and they decided that the false alarms were better than allowing the alarm calls to go with no or reduced response.

No doubt police response to false alarms adds to working hours. It theoretically reduces police efficiency. Plenty of statistics can be assembled to add up the hours spent responding to false alarms and multiply those hours by police compensation to calculate wasted man power money. Also no doubt police hours spend responding to false alarms could probably be better spent doing other police work. How police, particularly in New York City – the largest city police force in the country- spend their time is another matter.

The question I have for those compiling the false alarm statistics is how many police departments have hired additional police, or even pay overtime, because of false alarms?

That number needs to be compared to how many police would need to be hired if there were no alarms in their jurisdiction?

I rest my case.


Private and Group meeting schedule now available


Group Meetings: See schedule below. Reserve your spot by calling Stacy Spector at 516 987 8428.

Private Meetings:

Schedule a Private Meeting with Ken Kirschenbaum by calling Stacy Spector at 516 987 8428.

Register for a Group Meeting by calling Stacy Spector at 516 987 8428

Schedule Private meeting with broker Rory Russell by calling Stacy Spector at 516 987 8428.

Group Meetings: Topics and Schedule

Tuesday April 9. Group Meeting: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm – Monetize on your monitoring accounts; new incentive program; learn how to get unheard of incentives from your central station or move to another one. Group meeting conducted by Ken Kirschenbaum.

Wednesday April 10. Group Meeting: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm - Selling and buying alarm accounts; Things to know. Group Meeting conducted by Ken Kirschenbaum.

Wednesday April 10. Group Meeting: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm – State sales tax and complex company valuation. Group meeting conducted by Mitch Reitman of Reitman Consulting Group.

Wednesday April 10. Group Meeting: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm – Central station – dealer relationship; contract issues; understanding the dealer agreement terms and why you need the K&K Rider. Group meeting conducted by Ken Kirschenbaum.

Thursday April 11. Group Meeting: 10:00 am to 11:00 am - Insurance for your alarm business – best options; availability, pricing and claims. Group meeting conducted by Shawn Iverson of The Insurance Center.

Thursday April 11. Group Meeting: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm – Contracts – which ones you need and why you need them. Group meeting conducted by Ken Kirschenbaum.

Thursday April 11. Group Meeting: from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm -

The Corporate Transparency Act. Group meeting conducted by Mitch Reitman of Reitman Consulting Group.

Private Meetings with Rory Russell of AFS:

Schedule a private meeting with Rory Russell of Acquisition and Funding Services (AFS) to discuss buying or selling security, fire and integration business. Available times to meet with Rory Russell are as follows: Wednesday April 10 and Thursday April 11 between 7:30 am and 11:00 am and 12:30 pm and 4:00 pm. Contact Stacy Spector to schedule a private meeting with Rory. Call 516 987 8428


Contact Stacy Spector, Esq. for all scheduling at Sspector@kirschenbaumesq.com or 516-987-8428.


STANDARD FORMS Alarm / Security / Fire and related Agreements

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