Police department should be removed in India-Private security organizations should take charge in different regions and areas.Police is crime broker
99% cases of sexual assaults go unreported, govt data shows
The story of the worlds biggest woman power nation 550 million women… the worlds biggest consumer segment….. How the woman will grow in this nation….. This is also a biggest rape and abuse of a potential growth of the nation....
Chennai: Class VII deaf girl raped by 22 for 7 months, 18 held
Times of India July,17th.2018
A deaf minor has been gang-raped by at least 22 men for the past 7 months.
At least 22 men including security guards, elevator operators, and plumbers at an apartment complex in Purasawalkam here sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl with a hearing disorder for more than seven months, police said on Monday.
Investigators have arrested 18 of the suspects and are searching for others involved in the horrific crime in the heart of the Chennai.
The perpetrators sedated the Class VII girl with injections, drug-laced soft drinks and a powder that they made her sniff before sexually assaulting her and video graphed themselves in the act, an investigating officer said. They blackmailed the child into silence for a prolonged period with the threat of releasing the videos and by menacing her with violence, he said.
"This continued till the girl on Saturday told her older sister, a college student on a visit home from Delhi, about the trauma she was going through," an officer said. "The sister informed their parents, who filed a complaint with the Ayanavaram all women police."
The girl told police that Ravi Kumar, 66, an elevator operator in the largely unoccupied 300-flat complex, first sexually assaulted her. Three days later he brought two men reeking of alcohol from outside the complex who videotaped themselves raping her. Other men soon joined in, sexually assaulting the child repeatedly.
India is a big business nation due to its biggest volume of the manpower if the business people are not safe and they have to go through the police Mercy and crime brokerage modeling, no start up will be successful in India….. this is the main reason after having all the benefits India is nowhere in the list of a good or developing nation… The security system and the police corruption is driving the nation towards the global terrorism rather than making it a confident and growing nation..... un employment is touching sky high...
7% unemployment the nation is dying with the highest rate of unemployment in last 45 years….. remove police… give people the freedom to work, good, bad or ugly whatever they want for making their life better than living in this shit and criminal environment after having all the golden benefits that no other nation has got at this moment.
Doing business in Africa is much easier than doing it in India.... because of the private security system and the arrangement..... no one in the third world nation wants to go to police because 1) they re highly corrupted 2) legal complications... Security companies in Africa support the businesses with security services and also provide them the PRO support to save them from the local police and other issues.... Unless India implements aggressively the African model of security arrangement in India.... The economy will never grow..
People shake hands with Muslims for the help for these kinds of support which is highly dangerous as these guys re the global terrorism operators....
Most of the apartments are empty in the big societies or occupied by the young bachelors with no documents or no proper documents.... You inform security about them and ask them who they re and what documents, allows them to stay there.... security will never give you any straight answer rather they have nothing purposefully from these people.... These people keep watching you from the kitchen when you re going out... What they do inside no one knows.. Maybe they have access to other empty apartments also or they call people after you are gone who has keys to these houses...
They may do something dangerous including making bombs like it was found in the Sri Lanka Terror case..... No one here will hear anything rather they will divert the subject or ignore it... Very clear... this Is surely happening under the permission of Police, Muslims, security, management staff and other residents..... You never know what would be the next damages because of the ignorance or the guidance and supervision of all these people....
This colony is a great example of Terrorist operation. I have an example of such suspicious people living in G9-608.... Told billions of times to security and the management.... but they bothered nothing..... meaning everything with the permission of everyone... let them wait for the damage to happen... Police do not come to these places for any verification, including the passport verification because they know all these activities... rather they call you to their places and ask you billion of things and documents or they submit a negative report for your passport verification...
This is how such a big and dangerous crime is happening with police and other people's permission here... Police should be replaced immediately by the good and strong security provider who has all the arms and ammunition for the jobs... in Bangalore and in India.... they are the drivers for the global terrorism... Such a big township with a huge movement of the bachelors carrying bags with no checks... they do not even have a K 9 Snippet dog for the job....you will find people including the security supervisor indicating something as if they know the risk,,.but they won’t do anything...
Over 350 people’s life with the world’s biggest security system’s mistake and ignorance has taught these people nothing….they are getting prepared to break the record of Sri lanka terror killings…..in the Provident Housing Welworth City,Bangalore....India…
Subsequent to the last attack on 3rd Nov. 2018... I was attacked by the around 20 people in the evening at the society gate of Provident Welworth city, My resident... these include the society management president, the security in charge, security supervisor, security guards and many bachelors they continued trying to drag me inside the room and kill me, I forced them to come to my house and see why I am saying this is a terrorist colony... they wanted to enter my house that I did not allow... with very great difficulty I manged to call the police who came to my house rather helping me....they threaten me not to open mouth. I gave them a report and they did not give me the acknowledgment and they asked me to come to the police station to drive their criminal power.... everything is happening under police supervision.... I also see HDFC terrorism during this time, now it is very much evident that society management are driving it inside the society. with the help of their external and internal criminal support...
India is a business nation.... gifted with the all kinds of resources, including the manpower and human talents..... Such a nation cannot be controlled by any Govt.budgted. staffing..... a strong, empowered,professional and fully equipped Private security or Army involvement is only the solution, they get business and they help people to make the business.... leaving the document processing part for the Govt inland security staff if needed..... If this is not the model than India is a land of illiterate and criminal people trying to do something for begging bread better under the umbrella of crime and terrorism with the help of Muslim's global crime network....This nation does not want to follow America and China for the better use of Army powers..for the development of the country....The world's biggest Army and Inland security nation is in big crime shit....The Head quarter of Global Terrorism
The security systems of these societies are highly terororisng....An Example of Provident Welworth City Bangalore Karnataka .India....
Society Nepali/Asami Nexalite supervisor is a dangerous terrorist. He will cross your way, laugh or talk loud when you are passing through the gate…. he is backed by the president and other Nepali and local Kannadiaga internal people and the security guys….. this is how they trigger for a fight and attack like a hard core naxliets…. Police are their super power of crime. This guy should be along with his other people, including Mr Loda (Dick) the President should be jailed immediately… They are hard core terrorist. Sitting here…
subsequent to this you may also find someone was trying access your Cyber accounts….. these people are suspected.. These people are ISIS/Al kayada jihadees who is represented here in the society for Local Police, Muslims and other national and external criminals....
Each day is a corruption, money for them each day is power for them..... to make people's life miserable and complicating things..... They know how to increase crime than stoping crime... They are global terrorism machine on Indian Wheels.... They will never come to help when you call them for help, they will leave the criminals rather call you to their promises to show you thier illegal power to shut your mouth.... this is Indian Police... this department needs to be shut down in India... The highest corrupted govt division...A small Sate Asam with 19 million illegal citizens is good enough to prove what is Indian police and who is their crime army....
Police is a definition of well cultured and modern economies with very less populations, unlike the 1.3 billion of Indian populations….. Policing model was introduced by Britisher to control their colonizing model in India…. there was no police system in India before that..
India is a free nation bounded with its culture and religion policing and society security systems… If we have one more external power to control people. it will only increase criminals to justify their existence….. If India has police than why there is culture and religion security control and why there are private security systems....
News Times of India 3.11.19
Tis Hazari clash: Punjab, Haryana lawyers to go on strike on Monday
In light of the clashes between the Delhi Police and lawyers in Tis Hazari Court complex on Saturday, lawyers in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh will go on strike on Monday in support of the lawyers in Delhi.
This is high time and a great example of Police misusing the power against the civilians and the law makers and law protectors.... The police department the second top corrupted Govt Organization in the county driving crime and terrorism using the Local people, Criminals and young teens.... Army should immediately take over the charge from the police and start doing a corrective actions..... Otherwise this nation soon will be in the list of a biggest terrorist country.... Police and Muslims are driving Terrorism in India with help of Locals, children and the youngsters....
I was going out after locking and sealing my house at afternoon… I saw at the main gate, Daniel the gate keeper, purposefully turned to me to show his face.. I said hi to him and moved on… On the way I saw a mid aged Nepali/gadwalee woman coming from front…. few fake phone calls that I ignored…. When I was having a cup of coffee in coffee house at Boat jetty Ernakulam, three cops of kerala police entered the restaurant and they came and sat on chairs in my table…. I got annoyed…. I finished the coffee and moved on…. When I was crossing the road, saw few locals coming in Lungees (Local dress) towards me….. I ignored them….…. on the way back to home a boy was purposefully trying to show me some keys…. I spent a few minutes in a cyber café and then started walking home…. on the way in a dark roadside, I saw an SUV white colored number ending 3331 stopped in few meters in front of me…… I got suspicious and stopped at the place I was…. a guy came out from the car and started passing urine on the road side…. when he finished the car was still standing there… I took out the phone and started dialing a number… the car started and went off from there….. I started my walk and then took a bus from the NGO quarter for Kakkanad
….. at a local fish vending point opposite to MORE supermarket close to the TV tower, when I was buying fish a guy came and asked the fish vendor for a lighter…. When I reached home and tried to open the main door inbuilt lock… It was already opened….. I removed the seal from the external lock and opened the main door and entered the house….. No idea at the moment for other losses ….
Plus, when I reached the society a woman from some flat was loudly calling Hello Hello….. The exact same way a neighbour lady was calling hello hello when the last time my door seal was tempered and the door was opened for which I lodged the complaint… in the security complaint register....
This is purely a Police and Muslims driven Terrorism group terror who wants to enter my house for different terrorism and global crime purpose including stealing things and using computer internet etc.…
For global crime
A warning to all the property buyers in India… immediately changes the lock or put an external lock and a security camera or at least a seal like mine… for the primary safety… India /Kerala Kakkanad Cochin/VB park is high terror society and place….everyone is involved
The private buses have all the signals passing these messages 1) Sana/Shana (Over smart) most of the time key is opened when I saw these buses….. Bavas, stands for Bavasons builders…..
The private bus operators driving terrorism in Cochin, Kerala…. driving people for crimes with their way of messaging
The story of State called Karela, where a local Malyalee sell and slave the daughter in Overseas and Middle East for the local luxuries and kills the Property and other investors from outside….. National Intelligence should catch all of them and save the World from the global terrorism happening in VB Park/Kakkanda/Cochin/Kerala /India….. This place should be totally blacklisted from any investment…..
If you go to watchman… Sir this lock cannot be opened by any other key …..he puts blame back on you...Sir this tempering is done by the children....putting blame on children for being a ISIS members.. High Alert for National Intelligence… PM, Modi was telling in his recent speech in BRICS… the terrorism has killed 1 trillion worth assets in the world….. it is happening from VB park/Kakkanad/Cochin/Kerala by Police, Society, Security, Muslims and Bachlores of the town…. This is Naxalite zone….
I went for a routine coffee in a coffee house in Kakkanad after a small walk from home in the evening…. while having coffee, I saw two criminal type guys entered the coffee house…. after finishing coffee, I came out and was trying to cross the road a biker slightly hit me and stopped after going a little ahead.. It was a kind of shock for me… After a moment,. I realized it was a slight hit at my leg same time I thought it was a mistake from both the sides so Ignored the accident, crossed the road… I saw that guy after a while entered the coffee house…
A kind of a signal that the criminal members inside, were his partners… before the coffee, I saw a police car as well at Kakkanad Bus stand…. Kind of a sequence… Police-criminals and an attack..this is the second time I experienced these kind of criminal activities and an attack in this coffee house and police terror in the coffee home at Boat Jetty Eranakulam… Sounds like the coffee house is a target place for these criminals for finding out their middle class victims…. National Intelligence should keep eye on all the coffee houses in Cochin and across the nation….
….. Middle class drives the nation and these criminal and police target their victims in these places….. National Intelligence alert place…. A Bangladesh terror group in Action in Bangalore and Mysure, definitely they are in Kerala as well due to their heavy immigrant worker power….
51% citizens paid a bribe in the last 12 months; property registration, police and municipality and transport top areas where bribes are demanded
Unless these departments are privatize....this nation will not come out of the global terrorism circle...
27th November 2019, New Delhi: : Corruption, over the last several decades has been a part and parcel of daily life in India. While the introduction of systems in public services has largely reduced corruption in centralised services like securing a passport or buying a railway ticket, most citizen services at the state and local levels are still ridden with bribery and kickbacks.
India’s ranking in the Corruption Perception Index 2018 released by Transparency International, has improved 3 places compared to last year and we now stand at 78th position out of 180 countries. According to the 2018 survey, 56% citizens of the country said they had paid bribes, while this year’s survey reveals a definite and noticeable reduction in the number of times bribes are paid by the citizens either directly or indirectly. The reduced percentage of citizens who said they paid a bribe in the last 12 months stands at 51%.
29th Nov.,.,2019, 8.30pm
Doordarshan Tower Street and Cross Road behind VB Park.
Survived a suspected attack by 2 bikers at 8.30 pm a small cross road behind VB Park…. I went for a walk in the evening and saw many suspicious things and while coming back to home… A vehicle passed through me with a very rash driving on a street on Door Darshan tower… and when I reached to the cross road close to the society.. a guy in the bike came very close to me from the opposite side and started behaving like he is confused where to go… immediate after him there was another biker who started shouting on him, and they both got into the argument… I immediately moved from that place ignoring them….
It was night and it was a planned attack on me…
This area after the VB Park towers towards Durdarshan Tower… is very isolated and alone and scary at night… free zone for any attack by the criminals… people watch you, follow you from home to main road and vice versa from each of the walls there… Cochin has many zones like this for a free crime by the criminals using their Police, Muslims and local residents’ power…. Youngsters are going very aggressive in the crime… They shout at you from behind and using abusing words, etc. to provoke you for the fight…
Nov 30, 2019, 0:32 IST-Times Of India
Telangana doctor murder: They raped, smothered, burnt her after hatching crime over drinks The accused saw the woman parking her scooter near a toll plaza, one of them then punctured her scooter's tire when she was not around while another offered to help her fix it when she came back, telling her all repair shops were closed. They then raped the doctor, killed her and set her on fire.
November 30, 2019
UPDATED: December 1, 2019 00:13 IST
India Today
Telangana doctor rape-murder: 3 cops suspended, accused sent to judicial custody | Top developments
Three police personnel were suspended on Saturday for a delay in registering an FIR in the rape and murder case of a woman doctor in Telangana. The cops were suspended after a detailed enquiry was conducted on the alleged "dereliction of duty on delaying the registration of FIR relating to a missing woman".
6th December, 2019
In the evening when I was coming back from the city.. I saw a police Jeep standing almost covering the SBI ATM in Kakkanad. I went to have a coffee at the coffee house noticed a bachelor, he purposefully passed through my table… after finishing the cofee when I was going to home A bike (bullet) passed through me, the guy who was sitting in the back seat, he shouted something in the local language….
next to this a police jeep again on the road…. when I was walking on the roadside opposite to the Kerala Media, Kakkanad a small old car with 4 guys inside, like criminals came close to me and started asking some address… I was shocked,… I said I do not know and moved back away from the car…. they realized I was prepared so they just laughed and repeated my words in a sarcastic way and then they moved away… next I saw two guys close to the Residential hotel, one of them started pissing on the road side in a public area purposefully….
…. next to them a Nepali or a North East guy was standing watching everything…. I walked slowly to home… these were the crimes for the attack.. it was night time around 8.10pm and the attack was planned in supervision with the Police and HDFC.. these kind of people comes close to you and create a scene of the fight.. same people who raped and burned the girl in Hyderabad…. everything happens in association with Police, Muslims, Locals and they use criminals local and immigrants for the task…
Plus, I noticed whenever I withdraw cash, do some online financial transaction these things happens… Meaning these people watch you in ATM machines, Banks, check your banking and financial transactions with the help of bank and your financial vendor and start targeting you for the crime… I used the ATM withdrawal today in the city… ATM systems and online financial transactions are not secured in Cochin/Kerala/India…. this is where the crime stats…
… Passing your information to criminals after the transactions… as usual when I reached home saw suspicious things in the door area… the different colored waste management bins in the lift area is the biggest tool of crime indications….. They play its placements accordingly…. Meaning this is not a waste management system… this is an operational tool for the crime..
21 and 22nd,Dec.19, at night around 8. pm.. Behind VB park/Kakkanad Kerala, India
I was going out between afternoons to evening time… before the grocery shop at the top on the way to Doordarshan tower. Some boys, students/bachelors were playing cricket in a house and loudly passing some unpleasant comments…. While coming back at night…. after the coffee house on the way to the house, a small public 4wheel cab, someone shouted loudly something in the local language from inside…. after the MORE store… someone passed talking on the phone in Bangla language….
When I was reaching the small bridge behind VB park.... a half red color goods carrier three wheeler with another two guys on a separate bike... stopped all of sudden my way.. at the small bridge.... they were criminals... hardcore.... this bridge is a hub of young criminals and bachelors..they are found at the night time in bunches with their bikes there...
Later ,on 22nd,I saw some police jeeps and some criminal type people in the bus and outside,… plus when I was close to the house again three boys passed through talking something loudly and when I was close to the small bridge behind VB park.. again a bunch of boys in that point whispering something in the dark…….
These kind of people at odd timings are very dangerous, are the one who rape and burn the girls and throws acid and get vanished… they re also involved in kidnapping... they wait for their targets…. They are fully supported and supervised by locals, police, Muslims and criminals….. this is the main reason people do not like Citizenship bill here… so that they can easily run their crime with these illegal peoples… plus when I reached home.. against different kind of messaging with various noise makings by the neighbors… National Intelligence alert and action time….
Around Six Pm…. 28th Dec, 2019..
I was coming from Kakkanad, Cochin, Kerla at the corner point, opposite to MORE Store a group of locals, matured guys in lunge (local dress) passed some unpleasant comments….. when I reached close to the Muslim store a guy in a small white car, number 7454, yellow plate.could be a taxi… almost hit me from behind, though I was off road… but he was very close to hit me... a criminal faced guy, may be on drugs or drunk, but he was a criminal, clear…. Further, when I reached to the small bridge again the group of teens, they soughted from behind when I had passed through them….
as usual.. I also saw two guys standing with a scooter at a junction before the VB park gate…. All these people are a group of criminals…. This is a complete chain of crime activist from locals, teens to criminals… the taxi companies should be very careful before giving the car to a driver…. May be they are taking the car for a criminal purpose… and return it to the company after crime is done…. this area of VB park surrounding is highly criminal…. either crime happens outside or in the building, your floor etc.….
1st in 11 years: No. of passengers falls at IGI, Mumbai airports
Saurabh Sinha| TNN | Updated: Jan 10, 2020, 08:03 IST
Credit goes to these criminals police and Muslim...India is loosing global attraction and no other nation is interested for India services and hiring...Tourism is also dying..
No doubt every teen in India trying to become criminal and Naxalite ... The Rapidly increasing Juvenile jails in India.... Great Inspirations... CEO of Bank, the Forbes Personality, BRIC personality is in Money laundering and the National Guard who was charged with Corruption and Drug dealings gets Gallantry awards and again got caught in operating Terrorism group... May be to get the top most National awards....now....
20th Jan.20… VB Park-Kakkand, Cochin, Kerala-Padamugal to VB Park via service lane...
I was coming back to home… Got down at Padamugal.Was looking for a small home item in nearby stores… No Luck…. when I started coming back to home… realized a guy in bike came and stopped next to me where I was drinking a juice at road side…. he was asking wiered things to the shop man , loudly speaking out to the world… When I was very close at the tuning point from the main road to the service lane, a small shuttle bus came and parked widely, closed to me.. was almost to me…. further down…
when I was close to home before the men’s hospital after the small govt shcool… saw 2 guys standing with the bike with no reason in an isolated place next to the wall… I also realized a big shuttle bus was taking a turn coming towards us… from a distanced point where some more boys were standing in the corner…. I stopped and went from left side where the biker was standing to right side of the road…. waited for the bus to go and started walking further…. heard a shouting from behind by this bike people…. kept walking and reached home passing the small store on the road closed to the society…
… the non local security guard-Bengali/Nepali etc was in action…. followed to this… Mails in the mail box from CRM Provindent housing PWC for some auctions in welworth city, spam mails from Linked in crime support, etc…. This road is also a little Isolated at few points and dangerous…. There is a third road to house that is from the other side starts from the backside of the vegetable market, passing the KSEB power house… that road is very dangerous… and isolated… I experienced an incident there was a guy very loudly shouted from Behind HELLO HELLO and when I stopped for him he stared pertaining talking on the phone.
…. these people are Naxalites and Crime mafia associates working for HDFC, PWC builder, Muslims, police and other local operating crimes…. VB park Kakkanad, Cochin, Kerala and surrounding is a dangerous place…. you never know if they have illegal access to house as well for the criminal activities… the neighbors are very dangerous people…. they make lot of crime signalings, including loud music knocking your ceiling from upper house, using children for various crime activities and messaging…. this is how people operates… Global Terrorism here and around……
… no doubt engineering and law degrees are sold for Rs. 75 k and unemployment breaking 40 years records… allotting gallantry and top civilian national awards to criminal and terrorist group people…. India is a terrorism operation nation. 1.3 billion terrorism minds…
24th Jan,2020…
Last few days I have been observing few things…few days back when I came back from walk…from some house a child was making noise as if he is coughing…When I reached to the iron bench for stretching my legs…I saw an empty tap role…before I used to tape my door locks before going out…I stopped it to watch these criminals reactions….2 days before when I was on my walk in the morning a nexalite faced guy was waiting for me ,acting talking to someone on the phone….I ignored him ,went to other side and passed through him .after some time I saw him again,did the same thing but this time he shouted loudly…..English version….go straight…when I came back I found a big nail in my front room bathroom….I realized someone has opened my house…yesterday…close to coffee home in Kakkanad. An Auto driver passed a comment English version…blast his head…. I was also observing the behaviors of the staff in the Provision store opposite to the society…they always try to pass some signals…mainly the boy working there, thin one ….he is very suspicious…today morning when I went there he was talking over the phone purpose fully, I tried giving him the payment for the item I picked ,still he ignore..I left the money it showing it to him and moved…when I was going up…a suv white color with black roof passed very fast from my side…I see same vehicle parked at the store most of the time…..When I was in the city after my visit to Infant Jesus church I was going to spend some time in marine drive….I saw two cops there …ignored them and moved to other side and passed through them….at marine drive some Bangala family were around taking photos…they also came close to me and started talking to each other in bangala…. When I reached back to home before society I saw two nepali/gadwali/NE grils in purple color uniform ,were going loudly talking,english version…Rakesh is calling again and again…I see these girls many time around…when I reached the society…I saw that non local guard in action…Daniel,local guard called me and gave me the receipt of my maintenance payment and purposefully he was trying show me the outstanding amount and the payment of Rs 7000 that I send them in April,19 in a cheque ….in the statement…Point to be noted….it was manipulated….for the reference of Rs 7000 payment,there was no my cheque number detail…The society bank account # and the name was given as reference…I was never given the reciep as well…though I asked the Cashier Last time few months before when I met him..He purposefully said that he will send it through mail…that also never happened…I came home and first thing that I noticed the salute tap was kept in my main hall bath room in different place…link—signalling by child few days before after keeping the empty salute tape in the iron bench downstairs….
When I was entering the society I also noticed a guy in the first block was rushing down in half naked position, just wearing an old shittty white colour vest and he was in the gate area watching my movements with Daniel….
Clear proof they have keys to open the house both the lock …Inbuilt one in the door and the external manual door lock.Neighbors are big criminals in this crime…. The representative of Police and Muslim terrorist…like one caught is recently in Kashmir …DSP Davinder Singh giving shelter to Terrorist group head…for driving the terrorism in the county and outside…
One the way I also saw a Muslim guy standing in front of a police station in the city…connection of police and muslin. For the crime ….
This is what I noticed at the moment..no idea what all have been touched and poisoned here….
At the moment the Daniel,non local guard and the boy in the store next door should be taken immediately for the investigation remand ,they are front ender and they will tell the entire terrorist group details.
This society houses have very serious network driving the global groups for terrorism…with the Muslims,police ,society management and the naxalite and criminals in and outside the society…..The house keeping people purpose fully will flood the lift with all the garbage bins watching your arrivals for the harassment…This is what you get as hit for paying the maintenance and giving them jobs to feed their children…. Everyone is a member of hard core terrorist group…..they enter your house and give all the signals outside and inside as well….VB Park a center or Global Terrorism…People named above should be immediate arrested for an investigation and remand by intelligence…Police is nothing just terrorism drivers giving shelter to Terrorist people….DSP Davindeers’s group people….
3rd Feb, 2020.. Cochin City and VB park Kakkanad –Police Driven Terrorism….
I went out after the morning…. during the time when I was outside and was traveling, I saw a lot of criminal activities around… Police was the driver all over with their Jeep and vans…. Most of the criminals I saw were at different ATM machines and Banks SBI, HDFC, Federal, CSB etc.…. when I returned home around 6 pm close to the society VB Park, two guys, including a teen, non local… passed through passing a comment” Signature”…. I started putting a seal on my door with a tap and a paper with my signature….
There were some small pieces of torn paper at my door could be someone tampered the lock and seal, may be more… I also saw a forensic jeep and a Muslim guy with a beard, during this time…. A great indication and a threat that we all (Police, Muslim local and society people and watchman) are involved…. As usual, there was a non local watchman at the main gate area…. This is how the DSP Davinder Singh was driving the terrorism, taking people’s property using it for hiding the terrorists and operating a global terrorism cell… since it is driven by Police and all top law and enforcement departments everyone either silent or part of it.
. Having all these people part of the crime, there is nothing left safe, they can open any lock, any seal and temper any signature…. One more thing whenever these things happens, I find some kind of criminal or terrorism activities happens in some part of India or in the world, news updates…. These people wanted to enter your house and use it for these kind of global terrorism drive…. India is a terrorism destination and any investment here mainly in property is highly dangerous…. buying a ticket for becoming a terrorism tool…. VB Prak Kakkanad, Cochin is the hub for this terrorism….
… If you call the Security… The answer… Sir some children has done it…. This is how children are used here either directly or by their name for the global terrorism…. they are making children the human Bombs.
11th Feb, 2020.. Cochin Metro City and VB park Kakkanad –Police Driven Terrorism…continues
Early in the morning the non Local security guard came to hand over the electric bill..a mail from cashier for the maintenance dues to all the society owners....with the bank account detail for the transfer of money....I was going out around after noon....saw a criminal faced guy with blue T shirt entering the lift..saw some senior citizens at junction after the society....further down,a guy was trying to cross me at HDFC bank...as usual many criminal signals..
a boy came to me in Pallikara ,was trying to take my attention to a board written DOORS,pertaining asking me something...I ignored...also saw a police jeep in between..When I returned home...I noticed my door lock seal was tempered...I written a complaint in the complaint register...I also noticed there was no other complaint after mine last one in Oct.19....very suspicious....I did not see the local watchmen...The Non local guy Bengali/Nepali or from somewhere else was around...Told him the issues...he was laughing....
A police driven terrorism in this the small city,they say they want to make it region's second IT city....Could be a world's biggest cyber crime ,Mafia and global terrorism hub..
13th Feb., 2020, VB Park, Airtel office MG Road, Cochin City and Kakkanad… Cochin, Kerala. India
Today I was going out around after morning… When I was locking the house with a seal… the mid aged lady in a nightgown, orange colour came out from E1 my floor, I was busy in my act… she stepped down using the stairs… I reached down, a guy. in the gray t shirt.Little frustrated was entering the lift, around… 30 years…man …. I went to the city seeing so many criminal activities by the police and the other criminals…. kind of signaling…. I went to the Airtel MG road office to change my SIM card…
Realized this that people around there knew I am coming…. as I was checking different shops in the city for replacing my damaged SIM card….. the atmosphere was highly designed and suspected to delay things… a Nepali/gadwali/ guy enters the shop in a security uniform… he was a criminal… started asking them that he did re charge on 1st and now seeing there is no balance. Etc…. he kept them busy and started acting a fake drama… he did not even know how much he did recharge for… they were trying to delay me and showing their full drama giving me the wrong information…
Finally, I showed my frustration and got my duplicate SIM and came out… again saw criminals and police busy in crimimnal signaling all the way, including some suspected people closed to HDFC…. Opposite More Store before Door Darshan tower.… when I reached home at the corner before my society street.. few Muslim ladies… I see them passing comments pretending, talking to each other few of the time…. reached home… and found that my door seal was tempted… the tape was cut… Went Down… brought up the old security man Xavier and showed him the entire thing…. went down with him and wrote a complaint in the complaint Register...
this was the next complaint in the register after mine on 11th…. After that I told him… I am here for security reason… I have House in Bangalore and Delhi as well… the local police is highly suspected so I do not believe them… I tried them before and I know them.. Plus, they are suspected to be involved with terrorism activities, Davinder Singh Kasmere DSP, here is a great example… I have my social media I write everything there to attract the National intelligence on my issue…. so please tell the people do not come to my door….. this is an act of terrorism….
he acted like ignoring, clear indication he knows what is happening….. Every One is part…. one can make out from their faces…. The national intelligence alert for this society…. I think they are busy watching who is going more to Bangala Desh….. like they did before catching Davinder Singh…..DSP Kashmere with gallantry awards…
Innovative methods of Police Crime and Terrorism drive…In India..
Recently there has been an increasing number of ATM frauds and cyber banking frauds in India…. this is a big eyewash…. this is not a real crime..the real crime is… implementing cyber security system by bank and financial companies to take the power of your account under the umbrella of regulation and allowing internet police to get to your database…and blackmailing you for various crimes by all criminals...
Recently I received an email from ICICI direct for the OTP services… for accessing your account or making a transaction…. good idea, but at the same time.. it puts you more into criminal issues than saving your account…. The implementation is done by the service provider/bank etc. by forcing you through hacking and disturbing your account or doing some ATM fraud or cyber fraud in your account…. it is a very smart way of doing terrorism and crime by police to put you into issues blocking you money, getting into your system/internet database to take access of other information as well for the crime...and terrorism.
They keep watching you all over hacking your accounts, the fraud will be done and you will be in problem, you do any equity transaction, your transactions will be changed so the stock exchange can cancel it… for example… you want to limit a price for your share selling or buying…. The hacker will go to your account and change it to the higher price… stock exchange will reject the transaction.. Nothing is stolen, but you are disturbed…. you will talk to the broker such as ICICI direct…. they will ask you the details in mails… then the real issue starts…. the involvement of the Mafia and cyber criminals driven by police...
… back and forth and you get nothing than monitoring you by the police and criminals for various crimes. If you apply for the OTP…. most of the time it does not come to the phone…. you call them, they will say… system issue etc and wait for some time….. or maybe they can say… your phone number, etc. is not matching.. so please visit us… that is the starting of crime…. you visit them, the number of question and documents needed… you provide them… you will get sms after that the document are not validated, contact us again… and this will continue….
. …. all the information in parallel is available to the police and criminals for their crime drive….
The Pink and Blue Jeep so called the savior of women crime and internet crime is nothing but monitoring you based on your cyber activities, social media and financial and other transactions…. directly, indirectly or through the criminals… I was attacked to death in Nov, 2018 at night in Bangalore, close to my house in the provident welworth city, dodaballapur road.. the day I saw the Blue Jeep….
It is all to monitor you through different methods including blocking your financials so you re stuck and forced to do all the crime activities the Police, Muslims and their partner in crime want you to do… The crime partners of DSP Davinder singh, the gallantry awardee from Kashmir police….
And this will be a hell for you if you are not in the city of your branch bank,telecom etc..….. the people sitting in the call center and front end in these offices are jihad terrorist….bombs
I had all these similar experiences with ICICI demate and horrible experiences with them when I came from Dubai on the trip…. I started exposing them.. it ended throwing out Ms Chanda Kochar Ex CEO ICICI Bank, Top BRICS personality, Forbes personality, USA award winner, Bharat Ratana.… for money laundering charges....
This nation still has many Chanda Kochar and DSP Davinder Singh, who has generated this crime, crime generation employees sitting in the offices and call centers… USA is not wrong filling court case against Indian call centers that they are making robotic calls to make their people mad and driving them for the crime purposes….
14th Feb, 2020-VB Park, Cochin, Kerala and outside in city and further….
After putting a written 3rd complaint on 13th in the complaint register in the security…. next on 14 morning… When I was going out and locking my house with a seal… the man from E1 my floor came out and went to lift… I ignored and stayed for some time him to go… he went down and purposefully did not close the lift to come up… I went down using the stairs… As usual, so many criminal signals outside and when I was coming from Parambavur in the evening.. some people, kind of workers or criminals, non local in the bus were pushing me behind.....
… the bus was crowded.. so need to ignore…. at home… when I reached my floor in the lift… the short man next to my door was standing with his young daughter purposefully covering the door, making me to struggle to come out…. I came out and opened the door and entered the house…. a surprising thing happened next day in the morning… I saw a ball pen in my black shoe that I am not using these days…. I do not know when it happened if this happened after the time I started to seal the house than the criminals are very high tech people… they can open any seal and replace it the way it was….
These people may be here as tenants with few thousands rent enjoying the entire flat with big families and kids… these guys are the reason for killing the developing city…. This is the area with all towels like Bombay next to the Techno park and CESZ,Economic zone is high potential for the professionals who can live here here to support the development than growing young children and having a great life with joint families growing buffelos around… rather they leave little out of the city and enjoy their parents and grow children in more natural environments than using them here for terrorism activities..….here...
They are the front endears of criminals and are part or forced by criminals to trouble me… and other owners like me who is back here for some peace and security….. Writing any component triggers no button in management ears…. this is how they all drive crime here… if they cannot open your flat door for their crimes they start showing their faces… I am also in the email with Airtel for the crime Airtel Cochin is doing, these faces are reaction for that too…. The man above house is a serious cyber and mafia criminal…
… anytime 24 hours I am in net, he is somehow watching my activities and start making noises… such as removing furniture etc, even at night 2,3 am…. Looks to me like he has an office above to monitor me…
18th,Feb.2020….VB Park Kakkanad,Cochin Kerala.
Today after morning I was going out… my door mat was disturbed… normally it is a signal something will happen wrong today…. closed to the gate, Daniel/Security guard purposefully crossed the way and he wanted to start some casual talk I just ignored him and said him bye and went out… so many disturbing things during the time when I was out… when I came back… before the society… a routine guy with his buffalo was going back with a small stick…. the old man from the House above my apartment was also seen… normally, whenever I see him some issue happens… reached to the home… Saw that the door lock seal was disturbed.. removing little tape from the lock seal… I went down and wrote the complaint.. took the copy… The non local nepali/bengali/other palce guard was asking me is that Lock has some other key as well… I told him that is not important…. over and above I have a new external lock and I put a seal, kind of comment shut your mouth and do not make a case for saving the criminals… I went and met Mr Ranjit, the secretary and took him to my apartment and explained the issue. requested him to inform people to not to touch my door area and lock… He said, I will inform…Later at nigh…,I sent a mail on the entire issue with some history to him and Arun Kumar ,Society president..with a copy of the complaint I wrote in Oct,19 When I logged into the mails there was a mail from Airtel someone Anita, customer care… she mentioned she was trying to reach me in my phone number in issue with a duplicate SIM bought from MG Road Kacheripedi Store… I replied… Due to the security issues I do not attend calls… put across everything in writing and let me know the issue and I need my duplicate SIM activated and what is causing delay…… Everything is linked The criminals who touch my door are well connected with Airtel as well… it is a drive to push me to open the house for the criminals at the moment by Airtel…. and many more people…. Global terrorism group
Police Drives terrorism and crime and kidnapping in India.....This department should be closed and Army should take over immediately....Police is killing the nation with the Government Investments and Powers....This Department should be closed soon taking jobs powers and assets from each of the Police man....Running this department is a great insult in the name of Law and Enforcement in the world.... Indian Army is big disaster..the time when India is going Big Arms power Nation with its strong Navi, Marine Power.....there is no job for Army at the borders...Right from Driving Terrorism group in Kashmir by DSP Davinder ,Operating Kidnapping Group in India and Killing People in Delhi Riots feb-20...Everywhere it is crime action of Indian Police...The World's biggest defense force the Indian Army enjoying XXX with their internal crime power called Police to kill the Nations...
Bihar- Police was running kidnapping gang.Four policemen arrested
CARONA Virus has locked the entire world... No Flight... No Train, No Bus and nothing opened outside... your home is either your prison or office or Business heaven depends on you what you make it.... The birth of Work from Home meaning, no office walls and securities..... This is time for the Good private security companies to get into actions and provide support in the colonies and residential areas with high tech support and intelligence... Cyber security and Local security Patrolling is one of the biggest opportunities.... Unwanted people around first one to get into custody....
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