Polemic against Macron's Jahiliyya

I’ve sown the seeds of faithfulness. I’ve drawn wonderful pictures And opened so many curtains. Maybe you will get to know Us” Rumi

Every Prophet Pbuh that came to this world left behind a community of followers. The process that ushered in one prophet after another did not leave seeds of division but left behind one single belief that God is One. The Unity and Unicity of One God embraces the ultimate unity of the human race in spite of our diversity in our creation. The Prophets are a family from the oneness of God’s creation. The Process will and did come to an end with the coming of the last Prophet Peace be upon him. The ministry will continue and resist heresy, innovation and crossbred ideology.

We have no quarrel with revelation because it is the voice of God the Creator speaking through His Prophet to the hearts of all and every human being. Having said this, this may be the tipping point for many to get to know the man Muhammed Pbuh and the Prophet. The debate has always been whose Muhammed Pbuh is being discussed now. Likewise, when I convey Abraham, Moses, Jesus Pbut and mention Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, reality there has only been one of them yet history has many imagining and caricature of them.

Throughout history we have had a plethora of people who have attack the great personage of these Prophets Pbut and regrettable many of these critics were not privileged to see the light at the end of their dark moorings and inner turmoil. We in our freedom act often contrary to what pleases God. True, God gave us freedom to transgress against His wishes- we disobey in our arrogance and ignorance. It is also true that we have the capacity to accept and reject under any pressure what we want and not want to do. This shows the magnanimity of God; Creator of all beings and that He has safe guarded our hearts from all pressures, compulsion and duress. He will not judge our action according to these pressures. That says that you in your intention to denigrate a Prophet of God and without fear or favour; that intention for what purpose is only known to you and God. Our freedom of choice is in relation to what we know and act and Judgement follows responsibility.

Whatever; calling you follow is your choice. But know that the Prophets Adam, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Muhammed and Lord Rama, Krishna and Buddha were all Prophets peace be upon them and cannot be negated. In Christianity and Judaism: the Bible Mark 12:29 “Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord” In Isaiah 43:11 “I am the Lord and there is no god besides Me.” In Hinduism: Chandogyu Upanishah 6:2. “He is One only without a second.” In Sikhism: Sri Guru Granth Sahib, vol1 Japuli verse 1. “There exists but one God, who is called The True, The Creator. In Islam. Quran 112: “Say, “He is Allah, the One and Only…” God is but only One and His Prophets Pbut are His chosen Blessed messengers to convey His word and guide us towards righteousness. So, my dear sisters and brothers proceed through the earth and observe how was the end of deniers.

Muhammed Pbuh coming from a dry land [desert], he would be very holy, he will fight evil forces and he will gather warriors for this purpose. He will give protection even to enemies.” There is much to learn before we talk words and replace it with swords and attack the faith, sense and sensibilities of over 1.8B Muslims is insulting. This cartoon and accusation without proper study and knowledge has been the target of not only unlettered people like ourselves but those who bragged of great learning and scholarship. The Quranic polemic against Ignorance; is ignorance about God and our own self.

For fourteen centuries from the time of the first reverts in the household of Muhammed Pbuh to the present Muslim Ummah worldwide, stretching from the Uyghurs, mainly in the Xinjiang region of China 11 million are incarcerated in our 21st century; “Selective Silence” adds to the worst human rights crisis that is ongoing in Palestine, Burma, Kashmir apart from what we had seen in Bosnia and elsewhere. Being a Muslim and now India’s Modi is amplifying this Muslim phobia. With the aid of “Media Suicide” playing to the people in power for fear and favour. This century after the collapse of the Iron Curtain and the Cold War, Muslims worldwide have been targeted and a very sad chapter in the history of civilization. Sad the many people of learning have become the agents of the purse, hiring the Power of Ideas to fear or favour. In our human family Islam has enriched and enlightened the tapestry of Islam with the colours of all; black, white, brown and yellow; where all lives matter. We all have year in and year out witness the greatest assemblage of worshippers rubbing shoulder to shoulder at haj over 1442 years and will continue.

We embrace our unity, whether we American, Chinese, Indian, Arab, African, European or Latino we are Muslims and Muhammed Saas stands in the middle of our faith. And Macron in your blindness you fail to see that a Muslim in heart will exchange his comfort and freedom for the slightest discomfort to Muhammed the brother to Jesus, David, Joseph, Isaac, Ismael, Moses, Ebrahim, Noah and Adam peace and blessings be upon them all and many not mentioned. Muhammed Saas is so beloved by Muslims and you challenge and vilify this Prophet of God. Your inanity has clouded your humanity. And you arrogantly rally the people of France to partner in your crime against 1.8B Muslims. We salute the many intelligent fellow beings who distance themselves from your atrociously offensive and polemical statements by misrepresenting freedom of speech. The greater Muslims, from among your fellow co-workers, your employer or employee, your child’s teacher, neighbour, doctor or nurse or the corner shop are very much human as yourself. We have swallowed bitter pills from the days of your own barbaric brutality in Africa with the infamous foreign legions. History cannot be denied. Those in Macron’s corner should appraise the human cost in pain, suffering, murder, rape and most barbaric crimes of inhumanity during their Colonial debacle.

Your challenge is outright Blasphemous. The mendacious cartoon depicting The Prophet is ongoing. The timing begs the question that there will be reaction to the repetition of insults against the Prophet Pbuh. Going to incite and irate Muslims. At the time when there are pockets of attacks; verbally, physically and emotionally targeting Muslims. People in mischief learn no lesson with the Danish cartoonists, the newspaper editors blinded by sensationalism, preying on the blindness in misrepresentation and misinformation. Mischief will continue throughout the corridors conscripting the arrogant and ignorant. The lack of integrity and scholarship among mischief scholars infused by their ego and using their pen to bleed and blemish the Prophet Muhammed Pbuh.

We a nation of people that embraces unity and unicity of God Almighty. We are resilient, we have endured the cannibal Crusades, the war on terror, the gross refuge crisis of our Muslim countries and displacement of so many children. This I type with tears of pain and suffering and I have this conviction that Power of One will always prevail. Macron you exercise that freedom of speech in rallying your nation to openly display and challenge the world’s Muslims in your hate speech. There is a discipline in fair and factual reading and research. I have been around over 7 decades and you just another soul that needs salvaging and truly I care that before your eyes close you will seek the truth and reconcile your inner disturbance and thought viruses with sincere prayer. I pray; you will find inner peace and courage to see the truth. I pray we get beyond the distortions in the perverted minds of those you rallied to stand for freedom of expression while depicting images of violence, grotesque and hate.

The Islam bashing and Muhammed Saas in the so called freedom of the ‘pen and brush’ is a burning shame, dishonour and scandalous to the tri-colour legacy and faith of France. Are you insecure and so obsessed and that you blindly align with those who seek sudden fame by stereotyping this medieval polemics. Muslims don’t need thought transformation; we are trying our best midst the worst and testing times that the world is undergoing during COVID19..

Default in leadership, sell-outs and doormats aiding the theological assault on us from their Herrenvolk masters. But we strong in heart and we endure. When people not realising the power and poison of the pen and the word. “I’m no coward” It is more heroic and noble to seek the truth and defend it but this hymn of hate is cruel because of our own ignorance exploiting fears to ignite the type of distasteful and desired reaction. Media is dedicated and dictated by the Industry that presents and projects the agenda of the people in power and profit. Truth can never be bought or sold in the hearts of true scholars.

You by your Big Brother tactics picking and closing places of worship; a retreat and refuge that calms legitimate anger and affront. Is a monumental ignorance in the very principles that dictate the protection, the freedom and liberty of those under your flag. A far cry from the monks of mercy and the priest of piety; yours is a mission of mischief. Honesty if you truly wishing to know the merits of the mission and ministry of Muhammed the Prophet and the Unity and Unicity of the One true God, go search for the truth, it stares the seekers in the face. In conclusion, there are over 1.8 Billion Muslims. There are many very devoted and caring and the Prophet Pbuh is dear to us. We have honoured him by not worshipping him but by celebrating his message, devotion and love for God and humanity. We have been tested. Yet our faith is deep-rooted and pray for sanity that humanity returns to us all. Delhi was another day in the abstraction of humanity. There was a time we trusted our neighbours. It was an extension of our home. We had two sets of parents and respect was due to the neighbour parents irrespective of what faith and practice they followed. Today Kashmir and Delhi and Xinjiang are triple trouble spot because of their faith. But we cannot lose faith and we reminded that: “The one who strives to help a widow or the poor is like one who struggles in the cause of God” saying of the Prophet Pbuh. Islam is about humanity, giving and wanting for others what you want for yourself, even when you are in need of help. Let’s make a difference to what is not human in us: Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, colour, race, sex, status, property, birth and profession. Indeed, Islam has honoured the children of Adam. Be human and Humanity will grow itself within us. Let us not be party to another holocaust, genocide or ethnic cleansing. The spark is fuelling ignorance with fear. God help us…Man 'arafu nafsahu, faqad 'arafu rabbahu. to know oneself is to know one's Lord.

Leave a legacy of enduring goodness that will out live you and immortalise your being or join Pharaoh while the sea closed upon him and his evil defiance. You made your choice.

Hassen Vally


4 年

Every Prophet Pbuh that came to this world left behind a community of followers. The process that ushered in one prophet after another did not leave seeds of division but left behind one single belief that God is One. The Unity and Unicity of One God embraces the ultimate unity of the human race in spite of our diversity in our creation. The Prophets are a family from the oneness of God’s creation. The Process will and did come to an end with the coming of the last Prophet Peace be upon him. The ministry will continue and resist heresy, innovation and crossbred ideology. We have no quarrel with revelation because it is the voice of God the Creator speaking through His Prophet to the hearts of all and every human being. Having said this, this may be the tipping point for many to get to know the man Muhammed Pbuh and the Prophet. The debate has always been whose Muhammed Pbuh is being discussed now. Likewise, when I convey Abraham, Moses, Jesus Pbut and mention Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, reality there has only been one of them yet history has many imagining and caricature of them. read: "Polemic against Macron's Jahiliyya"



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