Poland in Supercomputing Premiere League

Poland in Supercomputing Premiere League

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has selected 5 new sites in the European Union for the next generation of #supercomputers: Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, and Poland. As the first European exascale computing system, i.e. performing at least 10 to the power of 18?of double precision (64-bit) operations per second, they will serve scientific community, industry and the public sector.

The most powerful supercomputer JUPITER will be placed at Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany. The Polish one will be launched in 2023 in Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH . It is expected to be among the 50 most powerful computers of the world, a few times faster than the presently fastest Polish supercomputer ATHENA, which ranks as the 9th in energy efficiency and 105th on TOP500 list of the world.

EuroHPC JU has already procured 8 supercomputers across Europe: 5 operational in Finland,?Slovenia,?Luxembourg,?Bulgaria and?the Czech Republic, and ?3 in progress in Italy,?Portugal and?Spain.?The fastest and most energy-efficient supercomputer in Europe and the third in the world is the Finnish LUMI created by a consortium that includes Poland represented by the Ministry of Education and Science and Cyfronet AGH.

So far Cyfronet AGH hosts 3 supercomputers listed on TOP500 announced in May 2022: PROMETHEUS installed in 2015, ATHENA and ARES instaled in 2021. TOP500 also includes 2 other Polish supercomputers: ALTAIR from Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center / Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe (PCSS) and TRYTON PLUS from the Centre of Informatics of Tricity Academic Supercomputer Network in Gdańsk.

Marek Gizmajer | LinkedIn



