Poland Seems to be a World Champion in Production of Legislative (Waste) Paper***
I wonder when we make up to a million pages of laws and legislative acts, will we feel sufficiently regulated, or shall we still need to regulate this and that?
?There were 2,306 laws and regulations published last year in Poland (2016), totaling around 32,000 pages. Stacked over a pile, they would create a tower, over 3 meters (>10 ft) high. If anyone wanted to read it all, that would take a full time job for a whole year.
?When the Act on Free Business was issued on December 23, 1988, it was 5 pages long and contained 54 articles. By rejecting the final and transitional provisions and the changes in the rules in force, they were barely over two pages and 25 articles.
25 articles regulating business and it worked!
?*** / based on ?Polska mistrzem ?wiata”, Meble Biznes.pl, 6-7.2017, p.4
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7 年Official thinks that it is a simple indicator of his/her productivity, and we know exactly that is not. Later we must live with this.