Poland is moving troops to the Ukraine Belarus border
We are witnessing new escalation of the conflict in Ukraine with Poland moving its troops to the border of Ukraine. Spokesman of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov was telling the reporters that Poland’s relocation of troops to their Eastern border was “a cause of concern”, adding that what he called “the aggressiveness of Poland is a reality.” ?
To that moving of troops Russia, in a speech of Putin yesterday responded that it would not intervene if Poland wants to occupy territories in Western Ukraine but if they try anything in Belarus then Russia will respond with all military capabilities they have. “Belarus is part of the Union state.” Said Putin.
Yesterday Putin made 13 minutes expose, threatening Poland not to intervene in his special military operation.
To this the collective west responded that they would continue to support Ukraine with everything they have.
At the same time Wagner military group of Prigozhin is training its troops close to the Poland border, 5 km from the border.
Something is happening there for sure. It was clear from the visit of Zelenzki ?in April in Poland. Poland now is his only salvation when he is losing the war and his territories he won’t be able to recover anymore. His only hope is that NATO can intervene somehow, but how to intervene when President Biden is very cautious not to be involved in war with Russia. Something has to be offered to Poles to seduce them into the operation, and these are the western territories of Ukraine. Even was discussed a plan of greater union between Poland and Ukraine, that can turn Poland one of the main powers in Europe, which could replace Germany from its role in Europe. That is the fat bone that was trying to sell Zelenski to Poland. It is very possible scenario, because the USA looks like support such plans and could finance them, like was the plan Marshall that gave advantages to the German economy to became dominant after the Second World War.
But something here that doesn’t fit in the scenario is that the United States never have supported unions between states to form bigger states and more stronger states, and always have divided the people in one state to seek independence and separation like the case with Yugoslavia.?But how otherwise to involve Poland into the conflict.
Russia seems very calm accepting the fact that Poland can occupy territory in Ukraine, and says it is their business.
Looks like that Poland and Russia actually found common interest about Ukraine. Every one of them wants part of Ukraine and that could become a common ground beginning. They even have similar opinion on the grain deal, but with different motivation. The termination of the deal by Russia is in the interest of Poland and other European countries which are interested to defend their own agriculture and the Ukrainian grain is reducing the prices of their own farmers. Are the European countries closer to agreement or closer to a bigger conflict. Even everyone now see only the bigger escalation and possible nuclear one, I see also some common ground that can unify the interest of Europe and Russia in the conflict in Ukraine. The big question stays vivid - ?will the conflict escalate to nuclear one or will it stay frozen in stalemate for a long time, and for how long.
Putin realizes that if he doesn’t hit strong his opponents he would have to suffer longer time. The West will have time to produce more ammunitions and will have time to recover their military industry as a whole.
Poland can get support from the Baltic States for its operation, also NATO states, that are also Russophobic at the moment. There is a small piece of land that connects the territory of the Baltic countries Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia with Poland. The territory is 65 km long and is called Suwalki gap. These days in the press appeared information that Russia will attack that corridor, which is NATO territory now, or part of Poland, to cut the connection between the Baltic states and Poland, and also to establish connection with the Kaliningrad territory of Russia on the Baltic Sea, that is isolated from the main land now, with Belarus. That way cutting the corridor Russia could cut the connection of the three Baltic countries with the rest of the NATO countries.
I don’t remember who said these days about that corridor and don’t know why it is mentioned again about the next move of the Russians, but that escalation is possible. In 2022 European Union introduced transit restrictions?about the gap on Russian vehicles as part of their?sanctions against Russia.
read about the Suwalki gap her "THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE ON EARTH"
Politico by By Matthew Karnitschnig
in Druskininkai, Lithuania
Associate at D L O Hayward & Associates
1 年Antoanet, Please keep this debate going.... My only hope is that you are a Democratic Candidate for Florida? Russian illegal money built the Trump Tower in New York. Most of the tenants are Russian mafia. Putin's people indeed. Didn't you know this? Please read Catherine Belton's book to get the full story. And circulate as many Democrats as you can in Florida. David
Associate at D L O Hayward & Associates
1 年So, sadly many Republicans are oblivious to Donald Trump's early career history or deliberately choose to ignore it!! From the 1990's he was flooded with KGB funds discretely channeled through the Moscow Deutsche Bank. Twice he was saved from bankruptcy. It is estimated Trump has already received at least $10 billion in illicit funds. Without doubt Trump is a criminal, is Putin's puppet and must be prevented from a second term as President. In a second term Trump presidency, in a weakened NATO, we might see Russian Invasions in the Baltic States, Poland and Moldova - themselves 'special operations' military offense precursors to WWIII. I wonder how Americans can be so insular, self-concerned, gullible and naive to increasing Communist inroads. Legally we must nail Trump so he cannot stand for President ever again.?God Help Us.
Lighting Board Operator (Non Union)
1 年My LinkedIn network should read this.
Associate at D L O Hayward & Associates
1 年Again, we see Russia claiming to be the defender, as opposed to the perceived aggressive Polish troop movements. Misinformation abounds in this scenario. Poland is not at war with Russia - it's the other way around. Russia is clearly massing troops at the Polish border perhaps to invade Poland... Another recurrence of 'special operations' as already demonstrated by the invasion of Ukraine. In the near future, will we also see the invasion of Lithuania and all the Baltic States? Putin is unstoppable now Russia has progressed thus far with only token NATO resistance. On the political front (debt diplomacy), Putin has already loaned Donald Trump billions of dollars through the Moscow Deutsche Bank. Trump is Putin's puppet. Let's hope he is prohibited from a second term as President.