Pokemon Black and White Rival Destinies
Pokemon Black and White Rival Destines is the fiftieth season of the Pokemon anime based off of the video game series and the second season in Unova region. Episodes can be watched off Pokeflix which is free or Internet Archive is also free but the episodes are in random order too. This does improve on Iris and Cilan's characters from previous season. They less annoying and Ash is less of idoit too.
In this season the new Pokemon in it are a lot of Pokemon evolutions.Ash's Tranquil evolves into it final form Unfezant. The Swadloon evolves into Leavanny, the Roggenrola evolves it's next form Boldore. His Krokorok evolves into it final form Krookodile. The The most memorable evolution in this season is Ash's Tepig evolving into a Pignite during the battle with Tepig's former trainer that abandoned it for being too weak. Cilan's Dwebble evolves into Crustle.Towards the end of season Iris does get a Dragonite with the friendship but it doesn't really obey her either.
With this season it has two plots Ash getting his remaining Unova gym badges to enter into the Unova Pokemon league. The side plot is Team Rocket helping Dr.Zager summon the Unova legendaries of Landorus, Thundurus and Tornadus to take over the Unova region. In the beginning of this season it does take a plot line from the games with Bianca wanting to continue her journey but her father wants her to stop. She tries to take on the gym leader Elesa and loses but still wants to continue on the journey too Ash manages to beat Elesa. Then Ash friends head to Driftveil city this part season does feel like filler but it tolerable filler too. Ash beats the gym leader Clay. The next destination is Mistralton City the gym leader is Skyla who does sky battle which is not really Pokemon battles it's looking at Pokemon to say who get the Jet badge. So Cilan pushes the point so Ash could have actual Pokemon battle instead of sky battle. After this is a mini arc of Don George tournament it really to show off the fighting Pokemon of Sawk and Throh. After this is Icirrus City where Ash fights and beats the Ice gym leader Brycen. The final location is Virbank City for Ash to get his final gym badge from the poison Pokemon gym leader Roxie. Who use three Pokemon against Ash six who barley wins against her. After this another mini arc of Unova Jr Championship where the winning of the Championship would get to fight the Unova champion Alder. in this arc the Pokemon Meloetta is following Ash around too. In this arc Dawn from Sinnoh also shows up in Undella Town.They all hang in Cynthia's while training and competing for Unova Jr Championship. In the end Ash's Unova rival Trip does wins the Unova Jr Championship but loses against Alder. The last chunk of season is Team Rocket using Meloetta's voice to summon the Pokemon of Landorus, Thundurus and Tornadus so their leader Giovanni tries to control them to take over Unova. Ash and friends do manage to stop Team Rocket and return Meloetta to it's trainer too. Only two issues with this season and one of me. Not a fan of Iris getting a Dragonite but at least she has issues controlling it too. It still better than previous season but sometimes Cilan and Iris can go back to their more annoying character traits. With these two issues this season of Pokemon is worth watching too.