"The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is FEAR Itself"..(Roosevelt).... BUTT, WE BLAME THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT - of 'US'.


So, which is it? Righty or Lefty? Or do you know for sure? At least!!! We think we do.

Right means might. Left is everything else. So Left is weak and meek? Maybe so, or at least, could be.

Are you a Righty or a Lefty? Check your hands. Check your stance. Check your stand. Your stand on anything, and your stand on everything. Yeah, where do you stand? That is, if you stand at all. If you don't have a stand; are you wrong?

A passage in the Bible states that good always walks to the Right and Fools are always to the Left. . . . . Could that be true? Maybe so, maybe, just maybe. Is this the definition behind, 'the Right Wing Christian'? What does that have to do with being Right or Left? It seems that the Political Life of any political life is deciding if you are Right or Left, Right associated with being Conservative and Left being the Liberal.

Which hand do you thrust forward in greeting? Usually the Right. Do you know the History? Always the History. Folks in olden times; placed their Right Hand forward to show they had no weapon. Seems logical, as most folks are Right Handed. So, Right Hand forward in greeting was a sign of peaceful intention. Seems a little Left to me.

So, if the Right Hand is a sign of weaponry, what is the Left?

How do you carry your Bible? Left Hand or Right Hand? Usually, the carry is Left Handed, so the person with the Bible can use the Right Hand for greeting. In fact, most Bible carriers, especially with 4 or more Bibles (I've seen this often), along with the Concordance to interpret what is written, will 'arm pit'.?Thereby, using the entire Left Quadrant of the Body Mass, to carry their Knowledge, 99 percent of the time on the Left.

Now, I am not a theologian, nor do I possess the wisdom of those who study the Bible. I just try and decipher the code of our intention. Is that intent, to harm, control, or aide and comfort? Most of US would like to control the rest of US. And, actually, we do a pretty good job of it. All of US control some thing or some one at some time. But, can we control ourselves, a part, or all the time?

So, is the Bible the Left side or the Right Side? Depends on the side of the person carrying, or at least their intention.. The Bible in the Left, you can carry a spear in the Right, or a gun or a knife. Why, we even read Left to Right.

Political Rightist's even carry their Bibles on the Left side. Why? Because they are Leftist Liberals, or because they do not have a third hand. So, if person does not use either the Right Hand, nor the Left Hand; they use the Wrong Hand? Not sure where this will take US, but, let's see.

If good people always walk on the Right; then there would be no Left leaning; i.e., no good works. Good works are always seen as 'Left' Leaning. If there are no good works, then the Sermon on the Mount would be, as a lot of US see them, some good suggestions. Right cannot condone good works, as good works are free, to the one in need.?Remember that Samaritan??Americans', being the greatest givers in the world, allow our Government to mandate giving??

Right invokes ideas of the military state. Well, Left, also, invokes ideas of the military state. So, I guess in state hood, both would be wrong.

How 'bout the idea, 'Love thy neighbor'? Love is a Left Hand theory. Cause Left is closest to the Heart. I give my Left Hand often, and say, 'closest to my heart'. A little silly? Somewhat mushy and feminine? Doesn't matter, Left Side is still closest to the Heart. And, if you want to show your care for another living human, you show it with the Heart; not the weapon. So, what is the best way to show your care; 'extend the Left Hand', closest to the Heart. Actually, that is 'Old Irish', and given to me by an old Irishman some 40 years ago, when Jack Falvey was 85.

What about turning the cheek? Well, if you are facing another, and strike that person; you will probably strike the Right Side. What will the person do? Strike Back? Not at all. If the person is a Christian, the other cheek will be turned; the Left Cheek. The Left Cheek being the Cheek of greater power. Greater Power is the control of anger that dwells within the person being harmed.

In recent History. There goes that History again. Gandhi, and our own Martin, believed in non-violence. Non-violence is turning the other cheek. Does it take courage to strike the blow? Yes, it does. Does it take courage to accept the strike? Yes, it does. But, where is there more courage? To return the strike, or accept another? Which is greater? The striker or the acceptor of the strike? There's that other 'Hand' again.

Clothe yourself in the garb of Right. Strike the blow to the Left. Harm if you can. But, the only harm you cause, is to yourself. For, we are all, one and the same. The Right and the Left. One cannot live without the other. To work alone, one would be ambidextrous. One hand doing all things, for both Left and Right. Therefore, to me, the greatest strength, is not to strike back. Seems I've read that somewhere.

Why does the Right Brain control the Left Side; to allow the Right Side to turn the Cheek??It must be then that the Left Side gives the Right, the strength to turn the Cheek.?So, we are face to face; i.e., Cheek to Cheek.?That's attention to care.

So, what about working 'single' Handed? That too, seems some what ridiculous. Ever try to do anything with only one hand? Tough, isn't it?

Where do we need to be? I would say, 'In the middle'. Not totally Right, and not Totally left. Because, if we are either; we are neither. We become the riddle that is unsolvable. That dichotomy of Ancient Greece Philosophy.

I believe the most poignant example, is that of the Bible itself. Divided into the Old and the New. Where do we live? Are we supposed to live in both? The Old says revenge, power, and death. The New states Love and New Life? Maybe, they both are just suggestions? But, if not, then where do we reside? I believe in the Old, but try and live by the New? I guess that would be 'somewhere' in the middle. Which side do you prefer? Are you a Righty or a Lefty? Doesn't matter, cause Wrong is Wrong? Where are YOU?

Soldier, You are our middle ground, founded in our past, allowing US our future.?Thank you.

Dave Hancock, for those with no voice.

Rick Soroka

Regional Sales Midwest

2 年



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