Charles Azode
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The idea of a face to face interview for a candidate is for you to make the best possible impression on the interviewer sitting across within the time frame allocated for that session. However, there are common and heavily ignored features that jeopardize your intellectual efforts and renders the beauty of your CV less admirable and guess what? those features are found in you!
From body language to expressions, these often disregarded features sends a lot of message to an interviewer especially if the latter is well disciplined and professional.
A quick look at a few of these ill features.
Against all senses telling you to relax, please don't cushion yourself like you were the boss.
Sitting upright gives an air of seriousness, readiness, attentiveness and desire.
For the ladies, if you can't get your fingers around it, simply sit the way you would if your Spouse/ Fiance/ Boyfriend were introducing your to his stern faced parents.....simple enough?
From scratching your head to removing invisible logs from your eyes; kindly avoid all forms of incessant and intermittent hand movements or gesturing.
From leaning back and forth to drumming slowly to rubbing hands intermittently to stamping or making irritable sound patterns with the feet......NO! NO! NO! This is totally a turn off in many cases.
Your mobile phones should either be off or set at silent and in a location definitely not your hands. Using your phone before an interviewer for purposes other than as directed by the interviewer is most often taken as an utter form of disregard.
In conclusion, all the above are but a few of many other features exhibited sometimes unconsciously by candidates at interviews which require positive adjustments. A good read up on POISE would go a long way to salvage those minute errors which can ultimately jeopardize your chances of success.
REMEMBER: Sometimes, the employer is more interested in character and personality rather than intellect or intuition and in such cases, the way you carry yourself at the interview is of utmost importance.
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Azode Charles
Recruitment Researcher