Points of View Thinking for Teachers & Parents
The purpose?of the “Points of View Thinking Lessons” is to broaden perception. How we choose to frame or look at a situation is as important as how we then apply judgement.
The seven Points of View lessons are free to use by parents, guardians and teachers. (The deBono website below can be used for this, or to print and use with your family or the school that you are a teacher, but not for further distribution or commercial use).?
Summary of the “Points of View”? tools
PMI?(Plus, Minus, Interesting) is a structured approach to being open-minded. Without it our emotional reaction narrows the way we look at a situation.? PMI is an easily applied and structured tool for assessment and decision-making.
CAF (Consider All Factors) is for considering the factors that are beyond the obvious. It is for stopping and scanning broadly for all of the factors that need to be considered before making a decision.
C&S?(Consequence and Sequel) is about looking ahead, predicting, anticipating. It is about the future. A tool set to aid in consequential thinking. What will happen if we do this? How might this play out?
AGO (Aims, Goals and Objectives) is to be clear on the purpose of our thinking – what we are seeking to achieve. This is a great planning tool for students for all areas of life.
FIP?(First Important Priorities) is for deciding which things are most important and which things do we need to address first. An essential planning tool.
APC?(Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices) is for creating alternatives. How else something might be done. For looking at alternative ways of doing things and applying creativity to the task.
OPV?(Other People’s Views) is about empathy – how someone else might think about this. A structured approach for students to put themselves into the shoes of others to better understand and appreciate the views of others.
For teachers completing the Six Thinking Hats Teacher accreditation, the Points of View training will be inclusive.
For Parents, Guardians or School Teachers wishing assistance in learning the tools to share with their students or family, they can use the contact form here at Think Quick or contact Frank on 0400 109727? / [email protected]