Points Programs in Crypto Consumer Apps - Third and final part -
Introduction to Part 3: Benefits of Onchain Points
In this third and final part of the article, we will explore how onchain points programs can revolutionize consumer applications on the blockchain. We will examine key benefits such as enhanced interoperability, low transaction costs, and the additional economic value that can be generated. Additionally, we will discuss how pricing models and liquidity provision for points can maximize their advantages and transform the user experience.
Points programs are an essential strategy for consumer applications on the blockchain. The decision to keep these points on the blockchain (onchain) or off it (offchain) significantly impacts interoperability and liquidity. Here, we will explore the benefits of onchain points and their impact on consumer-centric blockchain applications.
a) Bonding Curve Model for Token Pricing: Pricing models are now based on bonding curves rather than order books. This means the price of points is defined statically by a function, as seen with Friend.tech. The buying and selling prices are set by contract, creating liquidity so that someone can sell a point. For example, if the initial price is $1 and 1 token is purchased, the value increases, and the next price is $1.10. If the token is returned, the initial price goes back to $1.
b) Earning Benefits Through Fees: When liquidity is created through a pool with a bonding curve, the initial price is the minimum price it can quote. The issuer earns money from fees, not from the value of the points. The more market turnover there is, the more fees are generated.
c) Low Cost of Providing Liquidity to Points: With a relatively low amount, such as $1000, sufficient liquidity can be provided. This contrasts with the problems associated with traditional market makers, which required much more liquidity and faced various challenges.
d) Variety of Bonding Curves: There are various bonding curve functions, from those where the price remains constant to those where the price oscillates within specific ranges. This flexibility allows for modeling the price of points and offers business opportunities in providing this service.
The effective implementation of these programs requires a deep understanding of how they influence user behavior and how they can impact the overall dynamics of the project. We will explore various strategies and key considerations related to points programs in Crypto Consumer applications, addressing aspects such as user behavior changes, the types of users attracted, and the importance of maintaining ambiguity in the value of points.
Employing a points program drives users to progress through the conversion funnel and modify their behaviors in the real world, leading to significant impacts on long-term retention and referrals. Implementing onchain points has the potential to unlock exciting new experiences for both Crypto Consumer Apps and their users. However, the effectiveness of a points program lies in continuous experimentation and iteration, as well as a deep understanding of the economic impacts and rigorous tracking of KPIs. Ultimately, the successful implementation of these programs not only benefits the applications and their users but also contributes to the continuous growth and evolution of the Crypto Consumer Apps ecosystem.