Pointers Logic to Life Thinking.
Omar Osama
Certified SAP S/4HANA MM/EWM Consultant | ABAP Associate | Software Engineer | Content Creator | Ex IBM
How can we define pointers?
“Focus Control Property”:
Let’s go to a general intuitive definition. A Pointer is anything that points to an object to mainly direct focus to this object. If you are in a presentation and you are using a pointer the audience focus is in your control with that pointer. You are the one who controls what you point at. You might point at something you are sure that you want the audience to focus on but there might be some gap holes in your presentation you surely don’t need the audience to focus on it. You want to neglect it that’s why you don’t point at it. We can state that the pointer is a tool that controls the audience focus based on the pointer holder and it points to an object that has a property that can be perceived differently from the audience.
“Delegation Property”:
Let’s go a little bit deeper. Pointing can be a way of assigning responsibility from an upper level to a lower level if you point to an object of lower level to have an assigned task or job from an upper level it can be a way to use pointing. It can also be a way of delivering instructions and these instructions can be transferred from this lower level to a much lower level. It can be said as “Responsibility Delegation” until it is stopped on a level who is willing to do this instruction, or it can be pointed at the beginning from an upper level to a lower level without the delegation property, so the lower level is obliged to do this instruction.
“Communication Property”:
Let’s go a little bit deeper. Pointing can be a way of communication between two objects of the same level as it starts when an object points to an object this mean that the communication channel is activated, and the first object is going to send a piece of information to the other object. The other object has the ability at the beginning to reject the pointing request, so he cancels the communication but let’s go with the accepting property if the object accepted then the information is received and will be processed then this object will point to the sender object and the sender object will have the right to accept or reject.
You can ask here a question why he has the right to accept or reject although he is the sender, and it needs this piece of information? Simply that this object can already have sent this information to another object who responded faster than this object, so he closed all the communications related to this piece of information and started processing another new one. But let’s say it is accepted and the sender object has the answer, Now pointers can have the “Communication Property”.
Technical Code Analysis:
This code snippet starts by declaring the variable (VAR) that is our object that we want to point at. After that they created the pointer element that is going to point at our variable. But there must be a connection link between this pointer and this variable. Here comes the reference property (&) which make the pointer carries the address of our variable (VAR). Then the pointer value can see the (VAR) value so it will carry the same value of (VAR) plus that you can change the value of (VAR) through this pointer also you can change the value of the pointer through the variable (VAR).?
Let’s go to life analysis combining all the properties extracted from the pointer definition “Focus Control Property”, “Delegation Property”, “Communication Property” and Technical Code Analysis:
If you are going to analyze pointers as they are an alternate method for achieving your goal through an alternate way as in the technical code analysis it was another way to access the variable. It is like you are putting another alternate plan that will work if you cannot achieve the required goal directly but as mentioned there must be the right connection between the direct and alternate plan to ensure that both achieve the same target and that appeared in the way of carrying the memory address of the variable (VAR).
Then by pointing to the goal you are taking the focus of your whole group to this single goal as you are the one controlling the focus as mentioned in the focus control property so you can utilize this by trying to focus on multiple alternates that can also achieve your goal or try to divide the focus of your team to create more inputs that will help you to put the most accurate way to achieve the goal. In addition to that you can start delegating some responsibilities to your team by dividing your large goal into small chunks and every chunk is connected to the other with a pointer as each chunk can be your small goal you want to achieve, and each group is responsible for a chunk that must be achieved.
Then you want to connect these chunks together you start using the communication property as each team is considered as an isolated object that start sending information to the other teams with the output generated in the sequence the chunks were divided with. To imagine that you created a sequence of chunks (chain of chunks) that are pointing to each other, and they send the results to each chunk in a sequential way until it reaches to the main container that collects all the processed data and start putting the most accurate plan to achieve the main goal.?
This means that each chunk contain the address of the following chunk and it start appending it’s results on each chunk until it reaches to the processing container that generates the plan based on the results generated from each chunk. This result container can also have a pointer which is the object which is more experienced with the main goal, and he can change in this container directly based on the results collected in this container also he is pointing to all the chunks that he has the authority to ask any of the chunks to repeat its process for a more accurate result.
Full Article Summary:
Pointers can be interpreted in many ways through code or through very intuitive definitions based on the pointing property. You can start by having the focus of the objects on a certain goal then dividing this goal to a smaller ones also dividing the focus with the goal and use the property of delegation to assign each goal to a group of objects then this group of objects using the communication property connect with each other to share the results to reach to the most suitable output.
All objects are pointing to each other then the results keep cascading until you reach to the container that contains all the processed data to have a plan but there is a more experienced object pointing to this container that analyzes the data where it can modify, insert, or delete and it has the authority to ask any of the objects to repeat the processing for more accurate results. In a Nutshell, pointing is a way of changing the value by connecting objects together it can be through a group of chunks that with their united results the output is generated, or it can be changed directly from the experienced object that has a complete access to the main container.