Point of no return
Coach Beatrice Nyamache
Executive Trainer, Mentor, Coach, Facilitator, Mediator, Counselor.HR Practitioner & Stakeholder Engagement Specialist
There reaches a point in one's lifetime where you reach a point of no return in one aspect or the other.It is also the time you realize that you have only one person to please in this life-you.It is he point where you decide to be thoroughly honest with yourself.What works,works,what doesn't ,doesn't. It is also a point where you discover your purpose and that you have no time wasting on anything that is not aligned to your purpose.It is a turn in your life where you discover freedom and independence and you decide to work with your current state of living,where you are currently are.Not where you wish you could be or could.You support others without reservations because you know that you have been called to different strengths.You keep on learning and improving yourself.You become allergic to bullshit fakeness and anything or anyone that does not add value to you.Saying no to the things that do not add value becomes easy.It is a good point to reach in life,but it is also a very un popular place because you are your only cheerleader.There is no other noise,because you are focusing on you.The few who remain are true to their causes and purpose as well. You are not an experiment of nature.You were born fora purpose. You are chosen and it becomes very expensive to waste not pursuing your purpose.Your problems are not more powerful than your purpose.You become more deliberate in your actions.It is what it is.You get tired of pretending and you focus on what needs to be done.You have priorities that have to be met and bills to pay and a legacy to create.When you reach this point,you can't go back to your previous self.It is a decisive stage where you say enough is enough. You are a concept of destiny.Walk in fearless destiny.Create history