This is another controversial subject that this writer is interested in and want to ''activate'' an inter-continental discourse.
What is the cogent reason for abolishing CAPITAL PUNISHMENT? Are some human lives more important or valuable than others? Why should a killer or murderer be kept in prison and fed with tax-payers money? Did the victim deserve to die? The Right to human dignity and the Right to life applies to the killer, not the victim? How did intelligent people in authority and the learned gentlemen arrived at the decision to abolish capital punishment? What were the criteria used? Those are questions begging for answers.
When somebody commits murder and there are evidences beyond reasonable doubt that it was premeditated, the offender must face the death penalty. This may not be a deterrence to would-be murderers, but it helps in controlling population explosion in prisons and even outside the prison walls. It will also save tax-payers money for other lucrative ventures. A case in point is the mass murderer in Norway who sent 77 innocent souls to their early graves on 22 July, 2011 and is now serving a jail term.
Let us imagine if everybody that committed murder was ''neutralized'', how would the world be today? Let the authorities brainstorm again on capital punishment and have a rethink and probably take a hard decision to revoke the law or allow countries who still carrying out capital punishment for murder (I emphasize murder only) to continue instead of demonizing or criticizing them.
There are consequences for every action taken. Everyone must be aware of this principle and take responsibility for their action(s) and be ready to face the consequence(s). So, if everybody has the Right to life, who gives the other person the Right to take another's life?
The crux of the matter is that life is sacrosanct and an inalienable Right of all human beings. My submission is: ''Life for Life'' and "Death for Death''. If you kill, you don't have any Right to be alive (period)!
#IAU #Thinkingaloudseries #UndilutedJusticeForAll