Point-2-Ponder/Ver. 17.61921
The goal of this series of regular posts, until further notice, is to offer up for consideration points for contemplation represented by topical cognitive development. This differs from submitting for consideration an ideal in which adoption or debate ensues. As has been our thinking from the onset it’s not about creating adopters but developing mindsets, on your terms in such a way that respectful dialog can occur. Without this cognitive development we are left with fact less and often emotional contention that polarizes not grows societal development.
Even the most active and creative thinkers have their moments. As is often the case though occurs as a result of some form of environmental stimulus. It may be the result of events, discussions, or that lingering thought that for some reason has come to the surface. It’s this ebb and flow in discernment that creates points-to-ponder (P2P).
· The basis of hate; it’s origins, fuel and resolution. It starts with the word which initiates the emotion when culminates in a blind fury. Compelling causes of hate range from communications (being done, misinterpretation, timing) to cultural defensiveness. Hate creates damage and seldom productive positive conditions. #hate #damage #correction #objectivity #clarity
- Disingenuous discussions with the intent to discredit are unprofessional, untrustworthy, sneaky and underhanded. It becomes a test as to our response and not about gainful knowledge. These have no intent to elevate thinking and when carried out in a public forum are used to insight the unwitted emotions of others. Our fortitude is contained within how we address these and the integrity with bring to the interchange. #contentious #underhanded #untrustworthy
- Understanding other cultures is not something that can be gained from a single familiarization exercise. Once exposed it then becomes a journey involving observation, constraint and careful consideration. Even the initial orientation may be suspect to unrighteous misrepresentations and characterizations. Multiple viewpoints, observations, examinations and discussions will help to form some sort of vivid picture as to realities. It then becomes not a matter of right/wrong but more about understanding how opposing elements are viewed from the perspective of others. #culture #truth #discernment #patience #research #clarity
- Trading collateral for emotional baggage. A recurring question is whether agility is worth it? To answer this question one must consider the present state. The lure of the title (agile) combined with a manifesto that expounds on saleable virtues there remains matters of how, what, when and to what extent. One cannot simply flip a switch and have instant gratification unless conditions are so severe that any change would produce some degree of value. In private conversations with CIO/CTOs (and an occasional CEO) they clearly understand when there are problems and also the cost of entertaining change (superficially or radically). For those that have made the transition it are also bitter sweet bringing forth new issues while resolving some. This then begs the question what is the net gain (or loss)? #transitional #change #agility #advancement #challenges
- Impact of decisions based on level, not just solely on impact, are routine. The ramification is not necessarily just impact but also who was involved in exercising these decisions. Higher in the organization or more parties involved may occur without constructive improvement review. It’s a bit like righteous over result. #retrospective #improvements #resolve
- How much is about you vs. your persona? Is your image who you are? Who you are reflected by your image? What is reserved (not shown) that could serve a useful purpose? Are there evils in either? #persona #personality #real #unpretentious
- Human Precision, how on point are you? No one is perfect, a 100%, but this does not mean we should be happy with imprecision. It is this imprecision that is often justified by way of opinion, emotion, faulty rationalizations, outside persuasion (social correctness to general sentiment) and other routine life forces. Isn’t it time to start working on improving our precision using transparency as a means of controlling this influences? #imprecision #improvement #effort
This should be enough to get your thoughts going and considering the what, why, how and use of the wisdom you should have gained. Yes, we have our own opinions and ideas and yes we can share them with you. Keep in mind however that the information we would provide would be used to further develop your own positions and tempered by your particular situational context. Please feel free to engage in a free interchange by contacting us at [email protected] noting the particular topic under consideration. More to come in upcoming weeks.
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Clarity Group Global is an intellectual decision validation institution dedicated to the support of leaders, companies and organizations that face challenging choices. Making right decisions that produce significant value equates to less disruption and chaos, "non-tradition made exceptional".
Examples and illustrations are used for purposes of contextually clarity. These fervently adhere to our unwavering commitment to client confidentiality and should be construed as a ploy to self-promote.