POETIC NEGLECT Poetry goes unappreciated today; you wonder why you bother.
Realistic Poetry International
Owner at Realistic Poetry International
Favorite Poetry Quote Contest
POETIC NEGLECT Poetry goes unappreciated today; you wonder why you bother. No accolades or monetary worth, from the Kardashian cultural masses. No one cares for your autograph, knows you from another on the street. It's a neglected form of fame. You find your elusive tribe, share antiquities, feed from the cannibalism of literary madness. Warriors of a lost ancient art form, consoling each other, with words. You can't turn it off if you want to; intrinsic, from inside your veins. It's like your very own breath, without it, you slowly suffocate. Mercifully , passion has no ego.
(C) Leanne Neill/Lust for Words
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Freelance Author at Non-profit Agency
8 年I believe that some poets lose touch with reality. To reach all readers you've got to listen to what concerns people, what they look for in poetry, and also to write poems that will be read for pleasure. Most people still do love to read a poem they understand and thus can relate to. Don't ever expect to write poems with the aim that these become money-spinners.
poet philosopher at libramoon productions
8 年https://om2317.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/pop-quiz/
Poet, essayist, story writer, poetry editor, skeptic; author of The gleaming clouds. Brisbane: Interactive Press, 2013
8 年Yes indeed, I often feel that way. One does well to sell 200 or 300 copies of a poetry collection, and that mostly near one's home turf. Bookshops will only stock copies on consignment, and then at such a steep commission the author sells at a loss. And yet we plug on.