Poem: You Shall Find Me by Your Side
Aniruddha Sarkar
Creative Author, Self Publisher - do read my poems, articles, stories, project case studies , adventure stories. Shall appreciate your feedback.
Poem: You Shall Find Me by Your Side
12 August 2022
If you want to have me by your side
Don't waste your time to know me,
Don't struggle to understand me.
You need not charm me.
You need not mesmerize me.
You need not invest your time to know what I love, and what I dislike.
You need not endear me,
You need not attract me.
You may not at all look my way.
You need not befriend my close acquaintances.
You need not impress me with your capabilities and achievements.
You need not show me your power, your wealth, your connections, your reach.
You just be human.
Have faith in yourself.
Accomplish what you have taken up.
Cherish a basketful of dreams,
Traverse your dreamy lanes.
Resolve to keep peace with Mother Nature.
Set sail in the uncertain future with a resolve to overcome the impediments.
Fix your?eyes on your?goal.
Keep moving forward towards a noble objective.
You shall always find me by your side.