A poem that I wrote in an accounts lecture of FY BMS Mithibai

A poem that I wrote in an accounts lecture of FY BMS Mithibai

It was a rainy day of July or August 2011. I was not at all understanding the accounts lecture going on by a very sweet Professor. Math, calculations have always been my weaknesses.

A day before at home, I had read this quote of Albert Einstein - "Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."

I hadn't written anything creative for months. I was not understanding accounts. My heart wanted to write something. It was raining outside. In that accounts book I wrote this particular poem mentioned below. My heart anyway belongs to science. To the stars, quantum physics and astronomy.

Imagine, You and Me,

Meandering upon the ring of Saturn.

Imagine, You & Me making,

Love in the heaven.

Imagine, You kissing Me,

On Titan,

When the Saturn is,

luminously brighten.

Imagine, You & Me vanished,

In each-other’s eyes.

Imagine, You & Me not even acquainted,

Of Pluto’s frosty chilling ice.

Imagine, if switches the fortune.

And you are compelled to go on Neptune.

At the same time I get a curse,

To go on Uranus.

Imagine, Me sobbing for you,

For an elongate on Mars.

Imagine, my tears creating sea,

Spawning an epitome of the Love of Ours.

Imagine, You and Me meeting,

After a Long.

Imagine, On the moon serenading,

A Romantic Song.

- Devesh Purohit

I had shown this poem to Mr. Mayur Puri when I met him in 2016. He suggested me to change a few words which I did.

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