A Poem a Day: Seeing God
Seeing God
By: Renato Castro Pasion, Jr.
(Makati, Philippines – April 9, 2017
There was a man born blind
Who wished to leave darkness behind
With heart he did the best he can
And cried out to the Son of Man
The Lord took pity on him
Brought light in his world so dim
To shine and guide in amazing might
Lovingly offering the gift of sight
The Pharisees could not believe
The miracle the blind man had received
Insults and ridicule they readily threw
To destroy the man they thought they knew
But the Lord was not finished with him yet
And showed the blind man who he truly met
The Anointed One sent from heaven above
A Man, a Prophet, and ultimately Our God
As I splashed water to wash away the mud
My heart brimmed with joy amidst the crud
The man by the waters of Siloam was me
For truly I was born blind but now I see.
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