A Poem a Day: LIFE
I know I said "A Poem a Day" but I can't wait until tomorrow to share another one. Here's another Video Poem entitled "LIFE". I wrote this about 4 months after my wife, Tonette passed away. She died August 30, 2015 from Adenocarcinoma. She is the epitome of grace under pressure. A woman of beauty, intelligence, and great love. She worked for just two major banks in the Philippines her entire career (held an Assistant Vice President role in IT in both), a loving and devoted wife and mother.
I did my best balancing career, single parenthood, and grief. The only thing that kept me going was Faith, Hope, and Love. Faith that God will be see me through, Hope that things will get better (and it has), and Love (from my Heavenly Father and two daughters) made it worth the struggle. I hope this brings encouragement and comfort for those people who are undergoing the same trials in their life right now. Things will and do get better... as you see life with a lot more depth, purpose, and clarity.
For the Full-text of this poem, go to: https://www.patreon.com/posts/life-14640511
To see all my poems and essays, go to: https://www.patreon.com/rcpasionjr