A Poem a Day: Faith
By: Renato Castro Pasion, Jr.
(Makati, Philippines – April 28, 2017)
It saddens my heart to see people fight
About what is True Faith and who is right
Calling each other names and loudly rave
Against his brother he is supposed to save
I see family and friends at the dinner table
Endlessly complaining about their daily trouble
About things so important as they sit and bicker
But at their death bed will no longer matter
I hear men give advice they thought others need
Words too harsh and unprepared to receive
Wishing them to move on sooner than they’d like
Out of comfort, out of pride, or simply out of spite
Where is the compassion we all desperately seek?
The sympathy born of Faith whereof we speak?
We read the scriptures as if we are in a contest
Becoming the men we abhor and we ourselves detest
It is said that the opposite of love is not hate but apathy
When we are not in touch with our own humanity
And what we offer others is mere shadow or wraith
We need to get back to the Love that embodies our Faith
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