Podcasting Nuggets From Philadelphia
Scott Carson
Investor, Entrepreneur, Marketer and Podcast Host. I have a passion for helping people to grow their investments and influence.
I just got back from attending the Podcast Movement Convention in Philadelphia and here are some of the biggest takeaways from spending three days with 2,000+ fellow podcasters.
#podcast #realestate #podcastmovement #Investing #ScottCarson #Cashflow #YouTube
Scott Carson: Hey Note Nation! Hope you're doing well. Today's Wednesday, right? Wednesday afternoon. I know I've been out of pocket the last couple days, Monday and Tuesday, 'cause I have been here in the city of brotherly love. Home to the team in the NFL that we will not name 'cause we're Dallas Cowboy fans. Been here at Podcast Movement 2018, it's the fifth year they've had this conference. It's the first time for me to attend and there's about 12 hundred, 15 hundred digital entrepreneurs here to run different podcasts or, vendors for podcasts. I have to give a big shout out to Dan Zitawski, Big Dan is here as well, learning. He's getting ready to do his podcast launch. Our buddy Tom Hazard, who produces our podcast along with Dan and a few other people's. He's here. And, our buddy from Chris Kay from Podfest Expo is also here. So there's some good friends here. [inaudible 00:00:55] from Entrepreneurs on Fire, had a few minutes talk with him and, just a few other people that we ran into and it's just nice to be at an event that we're learning at. We of course have Stephanie Goodman here as well. Say hi Steph.
Stephanie G: Hi Steph.
Scott Carson: Hi Steph, right, smart. Okay, smart ass. Hey Elaine, Hey Laura. We thought we'd end up getting an episode yesterday, just didn't get around to it because it was basically an all day thing. Monday was a travel day after a very busy weekend. We had a great virtual workshop and then of course, Sunday, we had to let the Note Dog, put her to sleep. So yeah. Not exciting at all Sunday night. But, I wanna give a big shout out to all the hundreds of people that sent condolences our way, So thank you. We know that Princess is running on a beach somewhere in Never Never Land. And we'll see her again at some point.
The beautiful thing is here guys, good afternoon Sedrick, good Afternoon Laura, good afternoon to Landen. If you're out there watching us, give me a shout out and we'll give you some love back to you.
One of the great things about coming to an even like this that you're learning, is you learn different tricks, you learn different tools.
Hey Bud, how's it going [inaudible 00:02:10].
And that's one of the big things about coming to an event like this. I like going to events where I can learn from other experts; other peers. And, we celebrated another milestone today actually. About nine a.m. this morning, the podcast went over 125,000 downloads, which is exciting. In our first 11 months, which is just absolutely mind blowing for us. And finding out that we're quite a bit ahead of other people who have been doing this for awhile. Or talking to people that are doing maybe 50,000 downloads their first 3 years. And they have a bigger market than such a tiny niche as Note Investing. 'Cause that's one of the big things we have learned from other Real Estate Podcasters that are here. People that are doing apartments, people that are doing fix and flips, wholesaling. Note Nation is a smaller niche.
But, we're hitting it better with everybody because of the fact is that we market on a regular basis. We market out pretty substantially, obviously you guys know this with the podcasts and the webinars and Note Night in America. And, there was one episode today talking about doing live broadcasts, how it would 4x your business. And I'm like, it would do more than 4x, it's gonna literally 10x it. And, I was talking to the speaker afterwards and she was like "Oh yeah, If you're doing a live broadcast, a webinar, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Video Linked in, you're probably going to see a 12x type of growth to your audience. As long as you are original. Unfortunately a lot of people go out there and they recycle the same thing over and over again and they get upset that they don't have any success. It's because they're not separating themselves from the rest of the tribe. They're not separating themselves from the rest of the noise out there. And there's a lot of noise out there. Trust me, we put up a lot of noise.
But, that was refreshing to hear, that A, we're doing pretty good job, and we have to give a big shout out to all of our listeners, all of our Note family, our guests, our guests hosts, our speakers on here. But, most importantly guys and gals that listen to it in Note Nation. So, big shout out to all of you for doing that. And we look forward 'cause we got some cool things that we rolling out over the next couple of weeks.
125K, yeah that's just on the download side Laura Blunt. You know me, I like to track everything. IF you add in our Facebook Live views, along with our views on YouTube, along with our views on Vimeo.com, that's another 130, 135,000 views there alone. We are the 50,000 lot blowtorch is more like it. If anything, I can tell you this, it's to be consistent. The only way we got to where we're at is consistent. Yes we have done 300 some odd Facebook Live's, we've got 164 Podcast Episodes; some are in the works. But, it's consistency.
It goes back, honestly, to April 24, 2011, when I started doing webinars. You look at it, that's eight years of doing webinars. Not always consistently every week in, week out. But, still, 8 years of doing it on a regular basis to build an audience. And, all of you are looking to build an audience of some sort. Investors, people to buy your stuff or, to partner with you on different things. And, the biggest thing I can tell you in just be consistent.
The other underlying track to this last couple days, as I'm out talking to people is, people that are taking action and then those that are waiting to take action. And, you don't wanna wait to take action. People who don't have a defined date, they don't have things rocking' and rollin' for them. Because, I don't know, they're scared of their own shadow, they don't know where to big.
That was kind of prevalent today in the broadcasting thing with, what was Jenny's last name Steph? McClure? Jenny McClure today was a speaker. She's on lifestyle broadcasts. Like cooking shows and things like that. So, it's a totally different niche but, we were literally eye contact and I talked to her afterwards, after the show. So I went up to her, said "Hey, it was a great presentation." She's like, "Oh, thank you so much! You and I were like this. I looked back over there and you were sitting there waving your head." And I'm like, "Yeah, that's great."
But it's so simple these days of using your smartphone, using Facebook Live, using Instagram TV, using LinkedIn for video, the big thing I can tell you is, just share what's going on. Share the good, the bad the ugly of what's going out there and, you'll be surprised at the amount of success you have and the amount of people you came across. 'Cause we're excited here.
Some people ask, "Well Scott, why would you go to an event like this? You're doing well so far." Well, you never know who you're going to run into. Ran into a couple great people. Mike, the author of Profit First, I met him here. He's going to be on the podcast the next couple weeks, which is exciting. It's a great book. Absolutely a great author, that a lot of you will get a lot out of him. We talked to another person who's got a book coming out through Bigger Pockets Real Estate and they're glad to be on the show. So, adding guests to our show that add value to your guys' lives, is why we are here. Why we are showing up on a regular basis, why I continue to do this day in and day out. To literally help you guys overcome any obstacles you have. Hopefully you realize that if you have questions or need help, you can pick up the phone or, drop a message or, drop an email.
What I want to kinda go through is, what is your guys' biggest hurdle when it comes to doing a video? What's your guys' biggest hurdles for those that aren't doing videos on a regular basis. Or haven't done a video at all about their business. What are some of the hurdles? Is it, Oh I don't wanna be in front of a camera? That's fine, you don't have to be in front of the camera. You could talk about the assets you're working on, you could talk about the case studies, you could show sun rising. When you learn, we learn, Brittany says. Yes, but, learning is different than just learning, you learn more by doing than just listening to me. Okay?
Brady's doing some great stuff with some webinars. Brady, I would encourage you to do them fresh. Alright? And I have to give a big shout out and thank you again, you give a great little testimonial video on Facebook Live the other night about our workshop. So, thank you so much. I'm looking forward to hanging out with you in Dallas. I feel like I know you already but, it'll be nice to hang out with you at the Quest Expo little bit; get a chance to know you some. And then also, at the Propelling[inaudible 00:08:49].
But, the thing that I tell you guys is so powerful these days and I'm seeing some people do some amazing things out there and, running on no budgets. Zero budgets. We're pretty lucky, we've got some sponsors and some great sponsors with Quest IRA and, the Laughlin & Associates and, Madison and a few others out there that help us out with things. But honestly, you guys can be doing amazing things. You can have your own niche within a niche. That's one thing Dan Zitofsky and I were talking about. Dan's talking about doing the lifestyle stuff or, like a life and error aspect of what he wants to do with his podcast. He doesn't wanna do the nuts and bolts, he says there's enough people doing nuts and bolts I wanna get the nuts out of their heads. So, that's a great idea.
The thing to keep in mind, is to just start doing it though. And that's one of the big things I think people struggle with, is okay this can take a lot of time, and it doesn't have to take a lot of time. I am doing this episode with the 20 minutes in between myself and [inaudible 00:09:46] right here and Steph checking us in for tomorrow nights flight, right Steph? Indeed, exactly. Laura says something here. "Content. My biggest hurdle is content. Which I get, isn't an excuse. Not a reason." Thank you for sharing Laura.
So let's talk about content 'cause, somebody else mentioned that today. Somebody who's here who's doing apartments and fix and flips, they're talking about content. I'm like, listen, how many Note Deal's have you bought Laura? You've got some Note deals that are working through right? You just closed down like six or seven and you had a couple from a few months back. So, you've got like 10 or 11 or so Notes? Each one of those Notes can be a case study. Each one of those Notes can be a video for you. Here's what we did.
Now I have to give a big shout out to Bill Greasmare. Bill was doing some educational stuff on a dry erase board. I'm like, Bill, you've gotta go close more Note deals. And sure enough, he took some coaching and went out, made a couple videos on two assets. Actually, turned out good because I think Laura was bidding on one of those assets. So there you go. Laura says eight closed, eight working. That's 16 case studies that's 16 little videos. And you don't have to have 60 minutes episode on each episode or each asset. But, two minutes, three minutes. Little things like that, that will work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's gonna get the word out to your database, it's gonna get a word out online to people that maybe don't identify with me, they don't identify with Dan, they don't identify with Brady or Bud. But, they identify with you. And that's the beautiful thing is people identify with so many different faces out there and actually the ladies out there, there is actually a big need.
Actually we found out today, that there is an event that's 51 percent men 49 percent women. And actually, only one out of every four podcasts is woman based. It's 75 percent of men doing production. And it was kinda crazy, I'm going to share some stats with you.
So, the average number of downloads per attendee episode is that 21 percent of those that have a podcast episode, get less than 100 downloads. 100 to 1,000, 43 percent of those here are getting a thousand or less downloads per episode. 1,000 to 5,000 on average is 20 percent. And then 5 to 10 thousand's five percent, 10 thousand to 50 thousand is 5 percent. And, over 50 thousand is 5 percent. So there are definitely some things there that hit. Now, of course, if you have a longer running podcast, you get more episodes that people binge your stuff. But literally, 64 percent, almost two thirds are getting less than a thousand downloads per episode. That's niche. That is a niche of an audience if you've ever seen one. There are people from all 50 states and 20 countries that are here. There's over two thousand expected attendees here. But literally, the biggest thing is business is 19 percent, second is society and culture.[inaudible 00:13:11] Third is education, fourth is health and fitness and, basically everything else is like two percent, three percent. But, those are the top four sessions that are brought up.
The thing that you have to keep in mind is you're not competing against anybody else. You're literally just competing against yourself. There's some big names like NPR here, there's iHeart Radio, Nielson is here, there's some bigger guys from some bigger shows that are here. [inaudible 00:13:43] and stuff like that. I'm not gonna be against those guys or those gals. I have our niche that we compete against ourselves and honestly that's the biggest thing that people always find as surprising, is what gets us up to do it every day. It's just my drive to deliver content, to stay in touch with my audience. And that literally started nine months before we ever started the podcast. Was literally, how am I going to stay in touch with my tribe. The people that love me, the people that encourage me. I'm not worried about the people that dislike me. You're going to have enough people dislike you, regardless of who you are; what you do, your skin, your race, your sex, what you look like. People are going to hate you no matter what.
The thing you gotta keep in mind is your just going to add content. You're going to add stuff and people are going to either absorb things differently from say, Laura Blunt or Brady than they do from me. Brady may be into the military, and pass notes for the military. That's a whole different niche than most people have. It's a whole different niche.
We actually have people here looking for women Note Investors. Women Real estate investors because they wanna have them on their podcast. But, that's the big thing. You never know who you're going to run into.
So, Landen asked a question here. Sorry Scott, a bit off topic, do you know anyone who will loan on my notes, I've got a little over 40 of them. And by loaning on your Notes, that's too diverse. Are these owner finance notes that you've originated? And, if they are, how long of seasoning to they have? Owner finance? Are they wrap around finances Landen? What are they buddy? Anyway, let me give you just a little bit more information than just, I've got 40 notes. I'm sure there's owner finance notes in Houston. I'm willing to bet on that.
But, anyway, just going back to taking action is one of the biggest things. I have to give a big shout out to Mike Jordan. Yes is not a direct answer. Yes, they're under finance or newly originated? Or, wrap around? I asked like four questions there Landen. Big shout out to Mike Jordan, he took action and literally kicked butt with it and got some tapes sent to him already from this last weekend. Property in Detroit, another one in Texas and then some other assets in some other places.
Okay Landen, so are you wanting to sell these off for cash flow? Or sell partials? Or just get a loan against them? There's not much seasoning. Well, give me an idea of how much is seasoning. Are we talking less than six months? They are financed, yes I get that thank you. Honestly, if they're under finance, I know you created them, thank you. I don't think you want a loan, I get that. How much in season do they have my friend? You could do a [inaudible 00:16:56] vacation. Less than a year? Brady, if you've got it on a spreadsheet, why don't you send that spreadsheet over to me? I'll run it by a couple guys and see if we can't come up with something for you? How's that sound? If you've got the credit scores of the borrowers by chance? That's gonna help. All the details of the loan, when it was originated, how much they put down, property value roughly, the address, FICO score if you've got it as well. We can see about hypothecation. Or somebody might be willing to buy a partial on some of these as well.
But, that's an important thing to keep in mind. On something like that, less than a year. Having that information is going to determine less than a year, some people are doing it, they decide to put a down payment down, it'll be helpful. So I was just talking about theoretics, we can go and try something else for you.
But, we are doing something a little bit different as well. Dan was like, Scott you really need to teach another marketing class. And, so one of the things we've decided to do literally, just a few minutes ago, was I'm going to be starting a 30 day marketing blitz training. So, we're doing a marketing blitz training, it's been awhile since we've had this. Done some different marketing blitz's over the last few years but, technology has been changing so much but, I think it's time to do one. Literally, kicking off August first, is our marketing blitz. What we'll do is a 30 day, Monday through Friday thing [inaudible 00:19:09] marketing and delivered to your inbox. And I've got the link up there. bit.ly/MarketingBlitz, it's on your screen there. Should take you to infusion soft. 30 days, forms, we're keeping the group small to only 30 people, 'cause I'm really gonna do some deep dives into some people's profiles for them. Really looking for to it. It costs 5.99 to play. You get replays of the videos, a daily lesson, and us really doing a deep dive to help everybody that's going through that with one form or fashion.
We will be focusing on social media marketing, CRMs, your email service providers, helping you raise more capitol, helping you close more deals and making more money ultimately. But literally helping you take it to a whole different level. We're only doing this for 30 people. I think some of them are signed up already. Only 30 spots available. If you click on the link and it takes you to an empty link, just clear your cache and click on the link again. And it should refresh it for you.
Pretty stoked about that. Bit.ly/MarketingBlitz takes off August first. Pretty stoked about this. I put together a list of some things I wanna focus on and some really cool stuff. And yes, I'm going to give you guys some really cool tricks of the trade that we do that will probably blow your mind. And we're gonna walk you step by step on some of these things.
If you're not good with the internet or computers, this is not for you. You gotta be a little bit savvy and know how to use your computer. 'Cause I'm not gonna sit there and be like okay you gotta hit this button. But we will walk you through quite a bit of the stuff and I think you're going to love it. So it's 5.99, it's well worth it. It's gonna be online Laura, so you don't have to worry about traveling anywhere. It's gonna be me teaching a lesson each day and sending the video out to you. And then we will probably be doing a follow up webinar for everybody, at least once a week to kinda do a recap; did you try this? Did you have questions about this? Or me walking you back through it live again is what we're looking for. So, 30 video lessons and then a couple live webinars of Q&A and helping you guys that are still stumbling. But, it's gonna build on each other, so that's that beautiful thing.
No, we're not gonna do any videos on books or anything like that. But, we're going to break some stuff down for you, that the 30 of you who decide to go through this, you're just going to be like, just guns blazing the next six months. And that's what we want. We're gonna do some pre scheduling, pre marketing, and see where you guys go in the next 90 days and in the next six months a well. The link again is bit.ly/MarketingBlitz and get you rocking and rolling from there as well. Literally, we're gonna roll this out, like I said, August first is when it starts and we can get rocking and rolling.
But we're just jacked up about that. We are so excited about this. We talked about doing some webinars for your specific things. Talking about how to leverage some pf your time with some easy tools that will really help you walk into an event with a sizeable amount a bigger number of contacts than one or two business cards. And we are going to leverage those into a lot of cool marketing going forward for you. So, that's one of the big things we're really excited about.
Some things I've learned from this weekend, I can do that, I can do that and, this will help everybody. And those who are really serious about getting some marketing help. So, once again, I have the link up there bit.ly/MarketingBlitz. Guys and gals it's great when I come to these events 'cause I always walk out of here feeling recharged. If you thought I talked fast already, wait until you see me at home once we start implementing these things. We'll be here tomorrow and then we fly out tomorrow for Vegas for our Note Boardroom which we are really excited about. Paul Cooper, we got a few other people that are gonna be there joining us for two days in hot Las Vegas for the Note Boardroom training. I got some real good stuff and a small group. I've got some cool stuff lined up for them and I won't share it with you here because they pay for that great stuff. They're gonna just absolutely love it.
Things are rocking and rolling here guys. The biggest moment from spending the weekend here with so many digital entrepreneurs or podcasters is, the consistency is what separates most people. They have [inaudible 00:24:15] who's a big podcaster from the passive income podcast. Millions of downloads. Its just a matter of staying consistent. We've been doing it for eight years. Less is sometimes more. What these guys are doing are 15 minute episodes and doing it consistently. Getting four downloads and hour is great.
Feel free to drop me an email. We'll be glad to reach out to our Note brothers. Who's looking to buy some stuff and we will be glad to see what we can get for you. See if we can either get partial or full biop on those notes and then go from there.
Its always nice to come to an event and not be the smartest person in the room. Do things a little bit different than just pure Note Investing. A Eureka moment from this weekend is that it is now easier than ever to do video. That's one of the biggest things.