Podcast Takeaways: 3 Things Anyone Can Learn From Lizzie Cundy
Lizzie Cundy on The Matt Haycox Show

Podcast Takeaways: 3 Things Anyone Can Learn From Lizzie Cundy

I have a humbling confession to make. And it’s not easy for me to say it.

As you know, I fucking love networking. I live for it. I spend my life meeting great people, helping them, having fun with them, and doing business with them.?

And, I thought I was pretty good at it.

But, after a recent podcast with Lizzie Cundy something dawned on me - I’ve met my networking match, and realised I’m just a beginner!

Lizzie is an absolute constant in the fickle and fast moving showbiz world, which is amongst the hardest industries to stay connected in.

From her early brushes with showbiz in her young modelling days, to her being crowned ‘Queen of the footballer WAGs’ by the media, to today where she has reinvented herself as an entertainment interviewer, Lizzie has stayed working for more than three decades.

And, it’s all because she is a master networker!

Lizzie explained how she built her network on the show, which I definitely recommend you listen to in full here.

But, in the meantime, here’s the three things we all can learn from the showbiz Queen herself.

Get In The Right Rooms

No-one gave Lizzie a stocked black book of contacts, she had to earn them. And, she did this by being in the right place at the right time.

For over thirty years, Lizzie has made it her mission to be in the right rooms, with the right people. Which is exactly what I have spent my adult life doing.

Lizzie’s relentlessness takes real discipline and drive, and is underpinned by her belief that she should say yes to every opportunity she can, and never be a ‘can’t’ person.

This means going to an event even if she is not feeling it at all. It means travelling for hours sometimes to attend the opening of something that she really doesn’t want to. It means putting herself in situations where she knows she will feel uncomfortable at times.?

Some people call this mind over matter, but I think it comes from simply being on the right path. Basically, if you are living the life that is right for you, then you’ll do the stuff you don’t feel like doing.

You can make your life a lot easier here by being as organised and strategic as possible when planning your networking. This means figuring out who you want to add to your network, and then identifying the best ways of getting in front of those people. Once you’ve done that, add it to your calendar, and it’s game on.

Then, all you’ve got to do is complete that promise to yourself, and do it!

It’s also worth adding that sometimes you find yourself in the right room by chance, as Lizzie found out when Simon Cowell accidentally walked in on her while she was on the loo. When she walked out of the toilet the X Factor judge was waiting to apologise, and she kept it so light that he invited her to his table, where they struck up a strong friendship which is going to this day!

Remember The Details & Do What You Say You Will

Lizzie knows everyone in showbusiness. In fact, she knows everyone, and their second cousins twice removed!

But, that’s only half the battle. What’s more impressive to me is that this vast network she has created is chock-full of good relationships, where people pretty much all say good things about her.

This can only be achieved if a networker takes a genuine interest in the people they’re meeting, which Lizzie clearly does.

You can tell this from the way she remembers little details about the people she meets, which she skillfully (and authentically) weaves into the conversation next time they meet.?

Afterall, who doesn’t love it when someone we met a while ago remembers that we were going on holiday, or we’d just got a new dog? And furthermore, how nice is it when that person recalls the holiday location and new pooch’s name?

When someone shows us the respect to show they’ve listened to what we’ve said, it makes them incredibly likable to us, and far more inclined to want to improve their relationship with us.

And, another big factor for increasing your likability is simply doing what you say you will, which Lizzie always does.

One of my biggest annoyances with people is when they just don’t do what they say they will. Why would anyone want to do that?! But, many people do exactly this, and it is a killer of business relationships.

Not Lizzie, though. As part of her natural self she wants to help people, which is a great way of fast-tracking relationships. But, if she didn’t then go and help the person in the way she said, she’d find this character trait was net-negative.

There is simply no excuse for not doing what you say you will, and Lizzie’s can-do attitude ensures she never makes that mistake.

Forgive Quickly But Learn Lessons

Life is far too short to hold grudges, even when people really fuck you over, and I was impressed by the ease Lizzie forgives those who do her harm, including, none other than Meghan Markle!

Lizzie was the host of OKTV when she met the future princess, but then Meghan royally messed her around, by using her for her contacts and media reach, and then ghosting her after meeting Prince Harry.

That’s not very regal behaviour, but rather than cry about it, Lizzie just let it go.

I see so many people tie themselves up in knots by holding onto negative emotions caused by people who shafted them in some form, and it’s really unhelpful most of the time.

However, a key principle for Lizzie that I share is that rather than just forgive and forget, Lizzie forgives and learns.

This is crucial, as it makes you less likely to get stung in future, while removing the negative baggage around your neck.

In Meghan’s case, Lizzie realised that she can be too quick to trust, and has built in more of a bullshit buffer for future, which helps her avoid being taken advantage of.


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