[Podcast] Postpartum Body Concerns by Dr Ivan Puah
Amaris B. Clinic
Aesthetics, Surgical Body Sculpting & Fitness Medical Clinic since 2004 by Dr Ivan Puah
Mothers go through numerous physiological and physical changes during and after pregnancy, including breastfeeding. These changes can lead to various issues such as breast enlargement, stretch marks, loose skin, weight gain, and other physical changes.
Many mothers find it challenging to return to their pre-pregnancy weight after delivery due to increased appetite and calorie intake during pregnancy. This can result in weight gain, particularly around the arms, tummy, and waist.
Other physical changes during pregnancy may include increased skin oil production, acne, enlarged pores, and an increased risk of varicose veins.
Some mothers may also develop accessory breast tissue during pregnancy, leading to pain, discomfort, and discharge from the armpits.
Patients often seek options to address issues such as loose skin, excess fat, and sagging breasts. Listen to the podcast to hear more about postpartum issues and the common treatments sought to address them.