Podcast Interviews: The Art of NOT Selling

Podcast Interviews: The Art of NOT Selling

You may currently be researching and thinking about whether podcast interviews should be included in your marketing strategy, or you may already be a seasoned and experienced expert guest. Wherever you are in the process, you have defined reasons and needs that podcast exposure affords.

There are many benefits that come from getting into the podcast scene - increased book sales, more traffic to your website, defining yourself as a thought-leader, greater exposure to new clients and exciting joint venture opportunities...we could go on. But, there is more to an interview than getting booked on to a show and simply turning up ready to sell yourself, service or product to an audience! So, how do we truly achieve the benefits?

To be successful with podcast guesting it is important that we understand that this form of marketing, as brilliant and effective as it is, does not work if approached with normal sales techniques. You cannot go on a show, define what you think the listener's needs are, and then deliver the perfect solution, e.g, your book, service, website etc...this approach simply does not work within the podcast world, and will likely bring you the very opposite results you desire.

I had the good fortune of being cc’d in a recent email that explained this beautifully and reminded me of how vitally important this point is for success in podcasting. It was from an expert booker who shared a personal experience one Friday afternoon with her clients. It read like this...

“Happy Friday!! I hope this month has been amazing for you. In my family, we are counting down the days until we get to go to Disneyland. (159 to be exact!)

(Trust me, keep reading, this will all tie together in a moment!)

In our excitement, we are listening to a lot of podcasts about Disney and during a recent episode, I found myself wanting to share a bit of...let's call them tips or tricks.

First, I love Disney! Everything about Disney. I love diving deep into the subject. This one show had on a guest that was giving so much amazing content that I could tell he really knew his stuff. He has a book out that he is selling. I know this because throughout the interview he mentioned it, repeatedly. Normally, this is a book I would probably go out and buy if I had heard about it, but after listening to him "sell" me his book for an entire episode, I had no interest in purchasing it at all. I felt nagged at and ended up finding it exhausting.

When a host has a guest on their show, they introduce the guest, giving shout-outs to what the guest is up to. It helps prove to the listeners why they should listen. Each host also gives the guest a moment at the end, a call to action, to "sell" to their audience in a one or two sentence plug. The time in the middle is when a guest should be connecting with the audience through great stories or tips. It is a time for the guest to really have fun and not worry about trying to sell. If a guest is powerful in their connection making, the audience will be primed to "buy" whatever the guest is "selling" because they feel connected to the guest.

I do a podcast myself, as you may know, on beer. I had a gentleman on one of my shows talking about social media and breweries. He gave great info and by the end of the show *I* wanted to buy his book, as the host!

Remember, when you are on a show, bring your best stories and tips. Don't be afraid to be passionate and show emotion.You literally get to talk right in a potential clients ear. Connect with them so they love you, as much as I love you, all!! I want you each to succeed because you all have such amazing reasons and methods you are working with!

Keep up the great work and have a super wonderful weekend!!!


I am sure you would agree, Amanda makes a clear point - "selling" during a podcast interview does not work!

There is an ancient proverb that says “The generous person will prosper”, a simple but powerful statement, and one that is very relevant to the world of podcasting.

When you are invited to be on a show as an expert guest, concentrate your efforts on delivering your insight, experience and offer valuable content in a generous way. Of course, at the end of the interview be sure to mention your website or book for anyone who wants more info. If you have an attitude of giving during the interview, listeners will be more likely to feel an emotional connection with you and be drawn to your message. The audience will remember you as an expert, not as someone selling them something. They will respect you and appreciate the content you delivered and because of this, they are far more likely to want to check out your website to find out more about you and your business. In addition, the show host who extended the invitation to you will be grateful that you “gave” to their valued audience. The effort you make to build a fine reputation among the podcast community will result in great connections and more interviews.

So, wherever you are in the process of podcast guesting, always have the intention of being generous with audiences and hosts, give value, and deliver great content - practice and perfect the art of NOT selling!


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