Podcast fans: A demographic goldmine
Excellent and well-timed article in this week's The Drum publication regarding the benefits of promoting brands within podcasts.
"Recent years have seen a wealth of research taking place into the behaviours and motives of digital audio’s growing audience. Podcast listeners have formed the backbone of these studies, and it’s all good news for marketers looking to get into programmatic audio.
There’s a positive relationship between podcast audiences and?other audio services?like music streaming. It’s likely you’ll be able to reach these people at multiple different points across the audio landscape. Better yet, podcast listeners show strong loyalty to their favourite shows and hosts; they’re a reliable source of engaged ears.
According to Ofcom, these audiences are also prime marketing targets. They’re aged 16-44, educated and from middle or higher-earning socio-economic groups. They’re also committed listeners; men aged 25-54, for example, could listen to six or seven episodes every week.
It’s also worth exploring why people get into podcasts. 61% say they simply want to be entertained, but a significant 52% also say they listen in order to learn new things or improve their understanding of a topic. If an ad can connect with this desire for self-improvement, you’ll catch your audience in a warm, receptive frame of mind."
Drop me a message if you would like to find out how to reach podcast listeners likely to be interested in your brand.