pnp-system of numeration and predict the prime numbers,, location,, in system

Well know the pnp-sequences in ,, octave,, distribution of elements 1+6->7+4->11+2->13+4->17+2->19+4->23+6->29-2->31 first octave 7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31 with key 6,4,2,4,2,4,6,2 the second and thirty octave we obtain similar 31+6->37+4->41+2->43+4->47+2->.49+4->53+6->59+2->61 61+6->67+4->71+2->73+4->77+2->79+4->83+6->89+2->91 The sequences to be continuous with similar procedure.Why interesting this sequences, because contain all prime numbers greater 7 on 6k+/-1form,in this sequences is present non primes with form 6k+/-1=(6m+/-1)(6n+/-1) .k.m.n positive or zero integer !There need to eliminated with this sequences and we will obtain only prime sequences ,


Every pnp members are possible to be write 6k+/-1 only but non primes (6m+/-1)(6n+/-1)=6k+/-1 ! If we choice x,y with pnp xy=(6m+1)(6n-1)=36mn-6m+6n-1=

6(6mn-m+n)-1=6k-1 in pnp ,results pnp element !The situation (6m-1)(6n-1)....and others .is possible resolved similar ! How we detect(predicts) the primes .For example 59 ,

59=30*1+29 , 59=10*6-1 pnp element , in fist octave 59 in 7th position results predecessor and successor primes obtain 59+2=61 59 -6=53 And not to contain in following 6 formula (6m+1)(6m+1)=(6m+1)^2=36m^2+12m+1

(6m-1)(6m-1)=(6m-1)^2=36m^2-12m+1 , (6m+1)(6n+1)=36mn+6(m+n)+1,(6m+1)(6n-1)=36mn-6(m-n)-1 ,(6m-1)(6n-1)=36mn-6(m+n)+1,(6m-1)(6n+1)=36mn+6(m-n)-1!

We detected 59 prime number predecessor and successor of 59 61 and 53! This procedure possible to uses all pnp members number and we obtain the only PRIME NUMBERS sequences! ( Originally work author p lovasz , 09 26 2020 ,Aiud Romania)


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