PNG Asia Investment Conference to Promote Investment Engagement with Asia


PNG Asia Investment Conference to Promote Investment Engagement with Asia

On October 16th & 17th, 2023, Papua New Guinea (PNG) Chamber of Mines and Petroleum will host the inaugural Papua New Guinea – Asia Investment Conference in the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong, with support of, and in partnership with, the National Government.

The PNG Asia Investment Conference will feature Prime Minister Hon. James Marape and his government, outlining opportunities for investment and trade with PNG, success stories of Asian investment in PNG, and how PNG is powering Asian growth through supply of energy and other exports.

This event aims to position PNG as an alternate safe investment hub right in the face of Asia by promoting investment engagement with existing important investors and trade partners in China, Japan, Korea, India, and other Asian markets through this inaugural PNG Asia Investment Conference.

The conference will provide a unique opportunity to share and engage on success stories and opportunities for Asian investment in PNG, and for enhancing and expanding trade and export opportunities with major Asian markets such as China, India, Japan, and Korea. Over 500 delegates are expected to be present on both days of the event – which is testament to the appetite for investment in PNG.

Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Hon. James Marape, said: “There is money in Asia especially in investment dollars and so we will be innovative in our presentation to utilize our bilateral network with China, Korea, Japan, India, Indonesia and of course our network into ASEAN, a big 4 billion people in that reach, to maximise trade and investment opportunities.”

"Government’s interest is to diversify a big economy base where you are employing Papua New Guineans in the long run.”

“For far too long we’ve been on inward looking and relying on one or two sectors. The conversation that rotates around Indo-Pacific is an exciting conversation for PNG and in the heart of Indo-Pacific conversation is PNG. We have food, energy, amounts of our geography offers for tourism and leisure and recreation is second to none.”

“The investment conference in Hong Kong is not accidental, it is deliberately targeted at those who would invest, and also looking forward to my meeting with Chinese Premier and the Chinese President the next day after the conference,” he continues.

Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and Petroleum President Anthony Smaré said: “As the Prime Minister says investment is critically important to the country, we must create jobs for our young people and there is a huge pressure in the entire country, not just the government but particularly the business community, to create more employment for our young people. Increased investment and increased trade will create those jobs and opportunities, and that is why investment conferences like the PNG ASIA Investment conference is extremely important to unlock trade and investment opportunities that we need to grow the country further.”

"We are going to send a strong message that PNG is open for business and the rest of us will come behind the government to support and deliver that message to unlock the trade and investment opportunities that will come from this PNG Asia Investment Conference in Hong Kong and from our mega Sydney conference in December,” he adds.

Organizations who want to be a part of the inaugural PNG-Asia Investment Conference can register their interest with the chamber on [email protected]

More information on the PNG Asia Investment Conference on 16th & 17th October, Hong Kong, can be found at


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