PMIS 418: Having Single Version of the Truth Construction Project Directory

PMIS 418: Having Single Version of the Truth Construction Project Directory

One of the key requirements for a construction project is to have what is known the construction project directory. This directory will include the latest contact details of all entities that could be involved in delivering the project. Those would include the project owner, project management consultant, engineering consultant, supervision consultant, general contractor, subcontractors, vendors, permitting authorities, entities that are part of the HSE management plan such as fire station, police, hospitals and clinics, among many others.

Using a Project Management Information System (PMIS) like PMWeb, the companies’ module will have the latest details of all those entities regardless if those entities were part of the current project or not. For each entity, PMWeb allows capturing the head office address location as well as the address locations for all other branches and divisions, finance, quality, safety, and other departments details and insurance and registration status details.

In addition, the companies’ module allows capturing the details of all contact details for each company as well as the details of the resources that belong to this company. Those could be human, equipment and other type of resources. Those resources which are predefined in PMWeb resources modules will be used in different PMWeb modules such as daily reports, organization charts, resource requirement, timesheets, cost estimate among others.

The data captured in the companies’ module will provide the real-time single version of truth for the project directory report. The report will have a table to detail each company contact details and project role. In addition, there will be an interactive map with the location details of each company based on the Latitude and Longitude values provided in the companies’ module. The report can filter the displayed companies based on their project role or any other created filter. The project directory report will be automatically updated depending on the selected project.


