PMIS 416: Setting Date Reminders for Submittal Items in Construction Projects

PMIS 416: Setting Date Reminders for Submittal Items in Construction Projects

Although for organizations who are using Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) like PMWeb will have the submittal submission review and approval process automated using the workflow module, nevertheless some of the project team members who might or might not be part of the review process would like to be reminded when a submittal is due for submission, due for approval or must be approved to avoid delaying the project. Those project team members would usually like to receive an email notification of such reminders.

Just to recap, the proper management of submittal in engineering and construction projects require having all submittals, regardless if they were shop drawings, as built drawings, material samples, warranties and certificates, method statements, etc., captured in a single register and linked to the project schedule to ensure that submittals will be submitted, reviewed and approved without delaying procurement and on-site activities. The complete submittal log which is usually initially created in MS Excel by the contractor will be imported in full into PMWeb.

The project team member who wants to receive a reminder on a submittal item, or any other PMWeb record, needs first to select the submittal item that needs to be reminded of. Next select and click right button the date filed that the reminder to be associated with. For example, in submittal item we have planned submittal start and finish dates picked from the schedule and the submittal due date. Add the number of days (also weeks, months or years) before or after the selected date the reminder to be sent on. Also, the project team member can also select if he/she wants other project team members to receive the reminder. In addition, the user can select if the reminder to be received via email, screen notification or both. Finally, a subject can be added to the reminder.

PMWeb Events Center provides a single repository of all reminders added to all PMWeb records. The user can select the period to view the reminders that are due within a specific period of time. In addition, those reminders can be filtered by PMWeb record type, subject, user, project among many others.

Should there is a need to view details of the PMWeb record that the reminder is assigned to, the user can click the record to open the record. The PMWeb record will color shade (green color) the date field that the reminder was assigned to.


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