PMI European Chapter Collaboration Program: Invitation to Collaborate the 11th Art of Projects 2023 Conference, November 9, 2023. - Budapest, Hungary
PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter
A PMI Budapest, Magyar Tagozat a hazai projektmenedzsment szakma meghatározó szakmai szervezete 2003 óta.
Dear Reader,
I am writing to extend an invitation for potential PMI ECC collaboration in organizing the prestigious 11th Art of Projects 2023 Conference, scheduled to be held in Budapest, Hungary on November 9th, 2023. The event website is here:
The Hosting Chapter PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter and Potential Collaboration Professional Partners share a common goal to make this international event a resounding success. As a potential collaboration partner will play a vital role in marketing the conference to your members and individuals associated with your members who have a specific interest in Project Management. Rest assured that the Hosting Chapter fully respects GDPR privacy rules, and no mailing lists will be required from you.
We appreciate the efforts made by the Professional Partners, and as a token of our gratitude, we offer the following benefits for your participation in this Collaboration Agreement:
To ensure effective communication, we commit to delivering the event as planned on the specified date and in English. Any relevant communication between our chapters will also be in English. We will provide you with all necessary materials, electronically and in English, to facilitate your marketing efforts. We look forward to collaborating with your company and collectively creating an unforgettable Art of Projects 2023 Conference experience.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
If you are interested in this collaboration opportunity, then please contact us: [email protected] or?[email protected]
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward hearing from you soon!
Best Regards,
Art of Projects Conference Director / Past President