PMA 500 - FAM ILS testing program for Flash Point of Gear oil
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PMA 500 - FAM ILS testing program for Flash Point of Gear oil

Relevant for: Flash Point, Gear oil, Lubricants

Anton Paar participated in the FAM ILS Testing Program 2023 to test the gear oil samples 593 and 594 with the PMA 500 and achieved top results.

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  1. Introduction

The PMA 500 is part of Anton Paar’s family of next-generation flash point testers.

PMA 500 offers premium technologies for high sample throughput. Like all of the next generation flash point testers the instrument is equipped with the unique Anton Paar encapsulated ceramic-coated electric igniter with patented design. The sturdy, high quality igniter has a 10x longer lifetime than any other electrical igniter, making frequent downtimes and igniter changes a thing of the past. Near-zero maintenance maximizes operation time while minimizing service and spare part costs.

To verify the excellent precision of Anton Paar’s automatic Pensky Martens Closed Cup tester, since 1996 we have been regularly participating in the FAM (Fachausschuss Mineral?l- und Brennstoffnormung, standardization committee for mineral oils and fuels) ILS testing program as well as in the ASTM Proficiency Testing Program (PTP) since 2017 using the PMA 5, the predecessor of the PMA 500.

In this FAM ILS the gear oil samples 593 and 594 have been analyzed by 21 participating laboratories.

The given standard was ISO 2719 Procedure A, covering the flash point determination of distillate fuels (diesel, biodiesel blends, kerosene, motor oil, turbine fuels), new and in-use lubricating oils, and other homogeneous petroleum liquids.

FAM organizes the ILS and conducts the statistical analysis of the reported results

The performance of the PMA 500 was found to be exceptional since the deviation of the PMA 500 test results (barometric pressure corrected values) from the ILS average is remarkably low as shown in the comparison tables.

ILS Programs are valuable tools for laboratories and instrument manufacturers worldwide to conduct equal tests on the same material in accordance with the same test method.

This Application Report describes the flash point determination of the gear oil samples 593 and 594 performed with the automatic closed cup flash point tester PMA 500.

You will get information about all accessories you need and how you have to set up your PMA 500 to obtain excellent results.

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