Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
1. I loose my blessings from the evil chains of captivity in Jesus’ name.
2. I command a release of all my virtues swallowed by the waters in the name of Jesus.
3. Every marine strongman standing guard over my blessings, receive divine judgment, be bound, be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus.
4. Thou prison houses and storehouses in the waters, open up now and release my portion by fire in the name of Jesus.
5. Any evil covenant formed with the water in order to hinder my blessings, break by fire and the blood of Jesus in Jesus’ name.
6. Every evil voice in the waters crying against my destiny be silenced forever by the voice of the Lord in Jesus’ name.
7. I cast every marine serpent into the fire of God’s judgment in the name of Jesus.
8. Every arrow fired into my head, jump out now and go back to your sender in Jesus’ name.
9. Every arrow fired into my blood, jump out now and go back to your sender in the name of Jesus.
10. Every arrow fired into my eyes jump out now go back to your sender in the name of Jesus.