Plug-in Chevy vehicle dominance in DFW
Buzz Smith "The EVangelist"
"The EVangelist" & Executive Director at Texas EV Alliance
I received this email from the Vice-President of Classic Chevrolet, Bently Durant:
“Buzz, I sent this to the sales managers today, but I wanted to personally commend as the guy with the biggest influence on EV sales. This year Classic has captured 100% of the EV sales in most zip codes in DFW! The graph is EV’s.
Here are the take-aways:
· Our home zip code customers are still buying the majority of their Chevy’s from Classic.
· We dominate our home territory in Silverado.
· We need to keep pushing on cars.
· We have EV Market Share domination, not just locally, but regionally."
The underlying map, in the chart above, is the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex. The diameter of the circles on the map represent the number of plug-in vehicle sales for a zip code. The blue portions of each circle represent Classic Chevrolet’s portion of those sales. The non-blue pie segments represent 5 other entities: our four primary Chevrolet competitor dealerships + all other Chevy dealerships in the area. The red star is where Classic is located.
It appears that Classic's investment in "Electric Avenue" is paying off.