PLS Pill: Growth Mindset

PLS Pill: Growth Mindset

Authored by Alex Shantiai, PharmD of the Gamma Zeta chapter at the Palm Beach Atlantic University Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy, current President of the West Florida Pharmacy Association

Do you think you’re as good as you’ll ever be?

Do you feel others just have it all?

Have you heard of a concept known as growth mindset versus fixed mindset?

How do you deal with change and new challenges?

When, if ever, do you worry about your ability to succeed?

Do you consider what people will think of you?

Let’s pause with the questions for a moment. We require a little foundation prior to beginning our storytelling. Apologies if we were cut off short in a train of thought. Let us place some tools in your toolbox.

The methodology to answer these questions must be through the lens of behavioral responses. Not based on your personality, nor identity, not even experience. It is behavioral.

I think the joyful attitude creates the essential tone in writing your story.

Breaking down the barrier between growth and fixed mindset will lend to the success in your career regardless of your status, position, or achievements. For those with the love of learning, we understand we can always self-improve.

Growth mindset is “the belief that skills can be improved over time rather than being something we’re born ‘good’ or ‘bad’ at.” [1] Fixed mindset is “the belief they ‘are who they are’ and were born with a set level of talent, intelligence, and even interest.” [1]

Those with growth mindset have determination because they are active in their desire to obtain concrete goals. Nothing falls on their lap. The gifts are not coming to knock on their front door.

We can get better at everything and continue to improve as we progress in our career or personal ladders. The only limiting factor is ourselves should we ever stop. If you are sitting by yourself thinking, “that’s just the way it is,” then you are in a box, and you need to break it open because you are stuck in a fixed mindset. We can break that glass ceiling.

Those with growth mindset have determination because of the power of intentionality. And it is freely available.

Why is this important? It is applicable as a pharmacy student, resident, pharmacist, leader, and coach. As we continue to progress in life and seek new avenues to stretch our career, we will inevitably run into interview scenarios as an example…and the same daunting questions will reappear.

Some examples of interview scenarios:

-Name a time you had to speak up in a difficult situation.

-Describe a situation where you experienced a conflict at work.

Someone with a growth mindset will have a story to tell.

Someone with a growth mindset will create the opportunity to learn something new.

Here is a summary for the framework of a mentally strong individual and how they build toward success [2]. In no particular order:

They use the power of intention

They make time to think

They learn to deal with negative thoughts

They don't listen to the haters

They meditate

They work with coaches

They are constantly learning

They have clear goals

They exercise

They laugh!

That last condition resonates with me the strongest. “Laugh!” Building a perfect recipe yet one ingredient seems missing, and I think the joyful attitude creates the essential tone in writing your story. No matter the weather-- Rain or shine. I have always displayed joy and courage in my daily activities due to my smile.

My name is Alex Shantiai: I proud member of Phi Lambda Sigma, a PharmD graduate of Palm Beach Atlantic, an advocate for the profession, and an oncology pharmaceutical rep. And I would love to continue to share more and explore how we can get ourselves growing.

Author’s Note: This blog was developed based on articles/podcast surrounding Carol Dweck’s work on growth mindset. Two citations were referenced from the resources:



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