The plot to overturn the US Constitution

The plot to overturn the US Constitution

David Flint I 5 October 2024 I Spectator Australia

Donald Trump is right. This is America’s most important election.

If the Democrats get away with their four-year-long plot to overturn the Constitution as originally intended, it could be the last real election, warns the distinguished lawyer, Texan Senator Ted Cruz.

Most Americans, he says, have no idea that if the Democrats prevail in this election,? they will be only one Senate seat away from a calamity.

Just as Churchill was crucial for the survival of the West in 1940, Donald Trump, the greatest president since at least Ronald Reagan, is playing a similar role today.

If the far-left candidate, mischievously referred to as ‘Cackling Kamala’ wins, she will continue the long-term project begun under Barrack Obama for the appeasement of the Beijing-Moscow-Tehran axis.

Under Harris, Tehran will reap vastly more than the $100 billion jackpot the Biden-Harris administration rewarded the mullahs when Biden killed off Trump’s carefully designed sanctions.

This jackpot allowed the mullahs to fund their evil worldwide terrorist network, including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, all dedicated not only to destroying the ‘Little Satan’, Israel, but also the ‘Great Satan’, the USA.

So why do Biden and Harris so lavishly fund the mullahs, the self-declared enemies of America?

Harris certainly knows, and even Biden would realise, that doing this is against the fundamental interests of not only the US and Israel but also of Western Judeo-Christian civilisation.

But if you sold access and influence to the highest levels of the administration to plutocrats from often hostile powers, as the Hunter Biden laptop revealed the Biden family did, or if you agreed to be vice president to such a person, the betrayal of funding the mullahs would be unlikely to worry you.

So what do the Democrats plan to do to overturn? the Constitution and make 2024 the last real election?

Pointing out that Harris has revealed she intends to get rid of the filibuster, Senator Cruz warns it is through this that the plot to ensure that the US becomes effectively a one-party state will be realised.

(The filibuster referred to is not the practice of delivering seemingly endless speeches but the Senate rule that requires a super-majority of 60 out of 100 senators to pass major legislation.)

Harris, Cruz says, is talking openly here about fundamentally changing the Senate.

He warns this will also fundamentally change the country, which it surely will.

If the Democrats win the presidency and the Senate, Cruz predicts that the new Senate majority leader, probably Chuck Schumer, will use the ‘nuclear option’.

When a relevant Bill comes up, say, one on abortion, Schumer will make what is innocently termed ‘a parliamentary enquiry’.

This will be to have the chair declare what vote threshold is required to proceed.

When the answer is ‘60 votes’, Schumer will appeal to the Senate.

The point is that to succeed on the appeal,? only 51 votes are required.

If 51 ayes are cast,? the chair’s ruling will be overturned and more importantly, this will then become a binding precedent.

This will open the floodgates for all major legislation to be passed by a simple majority of 51 votes.

Cruz says the Democrats have four Bills they will almost immediately seek to pass.

They will be all about securing power and not yet about turning the USA into a socialist state like Venezuela.

That will follow.

These Bills are all to achieve a Democrat? agenda already well known to anybody who follows US politics, but minimally reported in most of the mainstream media.

The first, S1, will be for the federal takeover of all elections .

These are now mainly governed by state law.

Cruz believes the Bill will strike down every election integrity law in the country, especially those requiring photo identification.

He believes it will also make ballot harvesting lawful and automatically register felons and illegal aliens as voters.

Designed so that the Democrats will never lose another election, he says it will increase, massively, voter fraud.

The second bill, S2, will be to introduce? two new states into the Union, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico.

With four additional Democrat senators almost always guaranteed, Republicans will never again enjoy a Senate majority.

The third bill, S3, will be to grant an amnesty and immediate voting rights to every single illegal alien in America.

Senator Cruz believes that there are upwards of 20 million illegal immigrants in the US.

With two or three million illegal immigrants voting in Texas, his state will be turned overnight into a ‘blue’ or Democrat? state.

As a result, every elected official in Texas will probably lose the next election, including the governor, the attorney general and the nine elected Supreme Court justices.

The fourth bill, S4, will allow the US Supreme Court to be packed by increasing the number of justices from nine to thirteen.

New judges will no doubt be chosen from mainly far-left lawyers.

This will effectively overturn the Constitution as originally intended.

The Bill of Rights will be meaningless.

This plot for the Democrats to stay in power permanently began to be put into operation four years ago when Biden and ‘Border Tsar’ Harris deliberately threw open the southern border.

They let in not only millions of illegal immigrants to become early voters but this also necessarily let in the Mexican drug cartel, destroying so many with Chinese-manufactured fentanyl, as well as terrorists, murderers, child abusers, rapists and common criminals.

Knowing the Democrats let them in and would let them stay, the plan was that if the illegal immigrants could vote, they would be Democrat voters.

The next step will be to introduce a string of socialist measures, including increased and new taxes on income, wealth, unrealised capital gains, massive death duties, making the US energy-dependent, stopping fracking and drilling and wrecking industry, farming and mining.

In this scenario, the United States will inevitably soon become the Venezuela of North America.

Donald Trump foresaw all this and is strong enough to stop this and indeed make America and the West great again.

A Churchill indeed.

Author: David Flint

Chris Hewson

Senior Copywriter

5 个月

truly terrifying



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