Plenty Question with GymWolfPT

We are not so bad in making personal trainer business better but you are our the greatest inspiration.

That's why we start with "Plenty Question" which help you learn from best fitness pro from industry.

In 3rd episode:

GymWolfPT Online Personal Training.

1. What are the 3 key features that determine success in an online coach's career?

Consistency - with online coaching there can often times were client silence occurs. The key is to have system and prompts to ensure clients are receiving the coaching and support they require to meet their goals.

Everyone Is Different - as a coach it’s important to know that everyone has different goals and responsibilities. Without having face to face contact, it is particularly important from the start that the clients wants and needs are clearly known and the programme is created to match these.

Make It Clear - from the offset make it absolutely clear what you are offering to potential clients. Don’t ever trick or mislead people onto your programme as lack of trust and bad reviews is not something you want in this industry.

2. If you were to give one advice to a trainer who is just starting out online - what would it be?

Do not expect overnight success - creating a thriving online personal training business takes time, effort and consistency. Many 1-2-1 PT’s go into online and expect it all just to fall into place - this rarely happens. You need the right systems in place.

3. What channel of client acquisition works best for you and why?

I have numerous client acquisition tools in place from paid ads, generic posts and blogs, but find that genuine good client testimonials are an excellent way to to get new clients. People buy on recommendations from trusted sources.

4. From who do you get knowledge, who are you inspired by?

Having gym trained for over 25 years I really do love the subject of health and fitness. I study the topic regularly via books, audible books, podcasts and various other sources. There are too many who inspire me to fully list here, but include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Aubrey Marcus and Tony Robbins.

5. How do you think lockdown will influence the fitness industry?

It will, and has, most definitely seen a change. The use of technology such as zoom has been big for many PT’s. Having created my online platform way ahead of this virus and lockdowns I have been fortunate in having systems and a tried and tested method in place.

Which advice makes you better?


